Tuesday, August 13, 2019


I have the Bill Pay situation under control now...maybe.  I had to open a new account at a local bank as none of our other accounts would work.  I have entered all the information and hopefully bills will be paid.  The Credit Union still has not subtracted money from our account for the bills I paid using their system.  Someday I suppose they will figure it out.   I wonder how long it will take? 

 Finally after 8 plus weeks I can  say I might have accomplished this project...who knew it would be such a big pain in the butt.

Echinacea and an old bridge
It rained all day on Monday, turning our grass green again.  We had a number of errands to run.  The humidity makes it hard for Far Guy to breathe.  He is exhausted.  

Far Side


  1. Hope you do have the bill paying issue sorted out now.

    Humidity makes it hard for me to breathe too, and the worst thing I have is asthma. I can't imagine how much worse it must be for Far Guy.

  2. It has been super humid here also...so wicked on the lungs. The past three mornings have been so foggy! And yesterday just ... well, Rich didn't do very well at PT so I imagine how hard it is for FG too. Thinking of you both.

  3. It is sad that you have had to deal with this "Bill Paying" situation along with everything else going on. Hopefully it is solved now. Very high humidity here also. It is hard for me to walk in this weather- walking very slowly. Praying for you both.

  4. Glad that's fixed! Hope the humidity goes down for Far Guy.

  5. Hopefully the new account will work perfectly and things will get sorted out. Finally.

    It's been so rainy off and on all summer. I have only had to water my patio flowers five times! The dampness and dull skies killed all the marigolds. Sorry that it's been so hard on FarGuy.

  6. I too hope this will take care of your bill paying problems. I am praying for that lung to come for FG soon.

  7. The heat and humidity was very high. I see we have windows fogged over this morning again so we must still have the humidity. The bridge and coneflowers make a good photo.

  8. Oh, poor Far Guy...he wouldn't like it down here then....it is very humid. I hope he feels better soon. Glad you got the bill paying situation under control. I think you'll like it once you get used to it.

  9. Very humid here in Northern Ohio, but we are expecting big, scary thunderstorms today which is supposed to lower the temperatures. It always rains this week - it is Fair Week!

  10. This humidity is horrible this summer. My friend on oxygen feels totally house bound because her more portable unit doesn't put out enough oxygen when it's this humid. Ours is supposed to decrease mid week and then get bad again by the weekend.

  11. I hope the humidity decreases soon, it's got to be tough on both of you with Far Guy feeling ill and you worrying about him.

    Glad you were able to get the bill payment figured out. When it works it is a wonderful thing. I don't know what the prices of buying checks from your bank would be, here's it's ridiculous so the fewer checks I have to write the better.

  12. I hope the weather starts working in Far Guy's favor, being not able to breathe is a painc filled feeling.

  13. Oh I really hope that bill paying thing is done and completed. You have enough on your plate as it is. I'm sorry about the humidity. We have had a string of 4-5 days of absolutely stunning weather. Of course, I'm counting the weekend of rain that helped with some of the fires. It was very welcome.
    Praying for Far Guy and you too.

  14. You were more patient with the credit union than I would have been - eight weeks is more than enough time for them to straighten out the glitch. I predict they eventually will lose even more customers.

  15. I hope your humidity goes down and Far Guy gets some relief. And who says red and pink don't go together. Great Photo!!

  16. Rather ironic that they won't take your money

  17. Take it easy there Far Guy. Make him please Far Side. :)

  18. Hopefully the bill paying problem is solved.
    I like that picture of the coneflowers and the old bridge.

  19. Well, good, I guess. The credit union obviously still has some figuring out to do.
    Hang in there and stay hopeful, FG.

  20. I hope it is all sorted out now but it is super frustrating when these things get screwed up

  21. That is incredible that that situation has gone on for that long...and nobody has figured it out yet. Your bank is fortunate that you are so patient! Hope the new account actually ends up working!


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