Monday, October 19, 2020

Bread and more

 I got the recipe for the bread at King Arthurs site

The only change I made was that I used half white flour and half wheat flour.  

From now on I will bake the bread on my baking stone....and forego the Dutch Oven.  I just baked half the in a few days I will try the baking adventure again....the dough is supposed to be good in the fridge for up to a week. 

Artisan Crusty Bread

View out the window on Saturday afternoon.

 Sunday  the snow melted a bit.  The ground is still white and we had snowflakes in the air again yesterday...not sure it counts as the second snow. 

I caught up on some housework and laundry and worked on Christmas Cards.  I also have a new crochet project that is really fun! 

Far Side


  1. I can't believe that you are looking at snow already! Fortunately our temps are still quite mild here. That bread looks yum! 💖

  2. The bread turned out looking good. We just had rain here all day yesterday. Not looking forward to the white stuff.

  3. Does it have to be baked on a stone? I guess I will wander over to the site you listed and check it out! Meanwhile I'll get out one of those frozen loaves and make it along with a nice hearty soup this week!

  4. I can't think of anything better this morning than a slice of that gorgeous bread, toasted and buttered, and looking out the window from inside your warm house!

  5. Wow! Look at all that snow. We had snow showers Fri & Sat then the ground was white this morning, maybe an inch.

  6. That bread looks good, but the white view from your window, not so much. It's too soon! :-)

  7. Beauty...bread and your window scene.

  8. That bread looks delicious. I keep meaning to make one for when we have stew, but the recipe I have lets it rise overnight, and I'm never that coordinated on what I'm making for dinner. One day I'll manage it!

  9. Hope the second attempt at the bread goes well. Also, glad the snow melted a bit. Hope it will avoid piling up before you can finish your Autumn chores.

  10. Oh my - that seems like a lot of snow for so early in the year. Hope it all melts for you. Your bread looks delicious! I haven't tried making any type of yeast bread in about 30 years at least. Too many failures that even the dog wouldn't eat. But fresh baked bread is one of my favorite smells - and tastes.

  11. Crusty bread - the BEST in my opinion!

  12. It's the time of year for baking! We've not had snow, YET!!!

  13. Looks delicious!
    You really got a lot more snow than we did--wow!

  14. The bread looks delicious, the snow, not so much. :-). We're supposed to get some by the weekend. I hope they're wrong.

  15. That bread looks wonderful! I have heard that baking stones are really useful. Looking out the window it looks like you have a lot more snow than I thought. The view out your window is beautiful and I love all your blue glassware. Looks like good weather for working on Christmas Cards and crochet!

  16. We got snow today in Iowa. I figured you must have have been hit by now living way up there in Minnesota. ( I missed yesterday's blog post) I will be blogging about that later today. The bread looks really good! This cold weather makes me want soup and home-made bread to dip into it. Yum! Well, Autumn was fun while it lasted! Looks like my tomatoes are finished! We shall see just how much Mother nature dumps on us today.

  17. Your bread looks delicious... I swear I could smell it! Your snow is pretty, but please keep it, I'm not mentally ready for winter! Can't wait to see your new project.

  18. makes me HUNGRY. A year ago under medical advice I eliminated wheat and some other things I love to eat. The result was positive -- in reducing and in some cases eliminating symptoms. But how I miss fresh baked bread. The gluten free stuff is like sawdust in my craw.

  19. Your bread looks beautiful and so does that snow! How cozy especially for bread making! You tell us about a really neat crochet project but no picture or pattern or explanation? You're such a tease!LOL! Enjoy it whatever it is.

  20. I'm tempted to try making that bread (half recipe) and preheating my cast iron pan since I don't have a pizza stone. I think it should work.

  21. I can smell the bread from here. I love fresh baked bread.

  22. You see snow, I see cold rain today while sitting in sweat

  23. I don't believe that view out your window!

  24. It's winter at your house: fresh baked bread right out of the oven and snow piling up on the window sills. Wow. Looks very homey, but I am not ready for that yet.

  25. Your bread looks delish! And that view out your windows would be gorgeous if it was December! I hope it's melting this week!

  26. That window is beautiful! Happy Snow Bread Making Day!

  27. Mmmm....your bread looks delicious!

  28. We are trying to buy the different whole wheat breads to see if any will taste good. We can bake our own but it does have to be whole wheat and you have to have sugar to make the yeast work. The one kind we bought today will keep me alive but it isn't good tasting.

  29. Oh I know the bread smells great baking. Such a pretty view out your window. Winter sure came early. I admire your pretty hand made cards and your lovely crochet projects, that is a lovely snowball bush on your newest post.


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