Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Appointment day

 Far Guy had a medical appointment up is a 2 1/2 hour drive most of the day was spent in the car.   Earlier in the morning the new /old car Tilly was ready to be picked up so we went and got her before we left...her gas gauge works now:) 

Far Guy is getting a new Doctor, she seems nice and listened to his concerns...she said "You have challenging issues."   Yes we knew that...hope she likes a challenge.  He is getting referrals to all the specialty Doctors that he needs to see.   His Neurologist retired...His Pulmonary Dr has gone to being in the hospital it was time to get different balls he has never had a Cardiologist...and probably needs to be rechecked after that stent was placed last September.  The clinic we chose partners with the Mayo Clinic in Rochester that must be a plus...and our daughter Jen lives very near the clinic up north. ( Bonus...we can visit Jen, Andy, Noah and Adam and Little Elvis)

Far Guy has still not regained his strength since the Lung Valve procedure in May.  His breathing is worse and now he is short of breath at night.  He is losing weight and in four more pounds will weigh what he did in high school.

He was prescribed prednisone to help with his breathing and the new Dr is going to confer with the Doctors at the U of MN.

For now it is all we can do.

Far Side


  1. Praying the new doctors can help him. I also will continue to keep Far Guy in my daily prayers. At least you can get together with family when he sees his doctor.

  2. Prayers for Far Guy's recovery.

  3. It has to be so frustrating for you both, and feel like nothing makes a positive difference. Having that connection with Mayo should be a good direction.

  4. Being connected with Mayo Clinic is a plus! And I know the UofM lung specialists are supposed to be wonderful. That was what I was told in the early 90s when I caught psittacosis at the pet shop where I worked. I went to the lung specialists at UofM because nobody could figure out what was the matter with me and why I could hardly breathe. They did--in short order. But I was so sick for so long by that time that it took months for me to get well (was touch and go for a while). That was quite a while ago but I can't imagine their reputation is much different now. :) Sending healing thoughts and hope they can help sweet FarGuy.

  5. I'm sorry you haven't seen progress. I think about you two a lot, hoping that some doctor can figure out how to help.

  6. I certainly hope this new doctor accepts the challenge and is able to assist Far Guy in his recovery and maintenance of his health. I'm sure the weight loss is worrisome for you both.

  7. My prayers are with you both. I hope the new Doctor can make a positive difference.

  8. Prayers for the new doctor team and guidance for them all with the Far Guy and his challenges. One day at a time. It sounds like you are in touch with all the right people.

  9. How frustrating it must be that the Lung Valve procedure did not give him the expected results. I hope his new doctor can be helpful. I spent a lot of time with my brother at Mayo in Rochester years ago when he was treated for cancer. It really is an amazing hospital with some of the best specialists around. I'm keeping you both in my prayers.

  10. Sending positive thoughts for healing. Hopefully the new doctor will be helpful.

  11. Thank you for sharing this. We are all pulling for both of you.

  12. Hope all goes well with the new doctor, my long awaited appointment with the neurologist in Sydney has been changed from Monday to mid October due to lockdown

  13. Sending lots of good thoughts for his recovery!

  14. So sorry to hear about the latest with far guy. Praying that somebody can do something to make life and breathing easier for him....and soon. Mayo is a great place. I grew up half an hour from the original Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota. Hope you get some great doctors that can make a difference in his life. Seems like he has gotten worse and worse since the lung valve procedure in May. Keeping up prayers for far guy!!!

  15. Sending prayers that this new doctor and being connected to Mayo will be bring some positive results for Far Guy.

  16. Are you folks getting smoky haze from the fires to the north? It is causing no end to breathing issues for folks around here.

  17. So much to think about here! I hope the new doc has lots of great connections--Mayo Clinic and U of MN are a plus--and the consultations result in some successful treatments for Far Guy. He has been through so much for so long now...

  18. Hope the new doctor can put FG on a path to better health. Fingers crossed and prayers launched.

  19. Sending prayers for you and Far Guy.

  20. Fresh eyes at a problem are always a bonus. Hopefully the doctor can figure out how to make his breathing easier. Mayo is also in LaCrosse not far from us, but I hear nothing but good stuff about them.
    Weight lose is always a big concern. Hugs.

  21. My mom was on prednisone on/off for her asthma. As you likely know, it is some strong temp stuff that works well. Truly hope it helps Far Guy breath better, while the new doc evaluates and brings their strength to the table. Mayo is cutting edge and reputable. I hope these new connections are helpful. You must be so worried. Sending healing wishes.

  22. Maybe new eyes and a new start will help get things better again.

  23. Oh, this sounds dreadful. I'm glad that you go to doctors' visits together, but sorry that you have to travel so far to get there. I just posted about my own medical problems--and my wife's problems--and how glad I am that we don't have to drive far. In western Oregon, a great many people do.

  24. Oh the medical establishment. I do hope that the new doctor is willing to put the time in to help FG. I am so sad that his procedure has made things worse. :(

  25. Glad Far Guy is getting sent to the specialists he needs to be under. Hope the new doctors can help do something about his continued breathing issues and weight loss.


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