Thursday, December 30, 2021

Cards and Sadie

 Three more cards yesterday.  Minnesota and Washington!

Sadie grew 1 1/4 inches taller in the last week and has stretched out longer too.  We measure her on the old grow board that we used to measure the grandboys on. 

Sadie is getting there with being let out the patio door...sometimes she runs the length of the deck down the steps, pees in the snow and runs full out back to the door to be let in.  Sometimes she just has to potty on the is a work in progress.  She is 10 weeks old now.  She walks quite nicely on a lead and will kennel up if I use a treat and the target stick to show her what I want.  We keep the sessions short...her attention span is very short but she is food motivated so that helps.  We worked on sit... not great success...and Sadie come needs work too.  She is a happy little dog...determined sometimes.  Her teeth are driving her nuts...she has a variety of things to chew on.  When she is tired her switch turns off just like that and she is sound asleep.

I bought her a has dogs on it.  She has all kinds of toys, but likes shoes and boots the best...she drags them all over.  She is friends (of sorts) with Phoebe the cat as Sadie drags her across the kitchen floor by her collar.  Sadie and Little Elvis are getting to be play friends...Little Elvis is finally feeling better after his bout with pancreatitis. 

Far Side


  1. Replies
    1. He has good breathing days and bad breathing days. No rhyme or reason that we can figure out. Weather...humidity...????

    2. Oh, gosh. I was hoping the change was helping. Happy New Year, we all need HAPPY right now, but you folks need it the most! Love YOU!

  2. Great to hear Sadie's training is going well, and awesome news that Little Elvis is doing better.

  3. So glad Little Elvis is feeling better. Sadie is a cutie and how fortunate they are to have you, the dog whisperer, in the house!

  4. Children & dogs... they always grow with wild abandon!! :-) ~Andrea xoxoxo

  5. Oh my - those puppy teeth are always so sharp! She's going to be a beautiful dog. And apparently she's smart too. I love goldens.

  6. Good to hear that Little Elvis is starting to feel better. What a character Sadie is!

  7. Yes, I agree with the above comment, you are the dog whisperer and they are very lucky to have you there. Glad to see my card arrived. I mailed it late.

  8. I’ve never trained a dog, but I’d say that you are a Master Trainer. Glad to hear that Sadie is making progress on all fronts.

  9. I thought I recognized Linda on that card. Sadie is only 10 weeks old? She's so cute I can't stand it, and smart too.

  10. I loved hearing about Sadie. We've just gone through all of that with Zoey too. She was doing well with "Zoey come" and then just stopped. Any advice? She will still do it if she knows we have a treat, very food motivated. But no treat? Nope. She will not come.
    I'm so glad to hear that Little Elvis is doing better. Pancreatitis is no fun at all.

    1. Put her on a leash and say "Zoey come" only once then pull her toward you. Repeat several times a day until she has good recall! No... Zoey come come Zoey come..that is too many commands, keep it simple.

  11. It's fun to hear about Sadie's growth and advancements! They chose the perfect time to adopt a puppy while you are there to help out with all your experience. She is so cute and growing fast!

  12. I think Sadie is your winter job!

  13. She is such a pretty dog already. I can see her growth all over just by looking at that photo. The do grow fast. Puppy fun can be good and bad too. Eventually she will want to leave the deck and go see everything in the yard.

  14. That Sadie is sure cute - how fortunate to have you puppy sit!

  15. You are good with dogs/puppies! Glad Elvis is feeling better.

  16. Glad Phoebe is putting up with getting dragged across the floor..that has to be so cute to watch. I can't tell you how glad I am that you have a new puppy in your life.
    Puppies are balm to any soul.
    Out the door is great no matter if it is the deck.

  17. She's adorable, glad Elvis is feeling better!


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