Saturday, August 7, 2021

New recipe and flower report

 Far Guy held down the fort and cooked while I went into town to help my parents clean up their garage a bit and get some things ready for a garage sale. 

We heard of a new to us recipe.  Jena from Maryland made it for the Lake House Group.   Crack chicken.  Strange name.  Far Guy put boneless chicken thighs in the crock pot for about 2 hours, he shredded the chicken.  Then he put a packet of Hidden Valley Ranch and a package of Philly Cream Cheese in the crock pot and mixed it up.  When I got home he fried some bacon for a topping.  I made some rice,  add the rice to your plate, scoop on some of the chicken mixture, top with co jack cheese and was delicious.  We will make it again sometime.  No idea how it will freeze as my baby brother and his bride came by just as we were finishing up supper and they had not eaten and were headed home for I made them each a plate minus the baby brother said it is better with bacon. ( All their kids and Grands are on their way back home again.)

Baxter knows which drawer the treat ball is in...:)

It was smoky again ...Far Guy stayed in all day.  

The small garden has finally mostly recovered from the deer munching. 

 This is the backside of the to the right the Impatiens are recovering from deer damage.   I think my poor pathetic spinner saved a few plants.

Far Side


  1. Your dinner sounds delicious! Sorry you are having smoke there. We're clear here but it's in the 90's again.....ugh! I'm so glad I have a lawn person. It's the heat I can't tolerate....not the lawn mowing. Those darn deer...I love them but they can be very destructive. We had babies in our yarn and they still had the spots on precious!

  2. The deer do love those impatiens! When we first moved to this house in 1992 my father-in-law planted hundreds of red ones around our house and we were good that year. Then the next year the deer found us and no more impatiens! Now the deer eat just about everything.

  3. Crack Chicken is the bomb! And it is a million times better than cereal! That was good timing.

  4. Those flowers do look all recovered from their munchies. :-)

  5. That recipe sounds absolutely delicious, Connie... thanks for sharing it. I'm going to give it a whirl. Your garden is still real pretty! ~Andrea xoxoxo

  6. Chicken thighs are out go to for most recipes because it is very hard to overcook them unlike the breast meat.

  7. That does sound yummy, might have to try that recipe!
    It was considerate of the deer to prune your flowers for you ;0)

  8. The garden looks great!
    I do love your tiny garden.
    The deer don't come into our yard I suppose because the mules sort of surround our place.

  9. WE are smoky here also. So thick you can't see past the fields. :(

  10. Had to smile when you wrote that Baxter knows where the treats are. Sounds like the little guy is becoming less anxious. A thick layer of smoke crept in overnight and everything has an orange tint this morning.

  11. Company for good food is always a plus.
    Hard to keep things nice with the deer. Haven't seen the bear lately, have you?

  12. Now that's an interesting chicken dish. Your flowers are lovely. Maybe the deer found another garden for their buffet!

  13. That sounds delicious! Interesting name. Your flowers look pretty. All my flowers are hot and wilty. Some might come back when it cools off — in late November.

  14. I hope your parents have success at their sale. Thx for sharing that recipe. Sounds tasty. Love your flowers. We finally live somewhere there are NO deer but I do not have many flowers! You two safe safe from the smoke.

  15. The different things mixed together seemed unusual but I can see how it tasted good. Grilling burgers for supper and of course tomatoes will be served. Baxter is all dog.

  16. The small garden looks great. I'm sure the deer will return now that it has come back. Brats!

    The chicken recipe sounds like something my daughter would enjoy. I'm not a big fan of cream cheese, other than in cheese cakes! :)

  17. Sorry the smoke is still hanging around. We finally got some rain and it seems to have cleared the air. Too bad the rain hardly reached the more northerly areas where the fires are.
    Your little flower garden is looking pretty. I hope the deer don't come back.

  18. Your new recipe sounds nice to have a man that helps cook! And your flowers are looking beautiful too. Sorry to hear the smoke is still around. Hope your folks garage sale goes well for them!

  19. Oh, from the sounds of how everyone liked it, I don't think "Crack Chicken" is a strange name. My husband found a recipe once for a dessert treat he made for holiday gatherings. He never could seem to make enough of it, no matter how many times he doubled the recipe. It was so addictive, people couldn't help themselves--they nearly inhaled it! We got to calling it "Christmas crack"...I don't even remember what the real name was supposed to be.

  20. I have had that Crack Chicken, and it's tasty. Come fall I'll do a chicken/dumpling kind of thing in the crock pot. I serve that over rice too, but it would be good over mashed potatoes too.

  21. I care for you both and the recipe sounds so good. You fed the hungry lol

  22. Glad you enjoyed the new to you recipe. Baxter is a smart dog.


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