Monday, April 15, 2024

April Days

 We had a quiet day yesterday, Jen and Andy were the highlight of our day.  They stopped on their way through for lunch and to drop off Far Guys carving supplies. They helped carry a bunch of stuff to the garage....stuff we store inside for the winter...Round Up, Poison Ivy Killer etc...and some "stuff" that Jen unearthed under the stairs that can be sold at a rummage sale. 

I mowed the tall grass East of the house, noticed that the little Lilac there is beginning to show some buds.  It was a terribly dusty job...I came inside washed my hair and had a bath in the middle of the day then a nap! 

I took a break from working on the big sort.  We took paper and plastic to recycle. 

Dangles from Piss Popple on the East side of the house blew in on the patio.  Spring must be here.

Son In Law Andy is tempting the snow spirits...he put away my electric snow shovel and my regular snow shovel.  Last year at this time we had snow on the ground.

Far Side


  1. He put away the snow shovel?!?!? It is going to snow for sure now....

  2. Ooh watch out for that late snow! It was really hot here yesterday. I had all the windows open and wore a summer skirt. Guess what? Snow is forecast for the next couple of days.

    And in other news, 4 of the radiators have stopped working and I don’t know why.

  3. I do hope you're done with snow for the time being. Our lilacs are just beginning to bloom!

  4. I hope that we are all done with snow for this year. We had late snow last year too around this time. Our mower is at the repair shop but hope to have it back in next couple of days as we'll need to mow by the weekend for sure.

  5. That is tempting the snow spirits! You sound busy for a quiet day.

  6. I do the same as Andy. I put my snowblower away a month ago, even if I knew it could still snow, and did, twice. But I knew I was over moving the snow. If it did fall, it would be short lived enough that I could just ignore it until it was gone.

  7. I don't know is snow is good this time of year or not. Rain is maybe better?

  8. Could get up to 80 today in Northern Ohio. And my facebook memories show snow in previous years. He really is tempting the snow spirits.

  9. The first spring grass cutting can be very, very dusty.

  10. Isn't it great when the kids help with the heavier jobs? It's crazy how the years go by with snowfalls so different. We didn't have much this year at all.

  11. That is really tempting fate to put the snow shovel away--lol!
    So glad they came by to help, though. :)

  12. Hopefully any snowflakes that fall now will melt so quickly that no snow shovel will be necessary. I'm debating whether to put away the oil heater in the sunroom (which is open to the kitchen but never gets warm enough for us older folks.)

  13. I predict that since you Need moisture, it won't snow. :-/

  14. Work followed by a bath and a nap sounds great

  15. No Snow! No Snow! No Snow!
    It is wonderful to hear about your spring/summer activities.

  16. The first mow in Spring is definitely a dirty job! Thrilled to hear that FG is feeling stronger each day. Rain and snow mix predicted today — I washed my car over the weekend, and it never fails that precipitation follows soon after.

  17. Jen and Andy are the best! But i think Andy is tempting fate by putting the shovels away! My lilacs are blooming as of this morning and still opening up. I love them so much!

  18. Originally we had snow in the forecast for midweek but that has turned to rain. I'll take the moisture as it will knock down the dust.
    Signs of spring are definitely here
    I'm catching up on earlier posts. Glad to here Far Guy is getting stronger. Good luck with the big sort!

  19. We are getting rain that will turn to snow overnight- wanna bet that's when the foal comes?
    We ae only week away from the full moon, that should bring in more seasonable weather.

  20. Yes! Last year we had a snow storm here too!
    Tempting to put things away. I finally put my snowshoes away though.


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