Friday, October 16, 2020


 We washed three windows!  It is a good beginning. 

I put up the sunflower valance that my Mom made me for my birthday.   The window is nice and clean...worthy of a new valance! 

I got a package in the mail the other day from Jen.  The card said "I hope your day sparkles!"

I should be set for decorating cards for a long time!  Stickles are lots of glitter in a small amount of glue and perfect for making sparkling cards. 

We are making good progress on our Fall work list...good thing too as the Junco's have been here three days...and some snoooooo flakes were seen in the air yesterday...if the sun had been out they would have sparkled....but it was overcast and dreary...and cold!

Far Side


  1. Oh my goodness.... snow?! Say it ain't sooooo!!!!! I love your sunflower valance! ~Andrea xoxo

  2. You are so ambitious. If you run out of things to do at your house you are more thsn welcome to come and work on mine. Hahaha Love the sunflower valance.

  3. Glad you're making good progress with the Fall list. Hope you can cross off all the chores on it before the snow falls properly.

  4. The sunflower valance looks so pretty and such a nice gift from Jen too. I can't believe snow is already arriving there!

  5. I love your new valance! Is your house partly underground? I can see your patio furniture and the legs look like they are eye level out your window. If so I bet it saves a lot on heating and cooling. Your Jen is so thoughtful. Stickles sound like fun! I'm going to try and make some Halloween cards...wish me luck! LOL! I haven't seen my hummers since the 12th and we had our first frost last night supposedly so I covered my beans and tomatoes. My grandson in Cedar Rapids emailed me this morning and said it was snowing! We are all weather geeks. Stay warm!

    1. Yes the lower level is half in half out of the ground:)

  6. The valance is lovely! A bright spot to show your clean windows. :)

    We had a few flakes yesterday too. Yuck. Take care and stay well.

  7. What a pretty sunflower valance and a nice selection of sparkle glue too. :-) We washed the windows all around the RV and it poured down rain the next day! I tried that several times over the summer but finally it paid off. We needed rain so bad and usually washing the windows is like washing the car...guaranteed rain. Not this summer.
    Take care.

  8. Is that the window that Odda uses when she comes to visit?

  9. Your sparkling clean windows put mine to shame. But if I wait a while longer, my desire to rectify the situation will pass. I also love pretty valence. :-)

  10. What a wonderful gift!! You will put those to good use.
    Good thing you got to some windows. We have snow predicted for tomorrow here...1-5 inches? Sounds like a lot but we'll see if they are correct. It is certainly cold enough in the 20s at night. Love the valance your mom made you. :)

  11. Your sunflower valance looks so cheerful! Good luck with your card making, that sparkle glue is going to make beautiful cards.

  12. Pretty valance for a sparkling clean window! Window cleaning is my very least favourite chore.

  13. The valance is perfect for that window!

  14. I love the sunflower valance your Mom made. That will cheer up the coming colder days! And don't you love surprises in the mail! Jen is so thoughtful.

  15. Your window and valance look great! Bright and Cheery! I had to chuckle, Odda is famous :) :)

  16. Ugh! Snow. I got rained on today so no art in the park. It certainly feels cold enough for snow though. Possible frost tonight and snowy mix this weekend. Not looking forward to it this early in the year.

  17. What happened to the wine??????????????????
    You know the sparkling stuff that makes people happy, not me though

  18. I like the sunflower valance. My windows need a good cleaning, but that is not on the list yet. When it is, it will be Tom's job.

  19. Your new valance is so pretty and looks so nice on your window. I love your new sparkle darkle stuff too. Looks like it was a bright and sparkly day at your house. We had quite a bit of snow stayed on the roofs and lawns for awhile. Yikes. Have a great weekend you 2.

  20. I saw my first junco yesterday! That always makes me sad, even though they are cute little birds. I looked in my birdbook, did you know the females look entirely different? I always thought the little dark birds were the same, male and female, but no. I'm pretty sure I have not seen a female junco, though maybe I have and just didn't know it.

  21. Well, I couldn't wah windows today as it's zero. I did mine about 6 weeks ago. Lots of snow today.

  22. When I was little I loved the sparkliest Christmas cards, they seemed to have their own kind of magic and wonderment.
    Alas, my windows don't sparkle- I guess I had better do something about that!

  23. My fall plans have been put aside for now. I have many doctor visits to make and very little strength. I won't be eating much sugar nor salt from now on.

  24. We had snow yesterday but of course it did not stay. Today beetles and sunshine ... Soon my windows will get washed!

  25. Your cards are always so lovely and hey now that there is snow, good thing to be stocked up in the craft dept.


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