Sunday, December 12, 2021


 Here is an idea that I will file away for an ornament. 

When I was clearing out some "stuff" upstairs at home I found a whole bunch of old silverware that I bought for some old forgotten project.   So that is a start.  I would design mine a bit different...ya know put my own twist on it!

Quiet day here today,  I cleaned two bathrooms and did some laundry. ( the house has 4 bathrooms) The rest of the family were off shopping and doing their own thing...Far Guy and I made Pork Chops and Rice for supper.  Adam had pizza his preferred food and the rest went out to a fancy smancy restaurant for a three hour meal.  Jen has company here from Ohio.  It is a very busy household. 

Far Side


  1. Very busy, indeed. I washed the walls of my bathroom yesterday. I felt quite pleased with myself. Hubby does the counters.

  2. That angel is beautiful, and would be a wonderful idea for a future ornament project. I have 2 silver bracelets that are made from old silverware handles. They were purchased at craft shows many years ago, and I love them.

  3. That is a great idea for ornaments. Looking forward to seeing what you come up with.

    Bathrooms are my least favorite room to clean, they are small, have many nooks and crannies, and often have residual stuff. But someone has to do it, and in my home it tends to be me.

  4. Very pretty angel! Looking forward to your creative version. Good thing you saved the old silverware for the project. A metal artist told me old silverware is very hard to find, and that was probably ten years ago already.

  5. That is such a pretty ornament. I don't enjoy cleaning bathrooms. We had 3 in our last house. Glad this one will only have 2. It does sound like a very busy household. I'm glad you've settled in so well.

  6. I like the angel ornament made from a silverware handle. I'll show eldest daughter the picture and see if she wants to make some (I'll supply the silverware).

  7. Sounds more like you're in a hotel.

  8. Pork chops sound good. Kids all want to eat pizza morning and night. I was gong to comment about the four bathrooms but I forget that we have three so they are hard to keep up. I am still trying to figure out where you are but I can't find a decent map on the web so I can figure it out.

  9. I have quite a bit of yard art made from old silverware. Fun stuff.
    So I guess the pork chops were just for you two?

  10. We haven't eaten in a restaurant in forever. (So two years). And I am not really sure that I am comfortable doing so even now. I love the silverware angel, she is a cutie! Bathrooms are my least favorite thing to clean.

  11. That is a cute idea for an ornament. Does sound like a busy house there....but your pork chops and rice sound great! Take care!

  12. I do like the silverware angel. Very pretty, and of course yours would be different, but probably very cool! :-)

  13. Pretty ornament.
    Sounds quite busy there.
    That's a lot of bathrooms! :)

  14. 4 bathrooms???? A house that big should come with it's own cleaning person! i have 2 bathrooms and with only me's too much! LOL! what would you use to cut those utensils?

  15. If you like cleaning bathrooms so much, feel free to come clean my two as well. LOL!

    Definitely does sound like a very busy household. And using silverware for an ornament is a nice idea.


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