Saturday, October 10, 2020

Sour Cream and Raisin Pie

 One of my Dad's favorite things is Sour Cream and Raisin Pie.   I reserved several pieces at a local eating establishment which we usually go to around this time of year ...they have a gluten free menu. Since we don't dine in we picked up! 

My Dad was 94 yesterday.  He told me he thought for sure the Good Lord was going to call him home shortly after 1 AM as he wasn't feeling well.   He was awake from 1 AM until 4 AM.  So he was tired.   I told him "maybe tonight is the night Dad you just never know."   He has been yearning for his heavenly home for quite a while now. 

We had a good visit out on the deck.  The pie was real good!  Dad talked about his time in Korea and his work in the yard getting ready for winter. 

Far Side


  1. Happy birthday to your dad! I understand his longing to be called home as I have had family members feeling the same, but only our Lord knows the right time and place. Hugz, Mxx

  2. Happy Birthday to your Dad!
    "This is the day the Lord has made; we will rejoice and be glad in it!" Psalms 118:24

  3. He sure doesn't look his age! Happy birthday to your wonderful dad. And that pie sounds delicious. :-)

  4. Your time with your dad is precious. My dad died several years ago but would be the same age and was in Korea. My mother talks about heaven and being with dad alot. I have mixed feelings about it though. I just lost a brother a few months ago so want to hang on to mom as long as possible.💖

  5. Aw. I lost my client this past month. I think she was ready. She was 96.
    Happy birthday, dad!

  6. I bet he loved his pie. Happy birthday to your dad.
    My grandma got like that--ready to go--too.

  7. I am sure your dad was pretty happy to enjoy that piece of pie! Every minute with him is a treasure to you. God Bless Him on his birthday.

  8. Oh your dad has excellent taste with the sour cream and raisin pie.
    Happy 94th to him. How blessed to still have both your parents.

  9. Happy 94th Birthday to your Dad! I'm sorry he wasn't feeling well but understand his longing to go Home. Dennis and I have felt the same for awhile now. This world is not my home, I'm just passing through. Do you remember that hymn?
    My Grandma made the best sour cream raisin coffee cake. A 9 x 13 weighed about 10 lbs. No exageration. The recipe went to the grave with her because she wouldn't write it down as she was afraid someone will steal it. All of the cousins miss it too. Do you have a good recipe for one?
    How are you feeling after your flu shot? I've been praying for you.

    1. My Grandmother made a sour cream cake too with lots of raisins I will have to see if I can find that recipe.
      I am real tired and my bones ache...but no temperature so far.

  10. Happy Birthday to your Dad! 94 is a real achievement.

    Take care and stay well.

  11. Happy birthday to your very special Dad! It was a perfect gift to bring him his favorite pie and some of his favorite people. Rest up this weekend and take it easy while your body deals with the flu shot. I hope it doesn't cause you too much trouble!

  12. I understand how your dad thinks. My MIL was tired of continuing. Sorry he wasn't feeling great but hopefully the rest of the weekend is quiet.

  13. Sometimes people think they've been here long enough. Your Dad looks like he's good for few years yet.

  14. Happy Birthday to your dad. 94! He sure looks good. That pie looks delicious. I need to look up a recipe for sour cream and raisin pie. I make a raisin nut pie that is real good.

    Your trees are pretty with the colored leaves. Ours haven't changed any yet. Oh, I love those tiny little booties you made for Cee Cee.

  15. One can NEVER go to heaven without one last piece of Sour Cream Raisin pie. *smile* Bless his heart!! ~Andrea xoxo

  16. What a sweet man. So happy he made it to 94. Happy Birthday, Sir.

  17. My dad loved that pie too. I'm sure your dad enjoyed that pie, but probably not as much as your just sitting and visiting with him.

  18. I haven't had the pleasure of tasting Sour cream and Raisin pie but I'm glad your Dad could enjoy his. Happy Birthday to him. He looks great for his age.

  19. I like that kind of pie that I can get at a local cafe. Haven't been there for 10 months. We are now a hot spot so we stay home. Your dad is glad to make another birthday especially for pie.

  20. As long as he had a good day, then all is good

  21. hat is a strange combination of flavors... How does it taste? ( At 94... you can eat anything you want!) Happy Birthday!

  22. My grandmother and great aunts made sour cream raisin pies! Delicious! Happy birthday to your dad!

  23. God Bless your dear Dad. He and I share a love for sour cream raisin pie, along with something else! Tell him to hang in there....God's timing is always perfect. Maybe there's something important for your dad to do yet, before he exits this place? Maybe a life he's supposed to touch? A good deed to do? Praying for your dad, mom and all of you!

  24. Happy Birthday to your dad! Lee was in Korea - the landing at Inchon on one of those little landing boats. Navy boat driver....Thank your dad for his service.

  25. My dear old Dad was longing to go over as well. A month or so before he passed he told us he thought God had forgot him. Bless his heart. They just reach a point where enough is enough, don't they?

  26. Happy birthday to your dad. Treasure every day that you have with him. Both my parents are gone, my mom ay 79 and my dad at 84.

  27. Happy belated birthday to your Dad. Glad he enjoyed his birthday pie.

  28. Your Dad looks fabulous and boy it has been forever since I've heard of sour cream and raisin pie!
    Sherry in MT

  29. That's funny because my husband's grandfather loved raisin pie too and I would make it for him on his birthday! I don't remember the sour cream part though. So sorry he wasn't feeling well. I remember my Aunt (who raised me) saying at 96 that she was "ready" as all her relatives and family were gone (evidently I was chopped liver) and she said there would be few at her funeral because of it. I didn't want to tell her that she probably wo uldn't care at that point. Your Dad has lots of loving people around him still but it is hard when you get tired all the time. I keep thinking that the desire to sleep more is just practice for "the big sleep"! I hope he had a good birthday in spite of it all.

  30. Larry’s favorite pie too. Doubt I can ever make it again. Praying for easy days for your Dad.

  31. Happy belated birthday to your dad. I remember reading this but I think I fell asleep before I could respond. I've never heard of this kind of pie...but it sure looks like something I should try!


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