Saturday, August 14, 2021

Sad week

 It was a sad week, we missed a funeral on was a longer drive and we thought about going to the closer cemetery on Wednesday but did not go.  I sent off a card to his wife Judy after I messaged her on facebook.  Ernie was a great guy, he just turned 65, he was a local kid...he was on the fire Department with Far Guy and I.  He woke up one morning sat down at the breakfast table and died.  No extended hospital stays and more importantly no nursing home stay.  He would have probably laughed and said "Now thats the way to go."

We attended Mary Ann's funeral yesterday, she was 76 years old.  We sat in the back of the church behind my parents, we did not stay for the lunch as soon as the service was over we left.  The service was lovely...I probably liked it because for once they did not read the entire obituary. ( Some ministers read the whole obit as part of their we cannot read for ourselves.)

Another old friend (Brian) that we have known since about 1978 has been through chemo for pancreatic cancer, is now on hospice.   Far Guy worked with him for 20 plus years. 

One of my cousin's had a heart attack, then bypass surgery and after a week in the hospital has finally come home to recoup.  He just turned 60 years old this spring.  His father died at home of a heart attack when he was 59 years old.

Seems like many people are getting cancer diagnosis lately... a blogger with bladder cancer/liver cancer and another with pancreatic cancer.  My prayers for comfort and healing go out to them all.

As we get older the losses/ bad news become more frequent, not easier.

Far Side


  1. I never felt that I would age or that my friends would too or get sick, or that someone I knew would get cancer. But that was the wishful thinking of a young person.
    I am so sorry for these things going on in your life.
    I'm not very good at this so forgive me.

  2. A sad week indeed. I'm sorry for your losses, and sad for those who have such severe health struggles like heart problems and cancer to deal with.

  3. Your present situation with so many friends passing on reminds me of the months following Tom's death. Friend after friend passed away that year.

  4. I know of the blogger, a familiar face in the blogosphere. So sad to have many such events happening all at once. My heart goes out to them all. Sigh.

  5. Oh my goodness, you have had a traumatic week of bad news/funerals. I'm so sorry and my heart goes out to you for so much loss.
    Yes, as we get older it does seem like we have a lot more loss. I want to go like your friend who woke up, sat down to breakfast and died. No long drawn out illness.
    I'll be praying for you and Far Guy as you adjust both physically and in your minds to not seeing or hearing from these friends and family again here on earth. But someday...there will be no more good-byes. Won't that be wonderful?

  6. Definitely a tough week. I'm sorry to hear of the losses of people near and dear to you.

  7. That's an awful lot to deal with. Glad your counsin made it home okay.
    Yes, life is a carp shoot and the older you get the more the odds can be stacked against you--LOL! Ernie was a lucky guy. ;) I think we all wish we could go in a flash. Harder on the survivors, though. I hope it is a peaceful, uneventful weekend. :)

  8. A bittersweet reminder that life is a precious gift that we should treasure and enjoy every day that we can.

  9. What a horrible hard week. I am so sorry. Sigh

  10. Oh My, that is certainly too much bad news and sorrow. I am sad for you. My sister has recently experienced too many losses and I hurt for her too.

  11. What a way to go! I would never want to have an extended hospital stay if I'm on my last few days. Too bad he died kind of young. ( 65 is not old! Although my Mom died before turning 64.) I plan on living to be 100! Or older. But if the big man upstairs has a different plan, then I would hope he takes me out while eating my Cheerios the same way.. At least let me have a few bites first.

  12. I’ve been living the same life as you. Sort of weighs one down.

  13. I'm sorry for all the losses in your family. It does seem like there is even more cancer around these days. My brother is still fighting to get past the effects of the radiation treatments for his cancer. It is so hard when we see these things in our contemporaries especially. I guess it is a part of ageing. Sending you both hugs and positive wishes.

  14. It is certainly true about our losses when we get older. I hope your friends recover rapidly.

  15. I'm sorry for your sad week. As we get older we lose relatives and friends far too often.

  16. You're right....the longer we live, the more people we have to say goodbye to. I'm having such a fun time watching younger people I know have babies and then watching their little ones grow with each year. I'll enjoy doing that until our good Lord calls me home. I'm praying for all those you've lost recently, and their families. Blessings to you both.

  17. How very sad. We will add the families to our prayers. I told Jerry just the other day, it seems I'm out-living a lot of my friends from high school ... and so many have had cancer. Yep, the losses are coming sooner and more often with aging. Keeping you guys in prayers also!

  18. From the beginning we all know we won't be making it out of this world is just a matter of when and how.
    No control over those parts.
    Living life . All we have. Hugs.

  19. What a terrible sad week you've had. It is hard to get older and watch people you've known for years pass away. Yours seemed awfully young. I h ope things get brighter for you.

  20. What a hard week. Gives one pause. Don’t miss an opportunity to do the things you want to do! because tomorrow is not a sure thing.

  21. That is a tough week. It seemed you had two many bad days. I am getting older and the ones you are loosing seem to be so young.

  22. Well, I suppose "that's the way to go" is a true statement, but it is never easy for those who get left behind. I'm with your cousin who made it at least one year older than his dad did. Thank God for medical interventions when they work and add value to life!

  23. I am so sorry to hear about all of the deaths in your circle of friends and family. My father died the way you described., and I am grateful that was the way he went. It is a blessing when your loved one does not have to suffer, but it is so hard to see them go.

  24. I missed this post. I'm so sorry about all of these friends that are getting sick and/or dying. I'm 65, so Ernie's story hit me hard. You just never know. Both my parents died at 75, my aim is to get to at least 76, but when I was a kid I thought I'd live to at least 100. Now that's not such a great goal. I want to live until I can't live the good life, then slip off like Ernie did...but not at 65! Hugs to you and Far Guy.


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