Monday, October 5, 2020

Happy 70th Anniversary!

 On Wednesday my parents will celebrate 70 years of marriage.   My baby brother hosted a get together for their anniversary and for their upcoming birthdays on Sunday afternoon at his home on the lake.  The weather was sunny but cool. 

When he called to ask what I thought about a get together I told him to "Plan whatever you want...I will be there."  It was a potluck picnic at his lake home.  He was kind enough to set up a table for Far Guy and I way over in the grass away from everyone else. 

My baby brother cooking Steelhead Trout on the cowboy grill. His other grill was cooking chicken.

Social Distancing

 Aunt Anna was an attendant at the wedding 70 years ago.  She is my Dads only living sibling.

Everyone brought a dish to share...there was a hotdish, cheezy potatoes, broccoli salad, pasta salad, fruit salad and brownies.

 Ice Cream Cake

Their Anniversary is on Wednesday.  Dad's birthday is on Friday he will be 94 and Mom's birthday is next week she will be 91.   They still live in their own home.  They watched three different church services on television that morning.  Dad likes to watch ball games on TV and Mother sews.  They miss going places during Covid and bible study were two outings they really enjoyed.  I asked them what they were going to do this week...the answer... stay at home just like last week and the week before...


View of the lake.

 People in attendance; Carey (my baby brother), Beth, Jody ( my other baby brother), Cindy, Josh (nephew), Missy, Anna, Stacey (niece), Justin, Aunt Anna, Mom and Dad and Far Guy and I.  My sister and her husband were unable to attend as they are in quarantine for exposure to Covid. 

Far Side


  1. Happy Anniversary to your parents (and happy birthday too)! Such a pretty home on the lake. Looks like a beautiful day to celebrate their love.

  2. I can't even imagine a 70th wedding anniversary! And your parents still look wonderful! May they have many more anniversaries to come... and oh how I wish everybody would have been wearing a mask at that party. Prayers for safety for one & all. ~Andrea xoxo

  3. I know you already know it, but you are extremely lucky to still have them. Happy anniversary to your mom & dad.

  4. Happy Anniversary you two rascals. You look great and healthy. Glad happiness is your life.

  5. What a wonderful and rare thing, to celebrate so many years together. They seem very healthy and happy nonagenarians! Congratulations to them and to you for choosing such great parents! :-)

  6. What a beautiful place to have a get together. Yum! Ice cream cake, not to mention all that other good sounding tasty food. Makes me hungry & I just ate breakfast.

  7. WOW, 70 years! That's so special! They both look wonderful! Happy Anniversary and Happy birthday to them!! The Lord continue to bless them with Love & Happiness.

  8. What an amazing milestone to reach! Congratulations to them both!

  9. Happy anniversary to your parents! That is a wonderful milestone.

  10. I'm so glad you still have your folks. Its so delightful to see them. Happy Anniversary

  11. Happy anniversary to them!! So nice that you could have an outside gathering and stay safe yet celebrate. :)

  12. Congratulations to your parents as well as birthday wishes! So nice the family could safely gather to celebrate.

  13. That is amazing! Your parents look great. A very Happy Anniversary to them! I'm glad you and Far Guy were able to be there to celebrate with them.

  14. Congratulations to your parents on reaching this amazing milestone!

    Sorry to hear your sister was unable to attend. Definitely hope that they are okay.
    Take care and stay well!

  15. Happy anniversary to them! 70 years is quite a milestone! Sounds like you all made the best of it and were able to honour them despite all the needed precautions.

  16. Happy Anniversary to them! I'm glad you were able to get together and celebrate!

  17. Happy wedding day. What a blessing to you.

  18. Happy Anniversary and Happy Birthday to them both!!! What a wonderful get together and a beautiful view of the lake! That grill is HUGE!!! I bet everything was delicious. It sure sounded good and made me hungry!

  19. Happy Anniversary to your parents-what a blessing to still have them! Glad you were able to celebrate!

  20. Happy Anniversary to your parents who look too young to have been married 70 years!! Happy Birthday to them as well. May they have many more.

  21. What a wonderful celebration! I bet this is never how they dreamed to be celebrating their 70th. I always loved the stories of Dad at Bingo and miss them, although not as much as he misses bingo I bet!

  22. 70yrs is amazing my parentns made it to 59yrs before dad passed away

  23. 70 years is amazing nd they're still doing well. I wish them happy anniversary.

  24. Your parents are remarkable. Congratulations to them, and Happy Birthday to each. It's wonderful that so many of you could get together to celebrate.

  25. What a wonderful party for your parents. A Big Congrats to them on 70 years. That's remarkable. May they enjoy many more and stay in good health. They look terrific! The meal sounded delish too. Happy Birthday to them both for their upcoming birthdays too. We don't have that kind of longevity in my family. God's blessings to them and all in your family.

  26. That is quite a group for the anniversary and birthdays. I am sure your parents really enjoyed family. Ice cream cakes are so fun. The numbers for birthdays and the anniversary number are amazing.

  27. How nice that you were able to do something to celebrate such a big milestone. I hope my hubby and I can still be living in our home when we are in our nineties! Congratulations to your parents and please wish them happy birthdays from me. You are so lucky to have them.

  28. Loved the photos of your parents. How wonderful to be married for that long - I hope they enjoyed all the family getting together (these celebrations are so special).
    I also hope that your sister and hubby are okay too. Mxx

  29. What a nice gathering - Happy Anniversary to Jake and Madeline!

  30. Hot dish for a celebration! How cool. Happy 70 years!

  31. What a wonderful celebration of love. Not just your parents love, but the entire family. From reading your blog it seems you all rally around each other when needed. Congratulation and Happy Birthday to your parents. 70 years is such an accomplishment.
    There is nothing like midwest potlucks. I sure miss them. It all sounds wonderful.

  32. How fortunate they are to have 70 years together. Happy anniversary to your dear parents! I’m glad the day was nice enough for an outdoor celebration and you could all get together.

  33. Happy anniversary to your parents. Awesome they made it to 70 years... Hopefully they'll celebrate a few more anniversaries yet.

  34. Congratulations to your folks on seventy years!!! How wonderful! And prayers for your sister and family for exposure to COVID. While the quarantine is necessary, that word "exposure" seems so generic and unhelpful in knowing how serious the threat is for them. We have friends in that same situation right now; waiting for test results and wondering just how much "exposure" it takes to actually catch the thing...


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