Friday, October 30, 2020


 We do have visitors.

Far Guy took a photo out the kitchen window of our deer. 

We have about five regular visitors...squirrels.  Two are black and three are grey.

Our baby Pileated Woodpecker is back.  We moved the suet feeders because the squirrels were emptying them as fast as we could fill them ...he was confused for a few days but finally found the suet.

He is a handsome dude and kept us entertained! 

I will be ready for Trick or Treaters on Saturday.  I plan to hang up a small clothesline between two trees and attach bags of treats for the children...I hope I can get a few photos.  I am expecting that we will have nine special kids stopping by.   The treat bags have been packaged up for a week now so they should be safe! 

Far Side


  1. That is a handsome woodpecker. Cute idea for the trick or treaters. Have a good day,

  2. Love your pictures this morning; especially the woodpecker picture. Happy Halloween!

  3. Good idea for a safe trick or treat night in this year of the pandemic.

  4. Those are my kind of visitors!
    That sounds like a great Trick or Treat idea. Nothing happening here.

  5. Great photos!
    When I see a squirrel on our suet feeder, I open the kitchen door and yell as loud as I can, "Get off of that suet, or we will have squirrel and dumplings for supper!" Off and back to the woods it goes. This happens about once a day!
    Have a blessed day!

  6. I love all of your visitors. That little squirrel sure looks well fed, he a fat little thing! Have fun on Halloween :)

  7. How wonderful to have favorite kids come on Halloween, I don't think there will be any here this year. But I'll be ready just in case. Love your young woodpecker. :-)

  8. Trick or treating should be fun for your tribe. Good for you for figuring out a way to safely treat them and you guys.
    Watch for the bears though.

  9. The clothesline is a clever idea. We normally have gotten about 80 kids, but last year we only had about 65 trick or treaters. Wonder if we'll have any at all this year - and then I remembered that SD really hasn't shut down anything or discouraged any kind of gatherings. Guess if the Sturgis motorcycle rally is OK, the Halloween will go on like normal. Just a bit of sarcasm from me, sorry!

  10. How fun to have visitors that provide entertainment, too. I know your regular Trick or Treaters will love the clothesline treats!

  11. We have decided against treating the kids this year. I did see someone post on facebook that they are going to hide treats and candy throughout their house and let their kids hunt for it. I thought that was a great idea. I do like the clothesline plan for kids you know!!!

    I am surprised you have both black and grey squirrels. Our neighborhood had just grey squirrels for decades. Then one year black squirrels began to appear. Within a year we only have ever had black squirrels since.

  12. What a neat idea to use a clothesline! I've bought a pair of gory gloves from the $ store and will hand out the treats - they've been the garage for a couple of weeks, so should be safe.

    Love your visitors! Take care, stay well!

  13. We used to have brown, gray and black squirrels when we lived in Omaha, but here all I see is brown. They are smart little critters so I'm glad you found a place for the bird food where they can't get it. Our friends have each shot a buck this year so for their family of four they have four bucks. She's giving me some venison sausage this weekend. I've never had sausage before so it should be interesting.
    They are having a small party for the kids here in the park tomorrow. It doesn't sound as though ANY social distancing will be going on. Face painting anyone? Bobbing for apples? Seriously. These are some of the activities planned. I'm dropping the rice krispie treats I was asked to make outside the door and leaving.
    Take care and be safe.

  14. Your woodpecker is darling. I have to figure out how to feed my wild creatures so the squirrel doesn't get EVERYTHING

  15. Deer cross my yard most days after midnight. I don't see them because I'm not up after midnight. I rarely see anything in the day time.

  16. What a clever idea for the treat bags!
    Love that little woodpecker. :)

  17. What neat idea the clothesline is... contactless Trick or Treating... Genius! We discourage squirrels around here, they can do a lot of damage and we had one try to eat his way into our basement a couple of years ago. Happy weekend!

  18. Your woodpecker is a handsome fellow. No birds or squirrels or deer at my feeder yet. I'm going to get some suet when I shop on Monday. I feel bad but I am turning the lights out this year and unplugging the Jack O'lantern so I won't be available to any Trick or Treaters. I only get a few but I still feel bad. I wish I would have thought of something like that....great idea! But I didn't buy any candy either so there you go. Happy Halloween!

  19. Trick or treating in that snow... Brrr Chilly! Piliated woodpeckers are the best. I never got bored of listening to them or watching them back in Michigan. A nesting pair was in our "back yard" and several times the young-uns would stop in to our suet block. by the way, they made the forest sound like a war zone with machinegun fire! In the army, we would call the M60 "the Woodpecker" because of that heavy rat-ta-tat-tat that would echo through the woods. Fun times.

  20. You have a yard full of special visitors. It's always fun to watch the wildlife. We have squirrels like crazy here and our cats love watching them. I love your creative way of handing out treats!

  21. Good idea you have of hanging treat baggies on a low clothesline.
    I like your young pileated woodpecker. Great picture of him(?) too.

    1. Yes it is a male as he has a red cheek stripe...females do not have the red stripe. Both males and females have the red head:)

  22. How nice that you're all set for trick or treaters....I hope you are able to get a couple of pictures to show us! I love the pileated woodpeckers...they look so prehistoric to me! And that one squirrel you've got sure looks fat! Have a great weekend. Don't forget to Fall back one hour Saturday night!

  23. The chickadees and house sparrows are busy cleaning up the sunflowers I grew. I always leave my perennials intact until spring so that the birds can eat the seeds, they like the bee balm too. I wonder if they will eat the rosehips.

  24. We have had a few woodpeckers around here too.

  25. Saw the male / female comment on the pileated woodpecker (the female has been over here) :)


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