Friday, April 19, 2024

Busy day

 Thursday is Far Guy's Infusion Day...he made the Nurses giggle so he got more than one stick with the needle.

  I had a blood draw, my Potassium is still low. Not sure what my Dr will do about it but he has been informed.  I already take two prescription huge honking potassium pills every day.  

I picked up the grocery order from Wally World and then headed to the other grocery store for fresh fruits. 

Far Guy and I planned the menus for the next week.  

Last evening were were invited to my baby brothers and his brides for supper, he did a BBQ Brisket and it was delicious, we also had roasted vegetables, applesauce and I made potato salad.  One of my cousins children will be a Veterinarian next year and she was up here shadowing a Vet, and she is staying at my baby brothers this week.  We enjoyed a game of Encore after supper. 

It was a good day! 

Flowers last summer.

Far Side


  1. Those potassium pills are no joke. I had to take them once, and yes they are huge. Hopefully you won't have to take them for a long time.

  2. Sounds like far guy is improving with his health. woo hoo! I feel horrible when my potassium in low...hope your doctor gets your levels taken care of. Congratulation to your cousin on almost being done with vet school. A meal of BBQ plus potato salad is a big thing around here. We love our BBQ. Happy Friday.

  3. Hopefully they will soon figure out what to do about your potassium level.
    Far Guy will have to learn not to be a funny guy until after the poke! I love how your family is so close. It's great that you were able to see your cousins daughter and that she's with family this week.

  4. The pills sound horrid. Glad to hear Far Guy is feeling some better.

    Your dinner with the family sounds delicious and a lot of fun. It's always nice when one doesn't have to do all of the meal prep and cooking.

    Enjoy your day!

  5. I totally LOVE hearing this report! Praise God for closer to normal living!

  6. Sounds like you had a picnic! FG must be feeling pretty good, that is wonderful. Before we know it, the flowers will be in bloom again.

  7. Any time you get out for supper is a good day.

  8. My husband is having a bunch of tests next week and my biggest fear is that they will uncover something we aren't testing for. . . Getting old ain't fun. I hope they figure you out soon! That dinner sounds delicious.

  9. I would consider any day someone else does part of the cooking a good day. Wish I could get my husband to help plan a meal once in awhile. He's such a picky eater, and whenever I ask what he's hungry for he gives me the same answer - "something good". No help whatsoever since our definitions of good are very far apart. LOL

  10. It sounds like a good day. Medical issues being addressed. Shopping done, omeone to cook for you, and fun and games with family.

  11. Those potassium pills sound like my dad called horse tablets, also prettyh flowers

  12. Yup--horse pills are no fun. I hope they might come up with another idea that might help.
    Sounds like FarGuy needs to work on his timing--lol! ;)
    Glad you got to visit with family you don't see that often. Have a great weekend. :)

  13. My cousin Irene has to take potassium. She says they are so large it almost impossible to get them down. Sorry it snowed again.

  14. I think bananas are supposed to have a lot of potassium too. That supper sounded delish. I wanted to be a vet growing up.


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