Sunday, April 7, 2024


 We had a nice day, we sat outside with my other baby brother and she who sees Robins first...she has not seen any yet this I still have a chance.  It was a windy day.  They helped us get the patio furniture out of the garage. 

We went to the dump in the morning and to recycle.  Cross that off our list.   I managed to give the downstairs bathroom a real good clean! 

Far Guy had a good day, he feels better than he did a few days that is progress.  If he keeps improving I can take one eye off of him and relax a bit. We might be at the edge of the woods...yeah us! 

Far Side


  1. So very glad to hear it! I love that pretty flower, too.

  2. We had gale force wind yesterday! Gloomy today. It's good to read FG is doing well.

  3. My brother spotted a robin at the farm last week. So they are definitely on their way north. I'm sure this was a male on a house hunting trip. :)

    Glad to hear that Far Guy had a good day. I'm sure you feel better know he's feeling some better.

  4. What a wonderful report - - - such a contrast to a few weeks ago when you were sick and FG was in the hospital. We are in the high pollen season right now - - - having to wear a gaiter mask outside when working - - but I found one that allows you to breathe easily and also reduces pollen inhalation! Thanks again for your update.

  5. I think being in his own home may be healing and helpful.

  6. We have a lot of Robins around, but that doesn't mean anything as I am sure it is just a stop off right now. We have more rain which is needed but makes things dreary.

    I'm glad FG is doing better!
    Oh I love those flowers too!

  7. We had howling winds yesterday with gusts of over 50 mph. Today is better but not much. Our neighbors just arrived home after driving from Minnesota this morning. He said it was the worst drive of his life. So windy.
    We've had robins around here for over a month now. Unusual, but I've enjoyed hearing them in the mornings.
    So glad to hear Far Guy is better. We'll keep praying though.

  8. Good to hear that Far Guy is recovering. Hopefully that continues.
    Our outside furniture stays out all year but I do take the tablecloth off and put it away. Got it out just this morning ( in case it warms up enough so we can actually sit outside without big jackets on).
    Hope you have a lovely Sunday.

  9. Sounds like you accomplished a great bunch of things. Doesn't this make you feel so good? I love been able to cross off things on my to do list. sitting on the porch enjoying great conversation is wonderful....almost a hidden gem from the past. I wonder if grandkids will ever know what it is like to just sit and relax. Glad that Far Guy is improving. I know this is a relief for you as well as for him

  10. Yay! Your spring is happening! And FG is continuing to improve. Maybe before too long he'll have a spring in his step.

  11. The Chef had an interview with a Swiss doctor on Friday, and some breathing tests. We now have to wait for another Swiss doctor to call us with the results. This is a whole lot better than what we are getting from U.K. doctors, but meanwhile the Chef isn’t feeling any too well here at 1,500m (nearly 5,000 ft) and I have to keep an eagle eye on him at all times.
    Very glad to hear Far Guy is doing better.

  12. It's good to hear that FG is improving. The blackbirds are back here, so I imagine the robins are too, although I haven't seen one yet. We had 40+ mph winds all day and night, and expected it to be windy again today. But it hasn't been windy today, and it has been raining. We need that moisture so badly. There was a wildfire caused by a downed power line here yesterday about 1.5 miles east of us. So with strong southeast winds I was feeling very nervous. Luckily it didn't reach us. It did burn a hillside on the edge of one of our local golf courses.

  13. Our outside furniture says outside but it is made to be outside, good to hear Far Guy is doing well

  14. I hope you can relax. It is terribly difficult being a caregiver. I am a hospice volunteer. I try to help.

  15. Glad he feels better. A little worried there's no Sunday post yet. We have lots of robins here so I'll send a couple over to you.

  16. Glad for a normal day. And that FG is feeling better. One step at a time!

  17. Just had 4-5 robins hunting worms here today!
    So glad you are both feeling better.
    Been really noisy-gusty-windy here for days!
    I hope you have a good week feeling better every day--both of you. :)

  18. Glad you all had a nice day. So has anyone else ever seen a robin first?


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