Monday, July 5, 2021


 We are making progress selling "stuff."  Many of my cousins have visited so that has been fun also.   The weather has been a tad warm sticky hot.  We will take a break from sales this week and see what the weather does next weekend.  We run the sale about six hours a day so we can get in our nap time.  We take the signs down and close the works for us.

We went for a ride the other night...we heard that the neighbors have a new driveway....of course we had to check it out.

Seems kinda strange to have gravel roads from all directions and then a tar road on an old takes all kind to make the world go round.  

Last night we were cooking supper and then lost power for a couple of hours.  Cheese, crackers and fruit was supper.  Not sure what happened but it was a widespread outage. 

Far Side


  1. Maybe you had a power outage because everyone was running their AC? It's been very humid around here and our AC has been running a lot.

  2. It sounds like you made the best of it, losing power and all. Our weather has returned to its normal self, just right.

  3. That is a lovely barn! I bet the paved road helps in the wet season to not get the new road all mudded up.

  4. Looks like somebody got sick of the ruts and mud maybe--LOL!
    You have the right idea about the sale--short but not too short and do it when you want to.
    Glad you got your power back. :)

  5. That road does look out of place out there!

  6. What a nuisance to lose power at dinner time, glad it came back. One does wonder at tarring the country road but I guess like others have said, it keeps the ruts out at least temporarily.

    Continued good luck with the garage sale.

  7. When it gets too hot and over-the-top heat exhausted...we always eat lightly. Just snack around and rest. It's the only way.

  8. I wonder what their logic was behind the tar road too, Connie. Is it a much-used road and the folks just got tired of adding more gravel, with time? Perhaps they're going to exchange all the gravel with tar but couldn't afford to do it all at one time. It will definitely be easier now to clear the snow from that piece of road. ~Andrea xoxoxo

    1. They have to travel on gravel a mile plus to get to their tar driveway:) No way is the township going to tar the township roads:)

  9. I think we could run a garage sale. I would like to give most of it away. What people don't buy would go to the dump.

  10. Cheese and crackers sounds good to me. With some blueberries or grapes if you have them. Does seem odd to have a big long paved driveway if the road is dirt...but then again, by the time the car gets up there maybe most of the mud on it has dropped off!

  11. Sorry about losing your power but it sounds like you made the best of it. The hard thing in the summer is losing air conditioning.

    Great job on making progress with your sale. You're smart to stop in time for a nap each day!

  12. Too many air conditioners running overtime? What a beautiful red barn at the end of the driveway.

    1. WE didn't hear what the problem was. Most likely something at a sub station as the whole area was out.

  13. It is a fancy dancey barn. Looks like they could live in it. I drive down the other street to see what is going on with the houses that we are always seeing from the back side. Everybody has a little porch in the front and our one neighbor who is junky in the back has a nice small front yard.

  14. Yeah the world is full of people who do weird or strange things............

  15. That's a very nice looking barn, so tidy all around too. I remember ours back when, no one could have called it tidy. Good luck with your on-going garage sale.

  16. Glad your sale is going well and you're even getting to see some relatives too! Sorry to hear about your power outage....I hate when that happens. Rumor has it, that one of these days it will be permanent! Ooooh I hate to think about that and how we'll cope if/when that happens. Take good care of each other, you two.

  17. I'm glad that you've had visits with relatives. Nothing beats that.
    I'm sorry about the power outtage. There have sure been a lot of them lately.
    I hope the heat wave ends soon. I don't want winter, but I think it would be nice to have a bit more cool weather and less humidity.

  18. I know the folks around here want tar added to the roads however they will break up with all the farm equipment. These folks probably wanted to reduce dust. That is the main complaint I hear from folks who move into the area that are not used to rural living.

  19. Glad the sales are going well. Great way to get some cash and clear some clutter at the same time.


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