Monday, August 16, 2021

Sunday Visits

 I finished setting up for Mom's Garage Sale,  she who sees Robins first showed up and with her help we made quick work of what was left to set out.   It got real warm before I headed home.  My Dad was having a really good day...he knew who I was and knew my brother too! 

I have a cousin who is going to be a Grandpa for the very first time as both of his daughters are expecting babies.   We dropped off gifts for the upcoming baby showers and had a good visit with him and his wife. 


The sky was very orange when we headed home.

My other baby brother and she who sees Robins first stopped by just before dark. 

Far Side


  1. Wow, love that shot and it sounds like a good but very busy day.
    I'd love to have a garage sale but I'm so hard to find it would be pretty hard to do!

  2. That is a very pretty sky photo. So glad your Dad was having a good day. Good luck with the garage sale.

  3. How lovely that both your cousin's daughters are expecting at the same time. It will be nice for them being able to go through things together, and for the little ones to have a cousin so close in age to grow up with.

    Glad your Dad was having a good day, and knew who both you and your brother were.

  4. I imagine you treasure every one of your dad's good days! Just a beautiful orange sky, but is it because that wildfire smoke is moving back in?

  5. Glad to hear your Dad was having a good day. Good visits all around!

  6. So nice to be able to visit with your family! And so nice to add new family members, too. Glad dad is doing well.

  7. You had a busy day and I love that your family is so close by that you can all visit often. I imagine that you cherish your Dad's good days. Such a bittersweet time isn't it? I took my MIL to the hospital at 7:00 this morning for blood work and I had to remind her 3 times in our 15 minute or so drive of where we were going. She wanted to go to breakfast! So I took her to breakfast afterwards!
    How fun to have cousins so close in age as the babies will have. My cousin is only 10 days younger than me and we were inseparable growing up.

  8. It's so nice that you have a lot of family close enough that you get to see them regularly.

  9. I know you tuck your Dad’s good days in your heart - they are gifts to be treasured.

  10. Glad to hear about your dad doing so well, and congratulations to the parents to be!

  11. Beautiful photo, but sad to realize it's caused by smoky skies due to wildfires.

  12. You have been so helpful to your Mom in preparing for the garage sale. I hope the sale goes well for her! What a blessing that your Dad was doing well. That photo is absolutely amazing! Do you even enter photos in contests? You should with your talent!

  13. The smoke does make for interesting pictures. We had the same sky until today when it is somewhat better. Much easier to breathe so that's something to be thankful for.

  14. I hope your folks have a good sale.
    Being a grandparent for the first time--unforgettable. And he gets a double helping! ;)

  15. Lovely image sad it is caused by smoke

  16. What a wonderful feeling it must be for you to spend time with your parents and share your Dad's good day.

  17. After all that work I hope your garage sale goes well.

  18. I am so glad for you that you have family all around.
    Good work on getting the garage sale ready. Good luck.
    Gotta ask, did you take anything home with you?

  19. Hope your mom's garage sale goes really well. Nice that you got to see and visit with a lot of people.

  20. The heat doesn't help with that kind of work. Your mom will be glad, I hope, to get rid of things. I have been going through a phase of put lots of things in the trash. Why did I ever move this to this house?


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