Thursday, December 16, 2021

A thought

 No Christmas Cards yesterday so we will revisit one from the day before.

" The ornament of a house is the people who frequent it."  Ralph Waldo Emerson 1803 - 1882

We had an intruder in the back yard Wednesday morning.  Phoebe ( Adam's cat) was not happy with the company that came to visit her.  All is well that ends well, she is fine and hopefully the neighborhood is also as I went outside barefoot in my nightgown to shoo the intruder away.  Probably wrecked any invitation for coffee and cookies. 
Far Side


  1. Great quote! Living in close proximity has it's down side. You could have just waved :))

  2. barefoot! Sounds like something I do!

  3. Okay, now you have me curious. You were chasing humans or animals away? Hahah. I was outside barefoot yesterday but that was just to lay things down on our porch so they wouldn't be blown away.

  4. Either that or encouraged enough curiosity as to what kind of person you are to ensure a whole lot of invitations. LOL!

  5. Our old cat used to get very offended by any visiting cats who dared to come onto the deck or porch. He would get all "bushy" and howl at the window.

  6. Phoebe will love you forever! "wrecked an invitation" LOL

  7. You are too funny! Glad you saved the cat! I heard there were tornadoes in MN last night....I hope you are all okay.

  8. What a beautiful quote and so very very true. ~Andrea xoxoxo

  9. Barefoot outside in December? You’re one tough lady!

  10. Lovely sentiment on the card! I'm sure Phoebe appreciates your efforts on her behalf.

    I never worry about the neighbours as none of them are as early risers as I am.

  11. I like that Christmas card. Not the usual Christmas sentiment. We have a mother cat with kittens next door who don’t respect property lines one bit. I suspect your neighbor’s is the same.

  12. We have three grand kids and their parents visiting after Christmas. Two of the three grand kids will think we are strangers. Hopefully they will feel good about their visit and come back some time. Angry cats can be difficult.

  13. Well, I'm glad it was just another cat, intruder that it was. I imagined much larger threats.
    How long did it take to warm your feet back up?

  14. We can't afford any more "intruders". They seem to want to stay over time. And then they come inside... next thing you know... they are your new Shop cat!

  15. We had neighbor cats who would fight outside our windows . . . I used buckets of water, but that would be cruel in this weather. Either the post office is holding on to my Christmas cards or no one is sending me many this year. It has been two days since we got a single one.

  16. Ha! I was going to guess a skunk, but I doubt if you'd be out shooing it away. Probably a strange cat prowling around? At least it wasn't a bear like back home, right?

  17. Yes, I was thinking too about how cold your feet must have been.

  18. That is a beautiful card and the sentiment is so true. I'm still wearing my flip-flops. Only put real shoes on once so far when we had snow last week. I think it's the latest I've ever switched over to shoes. I'm walking to the school to get Piper today though, so I think shoes will be worn.


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