Monday, April 29, 2013


The snow is melting quickly.  The fields are turning black and the ditches are full of water.


Far Guy says the snow stick is now an ice stick.


There is still an inch of “stuff” to melt.  A couple of days..or really sudden if it rains.  It hardly paid to rake and clean up the yard last fall.  The snow was so heavy that it brought down lots of twigs.

Shell Lake  April 28

This is Shell Lake.  My cousin Chuckie says that once the ice loses its snow cover it will be two weeks before the ice leaves the lake.  Shell Lake is getting close to being snow free..the whiter spots are still snow.  It will be touch and go to have the ice going out before Fishing Opener May 11th.

The rumor has it that the Governor will fish on the rivers if he cannot fish on area lakes:)

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  1. Mmmmm. I think I fished on Shell lake once maybe fifty years ago. Musta got skunked as I don't remember anything about it...:)

  2. I can't believe you are still frozen over. We still have a lot of standing water after all our flooding.

  3. Glad all the snow and ice are melting for you ! A few people here fish from our village valley river in the wooded areas ! Hopping for sunny warm days for you from here on in ! Thanks for sharing . Have a good day !

  4. Who would have thought that by the end of April the snow stick would still have snow? Or ice if you want to be exact about it. What a difference a few days have made, though. May 1st is in two days...

  5. Glad the snow is melting quickly! I wonder if there has ever been a time when the lakes weren't open for the fishing opener.

  6. Morning, nice to see the snow melting, almost gone in our yard, yay!!!!! Red River is rising and flowing strong.......Blessings Francine.

  7. Hip Hip Hooray! I sure hope the Governor can fish on the lake (but I prefer river fishing) and that soon all will be warm and sunny and normal.

  8. Almost there, now just waiting for some GREEN!

  9. It will take a lot of warmer days to get to that ice. We have sticks everywhere from the storms. I think that the small ones that I left will get chopped up and the big ones will get burned up in May. We are almost back to a normal spring but no farmer has hit any field at this point.

  10. Hurray hurray hurray!

  11. WOW! The melt happened RAPIDLY!!! Goody for you!


  12. We just have a couple of tiny little ice drifts left behind the windbreak....I never cleaned my yard up much and I'm sort of glad I saved myself the trouble because it's a mess this spring. Hope you find the bottom of that stick before June ;)

  13. My husband read somewhere today that this has been the coldest spring on record for a long time. I'm wondering: do you keep a record of the dates for your snow stick contest's winning guesses each year? It would be interesting to track that over time.

    1. April 8 in 2011 and March 13 in 2012 Never can tell:)

  14. Things are looking up. From your picture I can smell spring with water and humid air.

  15. If you hadn't raked, though, you'd have an even bigger heavier mess to rake this spring.
    That does look like an ice stick now. Won't be long! :)


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