Tuesday, October 20, 2020


 On a positive note...It didn't snow yesterday... but it didn't melt either.  Two or three snow storms are forecast for this week...one of those storms will probably be a blizzard and one may go South of us. 

I have to get out the snow shovel and the snowblower and my winter boots and a parka.  I have a couple of things to finish up outside...I have been in denial that winter is really really here. Well duh...14 inches plus of sNOw are forecast in two storms ...so I suppose I better try to pound the snow stick into the ground.

I would just like to hibernate. 

Minnesota Snowball in bloom in June


Far Side


  1. I know how you feel about being denial. I also keep hoping it doesn't s..w. Sure wish I could afford to be a snowbird and go south every winter. Boy, talk about wishful thinking! My son would really love to have me move to GA, but I don't see that happening any time soon. Time to have tropical scenes on my computer wallpaper.

  2. Sounds like the prospect of winter is really not making you very happy. More time stuck inside is hard to do.
    I am wondering how I am going to cope with it too. I guess, hiking and walking is my choice. That and perhaps doing a in home project like crocheting a rag rug.

  3. It's still fall, so you are right to be in denial. I sure love the summer version of snow in Minnesota! :-)

  4. I am in denial too. Of course we don't have snow. Yet. I guess you better get that snow stick in place. Sigh.

  5. Those June snowballs are my favorite of all snowballs.

  6. We may see a little snow, but it's more likely to be north and east of us - hanging over you instead. Guess it's time to pull out that winter coat.

  7. Your winters are too long already and then to have to start them so early with all of that snow is enough to put anyone in denial.
    It is getting colder here now, into the 30's at night by this weekend, and that seems too soon here.

  8. It's coming for sure from what you've said. I tried to get a few things outside taken care of Saturday while the weather was not too bad. It turned cold the very next day. Yes, it sounds like it's time for the snow stick!

  9. Denial is happening here, too. A storm system is predicted to drop some white stuff later this week. Drat!

  10. I'll take the June snowballs over the October ones! I'm in denial too. I think many of us are. It seems we didn't have any summer with having to distance from everyone and now we're going back into INDOOR isolation. *sigh*
    I guess it's time for the snowstick to reappear. We need to get our shovels from the storage unit and bring them to the RV.

  11. I envy you the snow. Our winters are dark and dreary. Overcast skies, ligth lit indoors often at noon. Rain, wet and depressing all over. Laundry that never get dry. Frost ands snow and clear skies would be a welcome thing here. Btw I live north of you -- in Denmark at the 56th parallel -- making mornings and evenings even later/earlier and the sun stand even lower at noon.

  12. The Snow beat the snow stick to the ground? Talk about an early arrival. I remember Cheryl running in Bemidji and the snow held off until the trip home. Lucky us! Cheryl is in denial as well. 31 degrees this morning and she ran in SHORTS! Not me! I parka-ed up and broke out the light snow pants. I even hooked up the Bar mitts for the bike to help keep my hands out of that biting wind chill. At least she generates heat while running, I just get colder as I ride along side.

  13. I just heard that today and Thursday--two more storms. I guess I have been in denial, too. Should have brought my fans way out to the garage already and brought in my snow shovel--LOL! I think this is the third year in a row we've had snow in October. Winter is changing on us.

  14. Yes, I think it’s time to install the Snow Stick!

  15. Oh my... that's a lot of snow! This week is rainy and dreary here and I complained about it but I won't anymore because it could be snow! Stay safe and warm!

  16. No snow here either..............lol
    If it did snow it woould make world news.................

  17. I'm not sure what we did to get all this snow.

  18. Denial is fine with me for awhile yet!

  19. Well, we are getting snow right now, as I type this. Looks like an early beginning to winter doesn't it? And yes we have snow multiple times in this week's forecast too. Thanks for the nice pic of the snowball bushes. Once the snow and ice arrives...I have to get my snow boots out for sure ....can't afford to fall on ice. Take care you two.

  20. I am really not done doing summer. I did enjoy watching the last snow fall but I also liked seeing it melt today. We may reach 70 on Thursday.

  21. Here's hoping that weather forecaster will stick to the occupation's tradition and be wrong about that one!

  22. I'm sure you'd rather look at the June Snowballs than the winter ones but it happens every year around the end of October if I remember my childhood in Manitoba. Brrr. So glad we moved to BC.

  23. I would love to trade places. Isn't that a lot of snow for this early? I thought they said this winter was going to be mild?


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