Tuesday, August 10, 2021


 It was a busy day and I am tired.  

I spent most of the day at my parents.  Dad was so excited to see me!  He was having a good day...he remembered I was the oldest "kid" and my name! He even recalled where he was when I was born and how when he came home from Korea it was like I knew him as I held my arms out so he could take me. He said that I was what got him through the tough times in Korea. 

Mom and I worked on sorting and marking things in her garage for a garage sale later in the month.

When I got home I had a nap...then helped Far Guy with supper...ham, sweet corn and fresh peaches. After supper I went out to the garage and cleaned up another corner and organized some stuff, filled bird feeders, picked and watered tomatoes.  Felt like I needed to kill something so I grabbed the roundup and went to my other baby brothers shop and killed weeds, and filled my mower with gas. Straightened up the patio...cause we may get a rain storm...probably not but you never know.  

The next County over from us (where my parents live) is a new hot spot for Covid according to the CDC. A little church in the nearest town...the Pastor and his Wife got Covid and exposed the whole congregation. 

Minnesota is offering $100 dollar Visa cards for people who are newly vaccinated.  Apparently they are not being overrun with people to vaccinate.  The anti vaxers are digging in their heels...so sad that they cannot bring themselves to help protect young children who cannot get the vaccine.  Not sure why they think the way they do...I think it is selfish.   We cannot get herd immunity unless it is a good effort...the virus will keep mutating and soon it will be a super virus that there will be no vaccination for.  Well enough of a rant for today. 

Thank you to those of you that got the vaccination...you did your part! 

Far Side   


  1. I was chomping at the bit for the vaccine. The minute I could get it I was in line. Now my entire family and myself are fully vaccinated. We have a group of church goers that refuse the vaccine. Saying it's their God given right to refuse it. It also their God given right to protect the innocent! Don't get me wrong, I'm a church goer also. But this vaccine is not the mark of the beast! It's a gods gift to use to protect the rest.
    So far NS is still pretty calm for Covid cases. But the US is now open to Canada so we will have to wait and see. Masks are still mandatory as is social distancing.

  2. I agree 100%. Get the vaccine.
    I have to be super careful now around kids to protect them. Our Walmart and other stores have decided to hand out masks at the door.
    Why can't people see that vaccinations and masks are only good health measures to keep from getting others ill?

    Sounds like you had a lot of energy to 'burn'. I get like that on days too.
    Stay safe. We are supposed to have killer heat here today, not like out west, but very hot with high heat indices.
    Then storms!

  3. PS! How wonderful that your dad was with it today! I know how wonderful that feels.

  4. So happy to hear that your Dad had a good day and remembered so much. I know how that feels as my mother had Alzheimers and we were so happy when she remembered things.

  5. I have been fully vaccinated since late March and hope it won't wear off! You were sure busy, all right. And so nice to hear your dad is doing better.

  6. Some good thoughts about the Covid shots, I'm getting mine today. Karen

  7. Though I have voted for our governor twice, I refuse to ever cast a vote her way due to her stances on Covid, especially on preventing schools with children 12 and younger from mandating masks. I plan to write her a letter and tell her this too.

  8. We've all done our bit!! My daughter is a teacher - elementary age - and is glad masks will be required for at least the first quarter. My 15 year old grandson is vaccinated and will be wearing a mask on the bus and in school. Covid is surging here in Missouri...

  9. Can see why you'd be tired. Glad it was a good day for your Dad.

    I'm half vaccinated. Not my fault I'm not fully vaccinated. They weren't sure if I should risk it because of a history of issues and bad reactions with shots, but I agreed to try, and we agreed how I reacted to the first would tell us if we should risk me having the second. I ended up in hospital and dealing with issues from a really bad reaction to the vaccination, so I'm not allowed the second shot on medical grounds. My hubby's had both his though. And at least I was willing to try and have mine. Mostly they're safe for people, you just get some people who have medical issues that make them a problem, and apparently I'm one of those people. I don't like being around too many people anyway, so mostly I stay home, even though they've gotten rid of most of the restrictions now over here. Don't want to get sick myself, and definitely don't want to be the reason anyone else gets sick, so I'll keep being careful.

    1. Thank you for trying. I have so many people that tell me they can't get the vaccine for medical reasons. They have never even discussed with a physician. We (as in 95% of us) need to be vaccinated to protect you, others like you and the children.

    2. I second Miss Merry's thoughts, thank you.

  10. You know I agree with you with the vaccinations and do not understand the people who refuse...especially with all the little children being exposed...and sent back to school soon. It is so sad that there are this many people who do not feel a part of this whole wonderful earth and all its people...that we are all in this together.

    That is such a precious memory your dad shared with you--OMG! Brought a tear to my eye. Just to hear such a loving, sweet memory of what you mean to him while he can remember it...what a gift--a treasure. :) *hugs*

  11. What a special moment with your dad!

  12. You and I are of one accord about the virus. Rather let little kids die than get vaccinated. It gets me down.

  13. I got my COVID vaccine as soon as I was eligible. I can't believe how many people still refuse to be vaccinated, even with the latest Delta variant raging through the US. I wish I knew how to get through to those people.

  14. We had ham yesterday too, Connie. That's just about my favorite meal... hot ham on the bone. Yes, I'm with you about the unvaccinated. In fact, talk about wanting to kill something... I get that feeling every time I hear one of them talk on the tv. *bahahahahaha* Ignoramuses!!!! I think they should all be shipped to their own separate island, where they can all get sick and die together. Boy, aren't I full of the vinegar today. :-D ~Andrea xoxoxo

  15. I got it because I wanted to be able to see and be around my new great nieces and nephew. At my age I wasn't as worried about long term possible side effects of the shot, but if I was of child bearing age and was planning on having children, that may have changed my opinion.The covid vaccine isn't FDA approved and hasn't passed all their tests. I got my 1st shot and 2 weeks later got Covid and didn't need hospitalization. Got over it in time to get my 2nd shot and that is all done with now. I have to think even the first one with 2 weeks of build up to combat it probably kept me out of the hospital (obesity, BP risk).
    Above are all my own thoughts, not fact.

  16. Glad to hear your Dad was having a good day!
    You certainly got a lot done - no wonder you are tired.

    I feel your frustration around the anti-vaxxers. They are definitely hurting all the progress we've made.

  17. So happy your Dad had a good day and shared those precious memories with you. Fresh peaches? Oh, I love peaches! I got some a few weeks ago at Walmart and they had been frozen...they look good on the outside until you cut into them...ick!
    I remember when I was little and we couldn't go anywhere because of polio and then the vaccine came out and everyone was thrilled! T hat was back in the day when it really was the UNITED states of America. Where did all these "haters" come from? I love this country but I don't recognize it anymore.

  18. So glad to hear you were able to be with your dad when he was having such a good day and wanting to talk with you. I’m sure for many veterans IF they were to admit it, they would say thoughts of the family waiting at home was their life line. I’m with you on the anti-Vaxxers. My daughter is so upset with her in-laws right now. She told me the other day that she wishes her MIL could just come sit and hold the hand of the 30 year old in the ICU who didn’t get vaccinated, and most likely wasn’t going to survive the weekend. As a respiratory therapist she is seeing numbers going up in the hospital and they are younger folks.

  19. Isn't it a special feeling when elderly parents share how they felt about your birth and early days! I'm sure you were a big help to your Mom in getting ready for the garage sale.

    This Delta version of the virus is so bad here in Missouri that we have been listed as one of the worst five states. Our hospitals are full and having to send patients to other hospitals. They say the rise in the number of cases is close to what it was when it all first started because the Delta variant is so highly contagious. They have brought back the mask mandate which had ended in June. Yet still less than 40% of the population have been vaccinated. I am starting to wonder if this will ever end in our lifetime. It's all so discouraging!

  20. Sounds like you had a good day with your dad and mom. Despite his health challenges your dad is still a character and it's wonderful they're both part of your life.

    I'm with you on the antivaxxers - they suggest the vaccines aren't safe despite the fact the over 2.3 billion people have received one dose, and more than 1.2 billion are fully vaccinated. I wonder what will happen when your country's CDC fully approves the vaccines - expected to happen later this month. Will the naysayers continue to say no then?

    Take care and stay well!

  21. Sounds like a busy day! I would want a nap after that too! Will your Dad want to head out to bingo this week?

  22. It is sgreat that your dad had a good day and remembered you
    You did have a busy day

  23. You sure did have a busy day!
    Glad your Dad had a good day. Treasure any and all the stories from the past that he tells. My folks are long gone and there's no one to ask about things I never thought to ask.

  24. Great rant today and you're absolutely right.

  25. It was so sweet to read about you and your dad and his remembering.
    WE talked about Covid at lunch with my sistger and cousin today. It seems like an endless topic. My sister, a nurse, believes we will never completely be rid of the virus now and besides vaccinations, we need to be working on different kinds of treatment, so as we live with Covid, it will not be a killer. That makes sense to me too.
    I worry about the children returning to school soon who can't yet be vaccinated. Even those of us who are vaccinated could now be carriers and not know it.

  26. So glad you were able to go over and help out at your folks place! I didn't realize that there were times when your dad couldn't remember your name, etc. Sounds like he was really having a good day even remembering back to when you were born! You're so blessed to have your parents around for so long. Your dinner sounds yummy. As usual, it sounds like you got a ton of things accomplished! Good for you.

  27. A group of anti vaxxers here in London tried to storm a building that used to be home to the BBC. Apparently our much loved national broadcaster has been peddling lies about the vaccine. Obviously, no it hasn’t. Anyway, the building is now (10 years after the BBC left) mostly luxury flats with a few tv studios used by other channels. If they had managed to get in they’d have found a group of women discussing the menopause live on ITV. We have both had our jabs and so we are allowed to visit France. Today!

  28. Sounds like a good day with Dad ~ those are good days for memories! I hadn't heard about the church (hmm I wonder). All the talk is about covid again and meetings and what to do.


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