Saturday, October 31, 2020

Blast from the past

Happy Halloween.  Lets go back seven years and revisit Halloween 2013.  The neighborhood was full of little those little kids are growing up and some have their license to drive!  Many are teenagers now!!   

Chance loved Halloween...he got to see some of his favorite little people.

Going in for a kiss

What fun to see these old photos...

These little girls now have a little brother.

This little monkey now has two new brothers and a sister. It has been fun to watch them all grow up! 

I asked her are you a good witch or a bad witch? 

So many smiles! 

Chance wore the hat and stood still enough for one photo before the hat went flying off! 

Far Side


  1. Such cuties! And so nice to see Chance again.

  2. I always wanted to put fake reindeer antlers on our Pyres at Christmas. They would have none of that. I think they felt it was beneath them.

  3. Love all the old photos. Have a safe and happy Halloween!

  4. Cute kids!
    Love that last photo!
    Have a wonderful weekend!

  5. Great memories! You can just see the love in all their eyes.

  6. Fun photos of the kiddos and Chance. Great memories!

  7. I remember these sweet photos from years gone by. I miss Chance.

  8. Those kids are darling...Chance looks like..."I'm going to get rid of the this NOW" :)

  9. Wonderful memories and adorable children! It is good to see Chance again! Happy Halloween!

  10. I enjoyed seeing all these pictures and remember most of them. I especially love the one of Chance "going in for a kiss", and the red hat! Sure love all your visitors in your last post too. That baby Pileated woodpecker is amazing! So cute!

  11. How fun to see all of the little ones and their costumes. The RV park is going to have a Parade for the kids at 6:00 tonight so they can dress up. Some of us will put individual bags of treats at the end of our sites so they can have some goodies too. That way, none of us will be close but they can still dress up.
    I loved the photos of Chance. He is very missed by a lot of us. Love the one with the hat and you can tell he loved kids.

  12. So nice to have the pictures. They grow up so fast!
    Still miss Chance.

  13. These are such precious pictures! Love that Chance loved to see all the kids. Katie hates the doorbell so it's not such a great holiday for us..of course we only get 1 or 2 kids a year. Your visitors are adorable.

  14. The photos are so sweet. Lovely to see Chance too.

    Have a good evening!

  15. How sweet those photos are! I will miss the few trick or treaters I usually get. Nitty and Annie loved Halloween too for all the kids that came to the door. Sweet memories. I'm sure Nitty and Annie were grateful I did not make them dress up! LOL! That was a cool hat that Chance wore though! Happy Halloween!

  16. Kids are definitely the best part of Hallowe'en!

  17. Wonderful Halloween photos of some of your favorite people including Chance!

  18. Fun memories. When the little ones grow up Halloween is very different. We have to make our own fun.

  19. Kids have a great time at Halloween. Some Grannies make it even better.

  20. So fun to look at your old pics of Halloweens past and sweet Chance right in there having fun with the goblins! Hope you had a few goblins this year too!

  21. Oh how fun! I love seeing these older photos of past Halloween! Chance sure enjoyed the little ones didn't he?

  22. So nice to see Chance again. I'd forgotten about the hat picture :-).


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