Wednesday, April 17, 2024


 Maddie our middle Granddaughter is 26 today!  I was privileged to be present at her birth and cut the umbilical cord.   I then went with her to the nursery.  One time she asked me if she could have been switched at birth...I said " No way, I was with you from the time you were born until you were safely with your Mom." 

Maddie and Chance in 2009. Maddie was 11 years old back then. She and Chance were best friends.

Here she is with her husband Brenton. 
Maddie is a busy Mom working full time and taking care of three children. 

Happy Birthday Maddie!  Love you now and forever!


  1. Oh my! How do these 'kids' keep growing up on us?

  2. Isn't it crazy when time flies and your kids/grandkids are grown up in the blink of an eye? It seems like just yesterday our kids were preteens, now they are in their 30's and 40's!

  3. Happy Birthday to your Middle Grand. That's a sweet story about her birth.

  4. Congratulations! I find her eyes very beautiful. It's nice how you describe her birth and later questions.

    Greetings from the Netherlands!

  5. I was there when Astrid was born. I stood near Laura’s head and let Erin be present near her feet. When we left the delivery room. Erin sat and cried. It was a special experience. Astrid’s Dad had went to get a McDonald’s burger. He missed Astrid’s entrance by a few minutes.

  6. Happy Birthday to Maddie. 3 kids and a job, she is super woman!

  7. Happy birthday to Maddie! How special for you to be present at her birth.

  8. What memories! :)
    Happy birthday to Maddie!!

  9. Happy Birthday Maddie! I was there at Piper's birth too and it was an amazing experience and one I'll always remember. I love the photo of Maddie and Chance. He was sure a special dog.

  10. Happy Birthday to Maddie. I forgot that she shares a birthday with my Irene.

  11. A lovely post, hope here birthday was a good one

  12. What a special young lady! Happy Birthday!

  13. Happy Birthday to Maddie 💗💗💗

  14. What great memories you have of your granddaughter Maddie. That's wonderful. Wishing her the Happiest of Birthdays!

  15. What a special bond you must have with her. Happy Birthday Maddie.

  16. You are such a great grandmother and great great grandmother! Happy belated Birthday Maddie!


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