Sunday, August 11, 2019

More Art

Here are the last three sculptures at Goose Poop Park.

This one is called Stegacrane.

I did not enjoy the next one at all.
It is called Snakes and I gave it a wide berth.

The last one was puzzling to me.

It is called Wheel of Wonder.  I read later that you are supposed to look through the eyepiece, inside is a kaleidoscope...

The sculptures change every year...but most of the artists are the same from year to year.  The snake artist is new to this project this year.  I believe the sculptures are sold after they have been on display for a year.

So much for this artsy fartsy project.

Far Side


  1. We have a permanent sculpture in a park near by. It is 4 concrete walls with a rectangle cut in each at a different spot. We have a New England style town. It is just weird. The city has spend a ton of money trying to paint it with special paint so maybe the graffiti will stop. It was a gift from a wealthy resident. Sorry, but I think the last one looks like a very fancy birdbath.

  2. I don't know how they would expect anyone to know there is a kaleidoscope in the fancy bird bath/flower pot--LOL! I do like that one the best, though. :)

  3. Interesting pieces, I do like the first one. I can't imagine purchasing any of them though...where the heck would one put it?

  4. I like the idea of having the artwork change annually.

  5. You know me — i love artsy fartsy! You’ll have to go back and take a look through the kaleidoscope and see if that improver your opinion of the birdbath creation. I think kids might enjoy it (if they knew to look)

  6. I would have avoided the snake sculpture too. Shudder!! But I like the look of that last one.

  7. Wheel of Wonder looks like a bird to me...Egret? Great blue heron? Sandhill crane?

  8. I think I like the last sculpture the best. I don't like anything that even remotely reminds me of that one's out. So they put them up for a year and then they're sold? Interesting. Thanks for keeping us up-to-date on all the artsy stuff happening around you. I reckon the coolest artsy stuff is usually happening right in your own house! You guys are great at it! Just sayin'.

  9. That's a neat idea to change the sculptures every year.

  10. I think I like the last sculpture best of the three.
    We have a huge contraption right by the off ramp from the freeway. It has enormous raspberries hanging on it ( we're supposedly the raspberry capital of Canada). It cost a small fortune to put it up.

  11. I like the last one best too but would have never guessed it was a kaleidoscope. How would you ever know? Snakes? Not so much. Thanks for taking us along with you.

  12. I love them! I admire creative people.
    I must admit I like snakes, too!
    (ツ) from Cottage Country Ontario , ON, Canada!

  13. I kind of like the Wheel of Wonder. We have sculptures in our town too, as well as big murals on some of the buildings. My favourite sculpture is one called Bad Hair Day, a life size bronze of a donkey.

  14. Art to me is like books....if I have to ponder too long to figure out what they are trying to express then I figure THEY have a communication problem not me.


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