Monday, December 6, 2021

A blizzard

 We had a blizzard here, the snow total was about 8 1/2 inches.   It blew around some here in town, I can only imagine what it was like out in the country...a white out for sure. 

I took this photo in the morning before it was done snowing.  It was interesting to watch the neighbors deal with their snow, the little kids and the Black Lab Nova had lots of fun in the backyard while the parents shoveled and snow blowed.   A lady across the street shoveled for a long time and then someone showed up with a snow blower.  Andy went out several times to move snow out front and out back.  He has a snow blower also. 

Far Guy's sister was released from the hospital after tests showed that the subdural hematoma was not growing.   She is supposed to take it easy for awhile.  They have no idea what caused it, she did not fall or hit her head.  She will have more tests from time to time to make sure it isn't getting larger.  From what I read it can take months for the blood to be reabsorbed into the body. 

We had a quiet Sunday, in the afternoon we watched a movie called Red Notice I can only give it a 3 out of 10 stars because I fell asleep...

Far Side


  1. Enjoy the fresh snow, even if from the window! Glad Far Guys sister is okay & back home.

  2. Look at that snow! I bet it feels nice/weird/strange to not have to worry about clearing snow!
    I'm glad FG's sister got to go home, being in the hospital must not me very fun at any time of the year, much less this time.

  3. That is good news about Far Guy's sister being able to go home and that the subdural hematoma is not growing. Yesterday we had a little snow which turned into rain. Now the temps are dropping so hoping it doesn't ice up. I bet Far Guy was happy to let Andy do the snow removal. Stay safe and warm.

  4. Continued prayers for Far Guy's sister. I don't mind snow as long as I am watching it from my warm house. Each snowfall I am more and more grateful that I don't have to drive to work in it. My husband loves the snow. He has his snow blower at the ready in case of action. He does our corner lot sidewalks, the lady behind us in the cul de sac, an old friend across the street and whoever lives in between. Last year he added a couple from our church, one cul de sac over who are experiencing major health issues. He is a very judgmental snow blower. It there is no school and the household includes teenagers, he lifts his blade on the way back. But he does stop and help out anyone leaving for work with their driveways.

  5. Isn't it nice not having to worry about snow removal, Connie? Just sit back & watch someone else do it. You deserve it!! ~Andrea xoxoxo

  6. That's a lot of snow. Wish you could send me some.

    Glad Far Guy's sister was released from the hospital. Hope she improves, and further tests don't show it growing.

  7. That snow storm blew into our patch too. It's a winter wonderland out there.

  8. The snow is pretty, but it probably made for a LOT of work moving it all. Falling asleep during a movie is a perfect way to spend a blizzard afternoon.

  9. Lovely snow. We had a couple inches last week, but it all melted. Last night we had one heck of a rain storm. If it had have been snow, it would have been a blizzard.
    Dave bought us a used snowblower this summer. At the townhouse, we only had to shovel our driveway and walk, which wasn't very much - here we have a side walk the length of our walk, two walkways (to the side and front doors, and a drivway that can hold about six cars. He said the snowblower is small enough that I can handle it, but I told him that I cut the lawn so he's responsible for blowing snow.

  10. You had a lot more than we did. I think between 3-4 inches here. No snow blower, but I did get out and shovel because today is freaking cold (-26C/-15F).

  11. That's a genuine blizzard with lots of snow and wind. We've had some wind but would have to use our imagination when it comes to snow.

  12. I enjoy snow much more now that I don’t have to get out and shovel or move it around. Happy to hear you can do the same this winter. Sure is cold this morning - snow in the forecast for later this week.

  13. That was quite a dump of snow and with wind I can imagine what it looked like out your window.
    Good news that FG's sister was able to go home.

  14. My first thought was about the snow stick, but then I remembered you are not at your house. Is the snow stick in place?

  15. Snow is inevitable here. But I really hope we do not get 8.5 inches at any given time. Mostly we had the bone chilling wind today. But they say snow is coming tomorrow. Good times. Sure glad I don't live in Minnesota anymore... ( Brr Chilly...)

  16. Glad to hear that far guy's sis got out of the hospital. Will continue prayers for her total healing. We got the snow too and about that same amount. Glad you guys can watch others clean up the new snow. Take good care.

  17. No snow here...yet. They said maybe this morning but it all went north to you! I would love to be in an apartment or condo where we didn't have the responsibility for snow removal, especially on this hill. I picture falls.
    It was so good to read the news on FG's sister. I will continue to pray for her that the hemotoma reabsorbs and that everything is fine.

  18. That sounds rather horrible to me, those temps and a blizzard on top of it. I'm so glad to hear FG's sister is all right, apparently.

  19. Glad to hear your SIL is on the mend, hopefully. How cool to have a blizzard! We never had a snowblower but then I didn't shovel either. On the farm the dogs made a path for me so I could get to the barn and the garage. Snowblowers are all the rage now. I would need help for sure!

  20. Happy to hear Far Guy's sister was able to go home, sending prayers! That blizzard ~ we drove on snowy roads on Sunday and today (Tues) our local roads are still pretty darn poor!

  21. So glad you are all snug and don't have to deal with shoveling and snowblowing yourselves.


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