Thursday, July 29, 2021

Sand Mountain and a birthday

 Last weekend near Trail Minnesota we noticed a sand mountain.

We have never been to Trail Minnesota before...population 61, seems like they might have a thriving Sand and Gravel business.   I learned it is named Trail because there used to be an Indian Trail that went through the area.

This is as close to a mountain as we get in this part of Minnesota. 

I had a busy Wednesday, I mowed some, finished moving tables so Tilly could go back in the garage, recycled, did some laundry and had a nap. 

Today is favorite Son In Law Andy's Birthday!  

Happy Birthday Andy! 

Far Side


  1. Happy birthday to Andy. :)
    That really does look like a mountain!

  2. Don't forget the Iron Range of Mountains in NE Minnesota. Without them, I wouldn't be able to ski when I lived up there.

  3. That's quite the pile of sand.
    Happy Birthday to Andy!

  4. Happy Birthday Andy and many many more! I wonder if the sand moves with the wind? I know not enough to move the mountain but I'm wondering if it's a pain in the neck to live by it, when the wind blows strong enough. ~Andrea xoxoxo

  5. I thought we had a lot of sand, not so much compared to that mountain. Hope Andy enjoys a wonderful birthday.

  6. Happy Birthday to Andy! I've never seen such a mountain of sand. A big windstorm could cause some problems!

  7. Isn’t it great when our daughters marry really good guys? I have 2 favorite sons-in-law. There is a similar sand mountain near here too. Also a tiny little town, but with a big sand/gravel business.

    The wildfire smoke is so thick here today it looks foggy. Ugh!

  8. I have never seen that much sand!
    Happy Birthday to Andy.

  9. Yes, happy birthday to Andy, and that is a huge sand mountain!

  10. 61 people? It sounds like a good place to me...the smaller the better! It is a sand mountain! Happy Birthday, Andy!!!

  11. We have mountains and my kids and granddaughter have been hiking in them this week.
    Is that a stockpile of sand for construction? It's kind of scary.

  12. Birthday wishes from me, a complete and total stranger, yeah I know, what do I know, I don't know, damn.

  13. I see that I'm not the only one that wonders if the wind picks up and blows that sand around. Could be unpleasant.
    Happy birthday Andy!

  14. Happy Birthday to Andy! Thanks for sharing the sights from Trail Minnesota! Never heard of it. Sounds like you got a lot done! Hope far guy is doing OK.

  15. Happy birthday to Andy! I hope he turns it into a birthday weekend.

    Your picture of the sand mountain reminds me of something closer to my home. We live in a flat-as-a-pancake valley, but when you approach the city from the south on the freeway, you can see a "sand mountain" like that to the east. But it isn't a mountain. Not even a hill. It's just decades and decades of the county's trash, buried under this huge mound of dirt. That's our sand mountain!


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