Sunday, August 15, 2021

A Whale

 Of a car.   This old Cadillac is about six inches longer that Far Guys new old car.

Sign of the times a hat on the seat and a mask on the shifter.  Note the fuzzy dice.  

Far Guy could have fuzzy dice but no one would see them because the rear view mirror is on the dash.

We had a quiet Saturday, there was another car show we were invited to but it started early in the morning and it was forecast to be a very warm day.  So we stayed home.   Far Guy woodcarved and I worked on lots of misc stuff...

A few nights ago my baby brother, his wife and Baxter were headed out on the prairie to watch the Perseids...I was invited along.  We were lucky enough to see a number of fine looking meteors.  No mosquitoes because it is so dry.  I attempted one photo...I probably need a refresher course in night camera settings:)

Far Side


  1. I love old cars. The cars of today aren't cars at all, in my book... they're cracker boxes! It sounds like life is humming right along for you folks, Connie... and I'm so glad. ~Andrea xoxoxo

  2. Cool car! Glad you enjoyed the night sky with good company. Viewing at its finest.

  3. I keep a box of disposable masks on the seat and a cloth one on the shifter.
    Yes, sign of the times.
    Star photos are pretty hard depending on your camera as the camera can't find things to focus on and manually it is really hard.
    My Olympus camera has a wonderful cool feature called Auto Star Focus. And thankfully it works well. That has made things so much easier for me.
    Love that old caddie. Boy cars were monsters back then!

  4. What a beauty that car is! I forgot all about the meteor show although I have attended many but usually get a crick in my neck. We had a good storm Friday night and it's cooled down into the 80's now. Fall can't come soon enough for me!

  5. I love those big old boat cars. I have owned several of them over the years. I never want to have to drive a small car again- its big cars or a pickup truck for me!
    I didn't know about the meteor shower- wouldn't have seen them anyway with our smoke.

  6. The manual settings I used this week in my star photos were f2.8, 3200 iso, 15 seconds. Manual focus set just shy of infinity. Turn off stability, and if you don't have a remote shutter release, set the shutter to delay for 3 to 5 seconds.

  7. Those were the days...large trunks to hold lots of stuff and long sleek lines!

  8. Nice car, but too big for my taste. LOL.

  9. Nice car! Nice you got to see some meteors on your outing and even nicer, no mosquitoes!

  10. Love the tail fins! I can remember two of our family cars had tail fins back in the day.

  11. Gorgeous old Cadillac. Definitely signs of the time.

    I missed the Perseid shower because I couldn't stay awake.

  12. Those old cars are really something special, and thank goodness the their are folks who want to preserve them.

  13. Oh, the bench seats. Don't see those anymore.
    I never could understans why fuzzy dice were popular.

  14. It's hard to believe that we drove such huge cars at one time. They were more than whales...they were boats.

  15. We used to try to watch the meteor showers on the beach because we were always there at the Rockaway cabin this time in August. That hasn't happened for several years now. The family goes without us and we stay home. We have finally booked a stay there for later in the month.
    Those old cars were huge. My 1964 Chevy Impala was a tank!

  16. We would have loved to see the Perseids but got a *massive* thunderstorm instead. It bounced around the mountains for hours but didn’t drop much rain.

  17. It is so funny how the larger cars were so much the trend. I remember and advertisement back then of a long tailed alligator in the scene next to a low long car.

  18. I sure wouldn't want to try parallel parking that Cadillac!!

  19. I sure love those old cars! You are right, the mask is a sign of the times. In the future people will know the time period of TV shows and movies because of the masks. Hopefully we'll only need the masks for a few years.

    I've always wanted to see the Perseids but I know I need to do what you did and go out away from the city. I'm glad you got to see them, and Baxter too!

  20. Cool car! I love old cars, even if I don't like the brand that much. Looks like I missed another meteor shower. Everytime I wait up for one, I have been disappointed here in Iowa. ( Iowa!?!) The Stars are so bright here at night..and yet, no meteors.)

  21. Very cool car! They certainly don't make them like that anymore...which is too bad. We wanted to see the Persids too. There were a couple meteors that we could see, but not as many as we thought.

  22. We had a dark teal colored car like that when I was a teen back in the 70's. My folks drove it for a few years, then gave it to my brother to drive us to high school. We called it the Batmobile!

  23. How fun to see another car from that car show. I can understand why you guys wouldn't want to go on a hot day! So you went out and watched the meteor shower....I would have enjoyed that too...especially if there weren't a lot of mosquitoes! Sounds like you got a few things done around the house this weekend. That's always good!

  24. I forgot how roomy the front seat was in old cars. Very different than today's models, for sure!

  25. I miss those bench seats. They were so much for fun on date nights. :-) You could cuddle really close. I'm glad you got to see the Perseids. I'm not a good photo taker either.

  26. I forgot about the perseids! Can you post a picture of Far Guy's rear view mirror? Is the dash just extra high or how does it work?

  27. That is another big car ~ this car looks to be in good shape! That sounds like a fun adventure - chasing perseids!


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