Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Nice Day

 I worked in the west part of the yard.  It looks pretty good. 

It was a beautiful Fall day with highs in the high 60's F.  We don't get too many of these days in October. 

I was busy most of the afternoon with small projects outside.  I fixed a glass flower that was broken, and straightened some of the tubes that hold glass flowers.   Far Guy cleaned out both grates that are in the walk and in front of the door they collect sand and leaves. There were a few leaves in both garages...so I took care of them too.  I used the leaf blower and the mower in the yard. 

My baby brother and his bride visited in the afternoon.  It was nice just to sit outside! 

Hoping for a strong West wind so these Popple leaves blow away from the yard.

Yesterday was one of those days that you have to enjoy...and today looks pretty good too! 

Far Guy is improving a bit everyday.  He has to be in top form by the weekend...because I am getting my flu shot on Thursday.  Typically I am sick as a very old dog for a couple of days. 

Far Side


  1. Glad to hear Far Guy is improving. Keeping him my prayers.

  2. Hope the flu shot goes well for you. I had mine over a week ago and lucky me, no ill effects. I hope hubby feels up to doing a nice mow job again after two frosts, then he can put that mower away. I'll mow or rake the leaves and pine needles if I am ambitious. Or it will wait until spring! :) Your yard looks great!

  3. Your yard looks beautiful. I think we will have a beautiful day today, warmer than it's been in awile. I hope you don't get sick with this flu shot this year. We can always hope! We got test results yesterday for covid. He's positive. I'm negative. This is going to be interesting.

  4. Good to hear that Far Guy is on the mend. I read most of your posts and am amazed that your lives never seem mundane! You always have something interesting to post. Good luck with your flu shot. I get really sick from them too.💖

  5. We're having nice fall days in my area too. I've been taking extra walks & enjoying. The one tree in our yard, has not shed much of it's leaves yet. The leaves that have fell, have blew away.

  6. These beautiful fall days are a gift, aren't they? We had a gorgeous day too. Your yard looks wonderful.

    We got flu shots a few days ago. I felt fine, but my husband was under the weather for a couple days, although he also go the first shingles shot and I think that was more likely the cause of his symptoms.

  7. Glad to hear the Far Guy is feeling good! We get our flu shots on Friday. Our county does various "drive thrus". We usually go to the one at the fairgrounds which is in our town. But it is last on the list this year and I am afraid they will run out of the vaccine. So we will be traveling to a church parking lot on the other side of the county and sticking our arms out the car windows. Our crazy insurance does not cover "preventive" care so I have my two checks for $35 each ready and waiting. Worth every penny. (FYI - the "free" flu shots mean they accept your insurance as payment in full. Does not help those with no insurance".)

  8. We've got a good wind going here right now.

  9. Looks like your yard is ready for winter. I long for nice days to sit outside, but the smoke from a large, local wildfire is filling the air with thick smoke. Got my flu shot yesterday - so far so good. I hope your experience is good, too.

  10. Sunny fall days are the best! Hope you get lots more of them.

  11. We've had an excellent Sept. No rain and warm.

  12. The yard is looking good. These fall days are beautiful!
    Glad FarGuy is improving. Hope you don't get so sick this time.

  13. May it be different this year and you not get sick one minute, after your flu shot, Connie. Your yard is gorgeous! Lots of hard work there. I'm jealous that your leaves fall so soon in the season. Ours are still green here in Indiana. *bleh* ~Andrea xoxo

  14. Your yard is looking great. I do hope your flu shots go well and you don't feel as ill this year.

  15. Your yard looks great! You sure know how to get those leaves! I love this time of the year when it is nice to sit out and also to have all the windows open. I had the extra strength "old person" flu shot and surprisingly felt no ill effects at all other than a slightly sore arm. I hope you don't have too much trouble from it this year, although you are wise to be prepared just in case.

  16. Nice to here that Far Guy is doing better another nice day here in Newie not too hot in fact many would say it is cool if not cold but me I am sweating as per usual.

  17. The yard looks terrific. You sound like me, hoping the leaves blow away from my yard.

    Glad to hear Far Guy continues to improve. Good luck with the flu shot - I'm scheduled for Oct 24 the earliest I could get in.

    Take care and stay well!

  18. Glad you're getting some good work done with the nice days of weather. Hope Far Guy is feeling much better soon and that your response to the flu shot won't be as bad as usual this year!

  19. I remember from other years how awful you feel after the flu shot. Hopefully this year will be different.

  20. We are at the Whidbey Island cabin where tomorrow we'll tackle the garden clean up. I have not been doing well mobility wise, so I hope I can be of some use. It was a beautiful day here today too. The fog burned off early.
    We got our flu shots yesterday at a drive through at our clinic. My arm was quite sore but icing it helped.

  21. Your yard looks so nice! It's nice here too and this is the summer I have been waiting for! LOL! Glad Far Guy is feeling better and thanks for reminding me about the flu shot. I usually get mine on October 10th or there abouts...don't ask me why. I hope you don't have a reactions this time.


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