Wednesday, July 7, 2021


We got some wonderful rain!  My rain gauge shows 3 1/2 inches of rain in one gauge and 3 inches in the other one.   The grass is green again thanks to the rain.  It is delightfully cool after the rain...the high yesterday was 73 F or 23 C eh!

 The flowers in the small garden look pretty good. 

Pay no attention to the weeds...I will weed one of these days.  Every time I get down on the ground to weed I think of that ole bear...and wonder how fast I can get up off the ground or should I just fall over and play dead.

Love a rainy day...I caught up on things around the house and started some new projects...and had a nap. 

Far Side


  1. So glad you got some much needed rain. Love your rain gauge and your flowers look happy. Cooler temps here today with rain expected.

  2. The weeds? I am not pulling certain weeds this summer and if I do, the ones that won't root up again are laid next to the flowers as a mulch. It really has helped keep the ground more moist.
    I leave the Purslane, it really keeps the moisture in the ground and acts like a ground cover.
    Your garden looks wonderful!

  3. Auntie Reg got over 9 inches the other day and we only got a little over 1/2 inch. We could use a little rain :-/.

  4. Wow! that's a lot of rain in one day! We got something like 5 inches here while I was out of town and most of Detroit flooded.

  5. I love the rain...I thrive in it just as much as the garden does. If you could send some to sunny...dry... California... we would be so grateful your rain gauge
    Phoebe x

  6. It's hard to get interesting in doing much outside when you know there is a bear around. The flowers are pretty. Karen

  7. A little rain would be welcome here. Nice to see your green lawn and the flowers.

  8. The little garden is so pretty. Rained all day here yesterday as Elsa rolled by too, overall very uneventful - thankfully!

  9. We just got a few sprinklers over night. I though that since it's cooler, only 80F this morning that I would try to get some weeding done. That was before I stuck my head out the door. 98% humidity. Nope. I'll do it another time and play with yarn today!
    Good idea about staying vertical with the bear on the loose.
    Stay safe!

  10. I find it harder and harder to weed, anymore. And if a bear was hanging around...

  11. Naps on rainy days = heavenly!!!! We had that cool weather at the end of last week. It was blessed, I tell ya. Enjoy while it's around, my friend. ~Andrea xoxoxo

  12. I wouldn't have to play dead, I am afraid.Good for rain.

  13. I love your rain gauge! I'll have to keep my eye out for something like that at the new house!

  14. The rain was marvelous! Cooler temps--ahhhh! Enjoying it while it lasts. :)
    I'd be a bit nervouse about that bear, too!

  15. Glad to hear you received some much needed rain!

  16. Oh, boy, we need rain. But it is not in the forecast at least 10 days out.
    I did some weeding yesterday. I don't have bears to worry about, but the mosquitoes are vicious.

  17. I'm so glad you had a needed amount of rain and cool weather too. I love your rain gauge with the butterfly. The flowers are so full and beautiful. What weeds? I just see a lot of greenery surrounding the flowers!

  18. Nice! That was a good rain. I'm with you, I'd let the weeds grow as long as the bear is hanging around.

  19. I am so glad you finally got some rain. We are in a foggy and cool period, and although no rain is expected, the cool weather is a real treat!

  20. We had 1.75" Monday night and another .5" on Tuesday, even though the "official" amount reported wasn't that much. And cooler temps came with it. That rain is a blessing for sure!

  21. A rainy day freshens everything up even people.

  22. I love rainy days too and it sounds like you got a good amount of it. Everything looks green and lush by you....your flowers look lovely too!

  23. Hooray for rain!!!! And green!!! - and, don't worry about the weeds. You are much more important than they are. I see them along my flower bed when I get out of my car. I used to grab some out of the ground on the way to the door, but it is so stinking hot here right now that I am afraid if I am out too long, I might just melt.

  24. Don't you just love a good rain after it's been so dry? We need rain again. The little we got last week is gone and it is hot here. We are supposed to get an inch or so tomorrow from that tropical storm moving up our way. We suspect a black bear may have been in our back yard around the pond a few days ago. There were signs. Dan put up a game camera. I thought about you. Yes, let the weeds go. :)

  25. Glad you got some much needed rain.

  26. We sort of had a rain as it wet the deck boards. I think Friday we might see it. We are cooling down tonight. It will be nice to not have the air running all night.

  27. Three plus inches of rain sounds wonderful right about now. We also had a cool day with the high of 23C and the forecast for tomorrow is for drizzle. Oh well. It will be a good day to get inside work done. Take care.

  28. I spoke to a woman once who often had rattlesnakes in her garden - personally, I am glad we have neither snakes nor bears to worry about when it is time to do some yard work.

  29. So happy you got the rain. We had a nice rain overnight and early this morning.

  30. Um, yah. I wouldn't be out there weeding with them thar bears in the area either. The weeds can wait. Cute rain gauge! We got rain, followed by a cool down too. I agree, it was fantastic.

  31. Forget weeding with a bear about. Weeding is such a chore, and now you have a legit reason to avoid it.


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