Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Smoke, Dyson and kids

 We stayed inside most of yesterday.  The air was smoky again. We made a trip to the post office to mail a package. We did normal things in the house...laundry, dishes...Far Guy runs his robotic vacuum every day.  

 In the afternoon our Dyson Pure Cool arrived.  Far Guy got it set up and going...none too soon as the wildfire smoke is supposed to be hanging around for a while.  Between it and the air conditioner filter it should help with the air quality inside the house. 

It moves a lot of air....I am not sure how it works but it does...the design is very futuristic. 

In the afternoon I watched Mother's Day on Netflix and enjoyed it very much I give it a nine out of ten.  Then I had a nap until it was time to join Far Guy in the kitchen making a pan of lasagna for supper. 

I edited some of the photos I took on Sunday.  Ten kids are a challenge to photograph! 

In the evening Beth, Lindsay, Collins, Otto, Lulu and Baxter visited.  Lulu made faces at Far Guy and she acted like she could cry but didn't.

Far Side


  1. The Dyson pure cool should be a big help. Cute group of children. I hope you both have a good day.

  2. Lasagne....yum. That's a LOT of kids! Cute photo, looks like the little one on the end still isn't onboard with all those people!

  3. Glad Lulu didn't cry. Far Guy's Dyson Pure Cool looks like something out of a Star Trek movie. Sure hope it helps. Nice picture of all the kids.

  4. I love the photo of the line-up of all the grandchildren. It is amazing that you were able to get the entire group in one picture and only Lulu wanted nothing to do with it. One more day and she will be happy to see you.

  5. They are pretty simple machines. I know someone who built one out of wood and a computer cooling fan.

    We've had a couple days now smoke free but the last few weeks have pretty much been high atmosphere smoke. We are fortunate in that it hasn't penetrated close to the ground where it can cause lung problems.

  6. What a wonderful photo of all of the kids! It's even difficult with just 5. Our grandkids in photo shoots is like herding cats, and it seems there is always at least 1 who doesn't want to be there. That air purifier looks so interesting and hopefully it works well.

  7. I love those t shirts! That is adorable! And the photo is perfect. Whoever thought of that idea was a genius.
    Hopefully that air cleaner works. We are supposed to get some haze today so I'll be watching the Air Quality here too.

  8. Love the numbers on the kids’ shirts and the baby (#10) in the basket! Great photo.

  9. Love the photo of the kids!

    The smoke is really bad here today, the sun has yet to make an appearance. We sure need rain.

  10. What a precious picture, Connie! I've always read that children are a sign that God thinks your family should go on. I'd say He wants your family to continue for a long time to come! :-) ~Andrea xoxoxo

  11. That's a great picture of the ten little people. I like the one trying to escape.

  12. Dyson makes some great products. I hope this one works well for you. How did you get them all (most) to stay seated, Super Glue?

  13. Oh, I hpe the Pure Cool really does make a difference!
    I thought--ten? But I had mised the one in the basket--LOL! ;)

  14. Beautiful group photo of the kids!

  15. So Baby Brother and his wife had four kids and they married and they had ten kids. That is quite a family. You were lucky to get them all in one place at one time. Great photo.

  16. That picture is wonderful and I love their shirts! Poor little LuLu didn't have a good vacation. Most kids go through that stage and lockdown sure doesn't help.

    I've always wondered how those Dysons clean the air. It's beyond me but I'm sure glad it works for you!

  17. I've seen those Dyson futuristic looking things. I have wondered if they actually work. Hope so!

  18. That Dyson air thing looks cool, we don't need to understand how it works as long as it does.................

  19. And only one was trying to escape! Well done.

  20. Great job photographing those kids, even getting them all lined up in the right order!

  21. Gosh, that photo is just adorable!!! Love, Love, Love!!

  22. Ha....that pic of all the kids is tremendous! good job! Glad Lulu didn't keep crying. So you got your Dyson pure cool all hooked up and working....hope that helps a lot! So sorry to hear that that smoke is still around your place....sure hope it moves out soon. Wish they could get those fires put out! Take care you two. Stay inside where the air is good!

  23. Great job on the group photo! One kid is hard enough to photograph, let alone ten. These pics would fit the Sunday Stills number theme this week. I am still thinking about what to shoot. I try not to go with the obvious. Hope your new air filter helps.

  24. Hope the air thing is helping with the air quality, especially for Far Guy's sake.


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