Friday, April 19, 2013


Yesterday we had a winter storm warning.  It snowed and blowed.  Seems it snows just about everyday. Kinda like the monsoons that we used to have every afternoon when we lived in Florida …just to bring the humidity level up a bit.   Perhaps we are having snowsoons.  Snows everyday anyway might as well have a word for it.  The snowsoons have me standing at the window watching it snow..and remarking “Looky that more snow, goody goody.”

We went out for supper..good to get out and see a couple of different faces.  She who see Robins first and my other baby brother who has been real busy joined us. 

The roads were a real treat on the way home.

Snow April 18 

This is what a ground blizzard look like.  The snow drifts over the road and makes it all icy and you cannot tell where the road begins and ends.


This is a corner..follow the weeds on the edge of the road…as soon as we could we got off the road and took a dirt back road the rest of the way home.

Here is the snow stick report.

Snowstick 13 inches

Thirteen inches of snow at the snow stick.  At the rate of an inch a day we are still looking at May 1st..unless it rains but it has to warm up to do that.  It is cold during the the 30’s and in the 20’s at night. Wintery.  This is the 6th month and 14th day of snow.

Most everyone I talk with is as discouraged as I am, and they cannot wait for winter to be over.  Misery loves company I least I know I am not alone:)

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  1. Morning, oh that crazy weather.....Nice to get out and enjoy the beautiful white scenery, :(, Francine.

  2. Oh when will winter be over for you guys ? ! this is crazy weather ! Hang in there warmer weather will appear for you ! Thanks for sharing , have a good day !

  3. I think your new word is a good one and I sincerely HOPE you will be forgetting it sooner rather than later. This is really crazy weather!!

  4. I hate to drive in ground blizzards.

  5. Every week, as we get another snow storm rolling in, I always think of you and the snow stick. I wanted to win that challenge - oh well! Maybe next year!
    I hope, for your sake, that a huge warming trend comes your way. It can begin here!!

  6. Wow, you've had (are having)some winter. It would be bad enough trying to drive those roads in the daylight, in the dark it must be terrifying.

  7. Oh my goodness....I mean if this is weather Karma what did someone do?


  8. We had a snowsoon here yesterday too . Today the sun is shining but the roads are slippery and school is closed again. I have a big snow drift in front of my garage door. But it is good to see the sun. I am discouraged too.

  9. To have warmed up just a little and then to be refrozen again means the body has to readjust to the cold. I hate that. I am assuming the skiff of snow I have is nothing to complain about so I will keep quiet. I hate cold.......

  10. Oh, I do feel for you. I sure hope Spring shows up soon.

  11. Entertaining. I like that you show what the driving conditions are like for those who don't live here in the great Up North :)

  12. Bless your heart! I know I would be crazy.

  13. I guessed April 30... but I would much rather lose the contest! To say, Alan, thecrazysheeplady, or Laura...

  14. No snowsoon here just a couple gentle inches and the everpresent frozen sewer line. Grrrrrrr......:(

  15. I remember white-outs in Alaska.
    Be safe! God bless. ♥

  16. UGH! I HATE whiteouts, they are outrageously dangerous to drive in...and to meet other cars in and to have cars follow you because that car ALWAYS wants to pass you no matter what!


  17. I mentioned you to my friends at breakfast this morning, my blog friend living in endless winter in Minnesnoda.

  18. I love Winter and snow..for about 6 weeks. I think I'll stay out of Minn.

    Awesome blogger Lo sent me.

  19. It's awful! You had it much nastier than we have. We've had a nice five days so I think it's coming your way. We do need some heat thought 20 C (70 F) would be nice.


  20. I left this comment on your blog about Tricia from yesterday and realize you may not see it there so I am repeating it here.

    Hi, dear....I am using this way of announcing to you that I have nominated you to receive the Awesome Blogger Award. Please go to my blog of today 4/19 for all the details. ARE awesome.

  21. I think there are a few movies about you and your snow. Weather disaster movies!

  22. I see it's raining here this morning and maybe turning to snow be prepared.

  23. 6 months and 14 days of snow!!!!! I would be totally crazy by now. Bless you. I hope the weather warms soon and you get lots and lots of sunshine.



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