Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Cards keep coming

 Cards from Missouri, Minnesota, Arkansas, Colorado, Wisconsin,  Kentucky and Indiana. 13 all together including the Christmas letters.

I will have to call the Post Office back home, I got a message from one of my cousins that her Christmas card came back undeliverable...probably that old woman with half a brain at work again. 

 We have been puzzling.

It was one very difficult puzzle...harder than any puzzle I have ever worked on. 

It snowed again...another four plus inches added to what fell on Sunday/Monday....about 13 inches total in just a couple of days.  Now we are headed for a deep freeze...brrrrr...probably be too cold to snow. 

Far Side


  1. We're supposed to get a dusting of snow this afternoon and either 4 or 14 inches on Saturday, depending on which station you watch! And it's cold here too!
    You've sure received a lot of cards. Hopefully ours came too.

  2. My first winter puzzle is going to pulled out today. And maybe I'll actually get my New Years cards mailed yet this week. LOL

  3. Puzzles are a good thing to do when the cold winter winds blow. Your latest one does look like it was hard... but fun. I got a puzzle for Christmas from one of my kids. It's a picture of a 1950s housewife in the kitchen, baking a cake, with her children around her watching. I love it and can't wait to start it once this holiday season is finished.

    I got so few cards this year it's ridiculous. I'm going to re-think this whole "card sending" tradition next year. I may not bother. ~Andrea xoxo

  4. That puzzle looks fun. I'm working on a fall one right now and it's slow going.

    Hopefully the snow doesn't come when it's cold. Stay warm!

  5. I love that puzzle. As I am married to a retired railroader who won't help me with puzzles, this one could be the ticket! It is challenging since my littlest grandkids do like to "help". I get to know certain pieces pretty well.

  6. That’s a nice puzzle. I bet FG enjoyed it. I got two for Christmas and deciding which one I will start on New Years Day.

  7. The UPside of the extreme cold is that the snow does not fall as deep and thick as the "normal" temps. Alaska got plenty of powder, but never a blizzard like Michigan. Supposed to get snow today or tomorrow here in Iowa. Will be our first for the season.

  8. That's a great-looking puzzle but I can see why it would have been challenging.
    Keep warm and cozy!!

  9. You are going to get lots of frigid air. We have very cold for days and there's a bit of snow with it.

  10. That puzzle is a wonderful image. We are getting snow today. The cold was 10 degrees this morning here. It is good you are getting all those cards. We got one last one yesterday.

  11. It was below zero this morning but I had my winter stuff on so it wasn't so bad with chores. I had to shovel and decided that was for the birds.

    I enjoyed getting some cards from relatives who had pictures of kids on them. They were fun to see.

    Puzzles! I used to do so many of them!

  12. Here in the UK we've had a lot of rain recently ...

    You received a nice lot of cards.

    All the best Jan

  13. I hope you got or get one from me. It went out in the mail at some point. You really do have one of those half-a-brain ladies at your post office. You've made her life so complicated--LOL!

    Wind chill warnings through the end of the year here. Really in the deep freeze. The Critter Cafe is busy all day long. Happy New Year! Right around the corner. Hopeful for a better year. :)

  14. WE will have more snow tonight and tomorrow. I hope it's minimal. We have places we need to go.
    I will soon take time to go through my cards again. I might have a few more coming too. I think you will to. :-)

  15. Nice to see all your cards and that beautiful train puzzle all completed. You've really been getting dumped on with snow...more than here. And now we all get cold for awhile. Stay warm!

  16. Congrats on completing the puzzle! I've had a couple that I could not finish at all. I did receive a puzzle for Christmas and I look forward to working it soon. I'm glad you received my card. My daughter-in-law made the card from one of her drawings. I bet your snow is beautiful! We may get some New Year's Day. Take care!

  17. Sorry about that one card, but glad most of your cards are making it through. Stay safe in that Wintery weather.

  18. That puzzle is gorgeous.....I love trains. Look at all tour lovely cards and lucky you with the white Christmas!

  19. They say we are heading into a deep freeze next week...ah, are such a joy!

  20. It must be puzzling season. Seems many are tackling them. Glad Nemo & Koda made their way to you :)

  21. I got a puzzle for Christmas and was 1. very excited 2. got obsessed working it 3. was glad it was finished 4. took it apart and washed my hands of that...5. wished I had another puzzle 6. bought one online within just a couple hours of taking down the first one ;-D


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