Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Tried Again

While Far Guy was at Rehab I did errands and was done before him so I went by the local Hometown Craft Store (used to be a Ben Franklin) and bought some proper baby yarn. I crocheted them during the afternoon when the phone was ringing off the hook so much it made me miss my nap.

I am done with baby booties now.   These will be a gift for one of Far Guy's Infusion Nurses who is due to have a baby soon.

I stopped by a Bank in town.  Yes they could set me up with Bill Pay, I just had to sign some papers.  Later I found out the gal didn't know what she was talking about ( she is new and was confused)...so I have to go back to town and open another account...as if one of the three we have there would not work...it has to be a special checking account.   I am just about fed up with signing up for this bill pay crap.  And yes the Credit Union we usually use is still paying our bills and not taking the money out of our account...the money is there just waiting for them...go figure.  Everyone said "Bill Pay is so easy."  I have found it to be a big pain in the butt for the past 9 weeks.

Far Side


  1. So sorry for all the aggravation with bill pay.
    The booties are so sweet. The nurse will love them.

  2. The booties turn out very cute. I have had so much trouble with paying for things on line that I have gone back to writing out checks. Call me old fashioned but at least everything "works" that way.

  3. Such sweet little booties. They will stay on well with the ties. Sorry you are having so much trouble with automatic bill pay. I still use my small town bank in Minnesota and it was quite easy to set up. (Except they are constantly making me change my password and I have a whole little spiral notebook dedicated to remembering the latest one for me!).

  4. I have some bills that are paid automatically. I get emails from the accounts that they have been paid. But the money is not taken out of my account for sometimes up to a week. I am not sure what the bank is doing - fronting me the money?

  5. I use bill pay and have for more than a decade now. It works great, but I do remember the hassle of getting it set up. It wasn't easy at all! I love your pretty booties, and I know that the mother will love them. :-)

  6. I've used bill pay for a few years and had none of the hassles you've experienced. It didn't require any special account and was easy to set up. Even my move to a new community didn't cause any issues.

  7. How annoying for you! Our bank just changed our existing accounts to a different type when we wanted to be able to use Bill Pay. Basically amounted to a 5 minute process. Your bank needs to work on customer service. And the Credit Union - no words for how frustrating that must be.

  8. The booties you mae are so sweet! Sorry about your bill pay problems. We use the credit union, and the main problem we have is the folks who refuse to take electronic payments. Those who still only take checks. So if I pay someone on the 5th, the check may not arrive until the 20th, or it may arrive on the 6th....we never know.

  9. The booties are adorable! Your bill pay process must be much different than mine. I can add or delete bills as needed, set up payments to occur in the future, and review payments I've made in the past. I use about 4 checks a year because everything else can be paid on-line. And I didn't need a separate bank account. Sure hope you can get everything straightened out soon.

  10. Your booties are adorable. You are so talented! I hate bill pay. I try to pay with my check as much as possible, but some companies now won't let you. :(

  11. Oh those booties!!!!! They are so sweet. We haved used bill pay for years at our credit union and it's been wonderful. I wonderful what the deal is with your credit union messing up. I hope you can get this taken care of soon. It's way too much stress for you right now when you definitely do NOT need more stress.

  12. I hope it is a girl baby. :)
    I hope they are actually paying the bills.

  13. What a disaster on the bill pay!!
    These are even cuter than the last pair. :)

  14. Adorable booties!
    I don't know what Bill Pay is but here I just do online banking to pay my bills,(no special account required) even my rent which I do by etransfer. Sounds like your bank just wants extra bank fees for each account.

  15. Your billpay issue is funny but in reality it's a pain and a big concern.

  16. The booties are adorable and will make such a thoughtful gift. We used a small local bank for many years but when things all started to go electronic we changed to a larger bank in a nearby town so we could use electronic bill pay, etc. Our smaller bank just didn't keep up as well with the newer trends. I have been using online bill pay for over ten years now and I love it. You do not need a special account (just a regular checking account), it does not cost me anything and it saves me so much time. Maybe you just need to shop around for a bank that will make things easier for you not harder. That's the whole purpose of online banking! I am sorry you have had so much trouble.

  17. After having my son pay my credit card bill for years I finally asked him to show me how. I'm amazed at how easy it is but we deal with a credit union. Maybe their set up is easier,

  18. Love the booties. We did pay online in TX but when we came back we decided to write checks again.

  19. I use Bill Pay through our credit union, which is our only bank. It works great. I'm sorry you are having so much trouble. Seems like your credit union would be more concerned about getting it fixed.

  20. Love those new booties......you are a whiz at that! They will be great loved I'm sure, by the recipient! I can't believe all the trouble you are having with Bill Pay. It's pretty darned incredible that they can't get it straightened out. Hoping things get figured out soon. You sure are patient! Blessings to you both. Get well. Stay Well. Please.

  21. Love your booties! I've attempted them a couple of times but they turned out wonky. I use Bill Pay thru our bank and have never had an issue. I sure hope you get all straightened out very soon.

  22. My wife has all our bills set up through the individual computer sites. You just have the bank account number and direct the bill to it. Probably more reliable than working with people, sadly.

  23. The booties are precious! How thoughtful you are. I steer clear from anything "automatic" but I must say I was able to pay my bills from Iowa using the phone....that's usually how I pay my bills but I did have the bills and phone numbers with me.

  24. These booties are absolutely adorable! I don't understand the whole issue with the bill pay - sounds very frustrating!


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