Monday, August 9, 2021

Never Ever

 Give your camera to your husband.  I am surprised that he knew how to take a photo...will wonders ever cease. 

Old Woman Picking/Watering Tomatoes

Proof I do exist..if all else fails you can tell by the well worn crocs...that happen to be my favorite pair...and they have a small hole in the sole...I may have to get out the duck tape. 

The small wind vane stand works real well to hold tomatoes. One was too big for my bowl.

We had a quiet day.  Far Guy worked on his new/old car a bit.  I got some stuff in my old garage ready to recycle.  Odds and ends filled the rest of the day and a nap...after supper we delivered some tomatoes to my other baby brother and then we went for a drive.  

Straw bales

The smoke is supposed to return this was humid and hazy last night.  

Be safe out there, it is a crazy world we live in.

Far Side


  1. Wow, those are some tall tomato plants. i know what you mean about a favorite pair of "shoes". I have duck tape all over mine - just too comfortable to give up.

  2. Far Guy was sneaky! I have never owned a pair of crocs, altho I had a couple pair of gardening clogs I wore through when I regularly played in the dirt. We are living in a worrisome time for sure. Take good care!

  3. I like the kennel idea. We are going to have to do something. Each year we talk about putting a fence around the garden. Our neighbors up the road did this year. It's a taller netting type fence that can be taken down. Karen

  4. Love it! You do not look like a little old lady and he didn't show much of you anyway. My first thought was ... OH FG put her in a kennel! She must have been naughty!
    I go barefoot most of the time in the garden and around the house.

    My neighbors put up a tall electric fence with about 7 lines around their garden last year. It kept out the deer but they neglected the garden. Oh well.
    When the corn gets ripe, I will feed my mules on the other sides of the garden and they keep the deer out.

  5. That a clever way to garden!! Good midwestern ingenuity! My son-in-law keeps building his garden fence taller and taller, but he's trying to keep out the dogs and kids. LOL We're headed to the Missouri River today to meet up with some old friends and I'm really hoping the smoke doesn't get any worse.

  6. I see you!!!! :-) Good job, Far Guy!! Yes, it's a crazy world out there, Connie, indeed. I can't believe what I'm reading in the news. Makes us want to stay home that much more, doesn't it. We're both lucky we have land to hide in. ~Andrea xoxoxo

  7. Careful with those old Crocs. My soles get worn down and VERY slick if any moisture...not that we would know what that was these days...

  8. Nice to see your picture in the blog. Those tomatoes plants are incredible!

  9. She does exist! (Shamelessly stolen from the M & M's commercial)
    I have peas and strawberries in my old dog kennel. We do get a lot of deer here. My tomatoes had a real setback this year with the extreme heat so they are just starting to come on.

  10. It was fun to have a peek at seeing you!

  11. I like the photo, he did a good job capturing you at work. Of course you rarely hold still, unless you're napping I guess. Nice looking tomatoes, too.

  12. I'm glad the smoke was gone for a few days at least.
    Your tomatoes are doing very well.

  13. I am glad you had a break from the smoke. My unvaccinated neighbors contracted covid and had to go to the hospital for transfusions this weekend. They are sitting in the 100 degree heat because something about covid and the sun? It is hard to be sympathetic. We are staying in the house as much as possible and wearing masks when we can't. We went from a few cases the past few weeks to 19 on Wednesday, 8 on Thursday, 22 on Friday and 6 on Saturday in our small Ohio community. Our town hosted a big community cookout yesterday as a fundraiser for a splash pad in the park. Hundreds attended, outdoors but maskless.

  14. Your tomatoes look great! Guys can be ornery with a camera. Years ago we went to Disney World and while I was taking pictures of the sights he kept taking pictures of me coming out of various restrooms!

  15. Nice view from your evening drive.

  16. One time flying into Springfield (MO) airport we were passing over fields where they had put up their hay in round bales, and two women behind me were asking "what are round things?" Obviously not women from the country. So I told them "rolled up sleeping bags of hay..."

    1. My husband takes photos with his phone but the camera puzzles him so he leaves it alone!

  17. What a nice set up for your garden! I love the fence around it too. Looks like you have a boatload of tomatoes! I see lots of BLT's in your future. We don't have any smoke here but I know Amy and the boys had it in Iowa too. These are crazy times and they just get crazier! Stay safe!

  18. You know, it is a crazy world we live in. So far, at least, we are safe at home.

  19. It looks like you're well fenced in and not going anyplace

  20. I imagine the fence around the tomatoes is for the deer. Nice to have the plants up on the bench for easy picking. Nice photo of the end of the day golden hay field on your drive.

  21. Maybe FG was just showing off that big tomato. Your little patch is doing well, that you have enough to give away!

  22. only three small tomatoes so far. Heat has returned here as well. Predicted rain must have missed us. But there is plenty of Humidity.

  23. Your tomatoes are impressive! Looks like there are quite a few that are ripening and ready to be enjoyed!

  24. I figured the smoke must have disappeared for a little while, for you two to be out and about. I'm sorry it's coming back again. Sounds like you're getting a nice collection of tomatoes.

  25. Good job Far Guy - on that picture! Those tomatoes look a bit wild ~ like mine here. Good thing you have them in a raised bed - I am searching for the ripe ones on the ground.


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