Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Early Winter

 Winter is not due for two more weeks...he came early.   Isn't it funny??  I think of Fall and Winter as being male and Spring and Summer as being female.  What do you think? 

I went to the Library with Jen, The Fiber Arts Guild had a very nice display there...of course I had no camera.  The knitting color work was stunning....some very talented people are in that group.  I also found out the membership is reasonable and they have table top looms and spinning wheels that you can use for up to three months!  That is a bonus.  I saw only two crochet pieces...and I have a pattern for one of those pieces.  Jen put up glittery snowflakes in one of the windows in the library, she is a Board Member there. 

It was a full day.  Far Guy began wood carving and he started a puzzle.  I had a short nap before fixing pork chops and roasted vegetables for supper. 

Far Side


  1. I agree with your thinking. Fall and Winter are definitely male. Yesterday it was bitterly cold and damp here. Then we also we got a dusting of snow. Think it is time for me to go into winter hibernation. Hahaha

  2. You seem to be settling into your new environment quite well. I do hope you join and take your camera, too! :-)

  3. Did you join the Fiber Arts Guild? If so, I look forward to hearing about your spinning & loom creations. Happy you & Far Guy are enjoying your time at your home away from home. Jen sounds like Super Woman!!

    1. I have the paperwork to join:) Have not filled it out yet!

  4. The 1st snows are so pretty, especially around Christmastime. Karen

  5. Yes, Winter is male, Old Man Winter!
    Even here in the south, yesterday should have been the first day of Winter, a cold, cloudy, dreary, grey day.
    Hope your week goes well

  6. We woke up to a pile of snow on the ground (and still falling) this morning. It's going to look so nice with the Christmas lights tonight

  7. I've never thought about seasons as he/she, I guess they're just it to me. Though winter can be a very grumpy old person.

    A full day is good when it is full of good things.

  8. That all sounds really fun. And pork chops and roasted vegetables sounds like a perfect winter meal. Winter is definitely a he.

  9. Old Man Winter — so it’s a he for sure. I don’t know about fall but spring and summer seem pretty feminine to me. If you joined the fiber folks group I will be jealous of your access to a loom. :)

  10. It's always fun to see Fiber Arts from others. Joining a group while you are there for the winter could be fun. When visiting family in Minneapolis, we often go to the Textile Center on University Avenue. So many interesting things to see.

  11. I agree with you---Winter is a he and so is fall!

  12. Sounds like a wonderful library nearby! That will be great to have at your winter home. Sounds like an amazing display, too.

  13. Come to think of it, I do think of fall and winter as being male and spring and summer as female. I had never really thought it through before! :-)
    The library display sounds great. I would love to have something like that here. I miss spinning but won't ask for another wheel since I sold mine when my back was so bad. I didn't think I would ever be able to spin again and it saddened me to see the wheel sit idle.

  14. Nice milk can decorative piece, especially with a dusting of snow. Puzzle season is upon us: time for me to get one started.

  15. The Fiber Arts Guild sounds perfect for you!
    Your question made me realize I guess I have always thought of everything related to the earth and nature as female. Huh--hadn't really thought about it before. :)

  16. I can't think of a single damn thing to say..............

  17. Sounds like you're doing all kinds of interesting things there. Making a good supper too! Enjoy Winter....coming soon with the shortest day of the year!

  18. Sounds like you have discovered some new opportunities while you are "up north".
    What a good house guest you are, cooking supper!

  19. Gonna join the Fiber club? You may like showing off your talents... And you get to use all those fun tools too! Always thought winter was male.. but I could see it is a very cold female... Possibly. Stay warm!

  20. A guild to join would be great. We taught adult painting class years ago and people took the course so they could paint with other artists. Your crochet with the multi-patterns and colors is at the top of the best of show.

  21. I like that lovely arrangement in the milk can. The fact that there's snow on it makes it even more attractive.

  22. Sounds like a busy day all round.

    I tend to think of Winter as male, but the other three seasons as female.

  23. How wonderful about the Fiber Arts Guild especially being able to rent those tools. I'd like to learn to spin but to buy a wheel is expensive if you don't even know if you's like doing it What a nice library...there are definite perks to the big cities. I know they always call it "old man winter" but not sure about the rest of the seasons. Stay warm!

  24. I am enjoying your updates, it sounds like you are keeping busy!


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