Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Packages and more

 The mailbox has been full of great surprises lately. 

Sara from South Dakota sent a book with all kinds of card ideas!  Thanks the way she is a quilter...and does some amazing sewing!  

The next day a package from Sam in Arkansas arrived.  By this time I was feeling real special! 

The knit Miss Marple scarf will keep me warm this winter! The scrubbies will be put to good use too! Thanks Sam! Sam always has all kinds of wonderful projects going on.  I admired this scarf all the while she worked on it! 

Bloggers are just the best kind of friends to have...especially during a Pandemic and Isolation...we all need each other! 

I got the South part of the yard done yesterday and mulched at the neighbors.  My brothers think I am too OCD (CDO) about leaves.  Oak leaves kill the grass and are a heavy mess to clean up in the Spring...been there done that!  I think I have mulched five times now.  

Another mulch or two/three and I will be all done with leaves for the year.  The Salvia 'Victoria Blue' in my flower garden has survived several frosts...the past few days a tiny yellow butterfly was visiting the flowers. The Impatiens are history. 

We had another very nice day spit rain a few times. ( I am not sweet enough to melt!) Far Guy worked on his new old car...valve covers is the latest project.  I got a few more things on my never ending Fall list taken care of. 

We made Green Chili Chicken for supper.  Chicken breasts seasoned with cumin, pepper and chili powder, place them on 1/4 cup of Green Enchilada Sauce in a baking green chilis on the chicken and top with more enchilada sauce and some cheese...bake 375 degrees covered longer than 30 minutes...depending on the size of your chicken breasts!  Bake uncovered about 10 minutes....serve over white rice.  Far Guy gave it a 10...and said he hoped I didn't like it so he could have all the leftovers...It was okay...I wouldn't eat it every week...but once in awhile it is okay.  Two servings went into the freezer for some night when we don't want to cook. 

I have three crochet projects going at once...too many!  So it is taking forever to finish anything. My shawl with pockets was way to heavy to take along to the cities last I started another lacy shawl.  Then I saw that Cee Cee was wearing socks and her feet looked cold so I am crocheting her some cute little is to get one to look like the other! 

Far Side


  1. Love your gifts. Your Chili recipe sounds interesting; think i'll try it on my hubby.

  2. I'm horrid about crocheting or knitting, those things are beyond me but I appreciate those who can!
    Nice for you to get surprise packages.
    I have a huge mess of pine needles and am waiting for the Hickory tree to drop its leaves. I do like a short mowed yard before winter. It just feels tidy!

  3. Nice to know you are loved and to love the ones you love by noticing and crocheting booties. Lucky girl, you and Cee Cee.

  4. I think your mulching has done good things for your lawn. And you always seem to have more than one project going on at a time, and it seems to me you finished them quickly! :-)

  5. What lovely gifts. Another blogger from South Dakota & one from Arkansas, I added to my reading list.

  6. I can't wait to see the "boots"! My sister in law is a champion crocheter and used to make some very fancy footwear for her nieces and nephews.

  7. I'm so glad the package arrived. Our yard needs mulching too, but the past 2 days my husband has chosen to play golf while it was nice and warm. The yard work can wait for less ideal weather. Your chicken recipe sounds much more interesting than the plain ol' baked chicken I have planned for tonight.

  8. Nice gifts - love the scarf!
    Now that the weather is cooler, it is time to cook more come-in-and-get-warm food - thanks for the recipe.
    Have a wonderful day!

  9. I was thinking of mulching yesterday, but I did not get to it. I should have! We've thunder and lightning today.
    "I am not sweet enough to melt!" I'll have to remember that.

  10. Having a Blogger family is wonderful! Happy mail is wonderful!! I had never hear of a Miss Marple scarf and had to google it--LOL! BTW--I don't think it is OCD for wanting to keep ahead of the leaves. They are a worse pain to deal with in the spring, for sure. ;)

  11. Rain and much colder weather heading into our world on Sunday. I'm with Rita...doing leaves in the spring is a HUGE pain!

  12. It sounds like life is humming along nicely for you folks and I'm glad. If you're a little OCD about leaves, there's nothing wrong with that. At least your yard looks nice because of it! :-) ~Andrea xoxo

  13. Surprises in the mail make a day special. Enjoy! Fall leaf cleanup is MUCH easier than Spring leaf cleanup.your yard looks tidy and free of leaves.

  14. I have a similar comment, I don't melt, I only wish I least a little. :) The yard looks great and I'm sure you and the neighbours will appreciate your hard work next spring.

    Lovely gifts from your blogging friends. That is sweet!

  15. You're a trooper with those leaves. I watched Sam make that Miss Marple scarf and thought of how warm it would keep your neck. It was sweet of her to send it to you and goodness knows with your winters, you need all you can get to keep warm! The other gifts are nice too. I always wanted to make cards but it's definitely not a talent I was blessed with.
    I hope you and Far Guy do well with the flu shot. I ran a low-grade fever all night and my arm felt like it would fall off! I had a headache and body aches too. It's been about 24 hours and I'm feeling a bit better now. I don't like those shots at all. Dennis said he hasn't had any after effects from either of his shots. Men! I'll be praying for you because I know you usually don't feel well after them either.

  16. What thoughtful and useful gifts you have received! You are well loved by all of your blog followers. Isn't it fun to get surprises in the mail! You know all my blog friends mean so much to me but especially now with the pandemic.

    Your yard looks great and I love that pretty flag! I hope things go well for you both tomorrow with Far Guy's appointment and your grocery shopping. Maybe you'll get those pretzel buns!

  17. So glad you got your gift and another one are loved for sure and you deserve them! Your yard looks so nice.

  18. We love the leftovers. If we have enough for a full meal great, otherwise it can be a noon meal with cottage cheese and fruit. I have been immobile for four or more days. I am up and walking again so I might get my yard mowed tomorrow. I hate getting old. We had a new recipe for tomato pie and it was not so good.

  19. Blogger friends are wonderful to have during these strange isolated times. The little scarf you were sent is gorgeous.
    Hugz, Mxx

  20. Recieving packages is wonderful I recieved 5 parcels in the mail, 4 of them gifts for other people because Christmas is coming.

  21. Must have been time for Chicken Chili - we call it White Chili Chicken and have revised it and use cauliflower instead of white cannelli beans. It is so good! You received some great surprises in the mail!

  22. We have been getting so much rain here in eastern Ontario, that I can't get a darn thing done. Thankfully I got the garden cleaned out and the garlic planted last week. Still need to get flower bulbs in and cover everything with straw. No point raking or mulching all the leaves here.

  23. How fun for you, getting all those neato gifts! And you're hard at it, cleaning up your yard. I'm jealous that you can pop so many things into your freezer for later dinners..we got such a tiny freezer with our refrig here that I am always fighting just to get the regular frozen things in that we buy at the store. Oh least we HAVE a freezer. All the best to you two.

  24. I learn something new again. I had to look up what a Miss Marple scarf was and I really like it. I must find a Canadian source, preferably local, and see about getting one made.

  25. Nice you got some packages... It's always a pleasant feeling getting things like that. Also, great you're getting things ticked off your list of projects and Fall chores.

  26. With all of the lawn area that you have, mulching is a smart idea.
    How fun to get surprise gift packages in the mail.


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