Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Wistful Wednesday : Family branch

We have many branches that make up our family tree.  I was able to do some research and discover a bit about my Great Great Grandmother on my Mothers paternal side of the family. I have her obituary from 1918. She and her husband were parents to eight children.

The short adventure that we took the other day was finding the cemetery where my Great Great Grandmother, Great Great Grandfather and some of their children are buried.

So far I can only push back in this branch to 1843 in Pomen or Pomerania Germany.  I do have some clues about earlier dates and people but they need more research.

Old photo of some of the eight children.

My Mother took this photo in 1949.  The occasion was someones funeral, Mom cannot recall who died.
Lena, Elsie, Grandma(Hatwig or Hadwig), Hattie, Bob 1949.

Lena was my Great Grandmother's sister, born in Kansas....she married twice once in 1907 and again in 1944. She lived out her life in Coleraine Minnesota.
Elsie was my Great Grandmothers twin sister ( can you imagine how rare it was in 1878 to have twins and both of them survived!) born in Stuttgart, Stradtkreis, Stuttgart, Baden - Wurttemberg Germany.  Elsie married John and they lived in Spruce Grove Township Minnesota. is Hatwig on her grave marker.  Married my Great Grandfather Christian and they lived on a farm next to my maternal grandparents all their lives ( one of my cousins lives there now)
Hattie....Hattie is Bob's wife. They lived in Fullerton North Dakota.
Bob...or Robert my Great Grandmothers oldest brother.  Married to Hattie and lived in Fullerton North Dakota.

Other siblings were Otto, William(Wilhelm), Albert and Frank
The research continues.
Far Side


  1. You certainly know much more about your ancestors than I ever will. My brother is interested in genealogy and sometimes posts information about them, otherwise I'd never know anything. :-)

  2. You really have found out a lot! I love the old photos. Makes you wonder what their daily lives were like. :)

  3. How interesting and you have had some good success in finding info. One of my great-grandmother's was a twin as well. Both were born in Ontario and both emigrated to Kansas as teens. I visited those Kansas graves a year ago. But one of my maternal great-grandmothers died in Fergus Falls MN and we've never been able to find out where she and her husband were buried.

  4. That's neat that you're able to find this information on your relatives. I know very little about my mother's side of the family. There was a distant relative who did a history of my Dad's side so I know a little bit more about them.

  5. Genealogy research is fascinating.

  6. You finding new cemetery has me interested in finding out my great greats. I have been at the cemetery where the great grandparents are but I think the great greats are farther down the hill of that same cemetery. My mom’s side has some near Macksburg, Iowa. That photo you have is an oldie considering who the family are.

  7. How interesting. I love history, even if it's not my own. Our middle child, Jamie, has spent a lot of time researching our family tree. He has gone back fairly far, several hundred years, on Dennis' side because his mom and some aunts and uncles have done a lot of their own research they have given him.
    On my side however, all of the older generation have passed and I've only been able to provide back to my grandparents on my Moms side. It's too bad that the history is being lost.
    We have a family at our church with the name Kuhn, like in your photo. Not a common name so I wonder if they're related? Hmmmm.
    I hope you have a wonderful day.

  8. Your genealogy research is so interesting. I have been trying to get into doing some research on my family. Do you use any service like, etc? I have joined that and find some very old documents that are interesting and also helpful in my research.

    1. So far I have used Family Search it is free. When I have unlimited time to research I will do Ancestry:)

  9. I have some information on my ancestors but I'd like more. Unfortunately they all were born in Russia ( incl. my parents) so it can be difficult getting info.

  10. holy crow... my mothers mom had the last name of Kuhn. it was her second husband... they lived somewhere in Indiana. The first husband died 'suddenly', and granny married his business partner (in short order)... the family didn't talk about it much.

  11. I had a cousin who did our geneology stuff and shared with us but she passed several years ago. She gave us all a copy of what she had found before she passed and I've done a little bit on my own. Do you use an internet program to do your research? If so, which one? So far I have found them pretty confusing!

  12. This kind of research keeps you going. It's surprising how much info is there. we just have to verify it.

  13. That photo looks so old, and then I realized I would have been five years old when it was taken. Oh dear.
    Tom is at the computer right now trying to figure out some Norwegian records. He has spent years doing genealogy.

  14. I have been working on family history. I used Family Search for about 2 years and wrote it all on paper forms. Now I have started using Ancestry. They give you all kinds of "hints" and I don't know how you would know what is true and what isn't without the background on paper. I love to have a picture to go with the faces!

  15. I love family histories. Good for you for delving into this. For many years I was very involved in my family tree. It got huge and went wayyyyy back in time and I finally decided to quit researching. Still fun to update things once in a while though. Thanks for sharing this interesting story about your family.

  16. Pomerania?!?! We might be related! Pomerania is the region where I just discovered some of my mystery grandfather's family originated. I am in the process of learning about it, and apparently there are some websites over there with data. I'll let you know if I find anything...if you are sure your connection is to Pomerania...

    1. Yes Christening Records say Pomerania:) I would love to have you for a cousin:)

  17. I had a cousin who married a Kuhn. Great pictures...that was the year I was born. Interesting to see the "style" then.

  18. Interesting. I like reading about ancestors. I have a cousin who researches my mother's family. My sister has researched my father's family.


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