Saturday, April 27, 2013

Signs of Spring Finally

It was 53 degrees yesterday..two inches of snow melted at the snow stick!  We might have a winner in the next couple of days!


A Robin flitted in and out of our yard.

Robin April 26

Finally he/she stopped long enough for me to catch a photo.  Some of you who live where Robins are year round may not be impressed..but the first Robin of spring is a big deal here in Minnesnowda!


I am not certain when “She who sees Robin’s first” saw her first doubt it was days ago!  Even though she lives more North than me..she always sees them first. 

Daughter Jen and I went out on a photo adventure last evening.  Just to see what was happening in the area.

Sandhill Cranes

Sandhill Cranes out on the prairie.

Pussy Willows

Pussy Willows popping…a sure sign that spring might be on her way!

The weather people are forecasting 70 degrees for today..I am so looking forward to some warmth:)

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  1. YAY!!!!! It has been along time coming.....we had the same kind of day, so nice to be outdoors again without a heavy jacket.......Enjoyed your pictures, the Cranes are beautiful.....Maybe I will be the winner, think I said April 29, my Bday, :) Francine.

  2. We knew it would come some day, even to MinneSNOWda. Love the pussy willow picture especially. :-)

  3. Hurray! The snow is finally going away! You can welcome spring and a sunny day!

  4. Yay, finally some signs of spring! The snow should melt fast with 70 degrees.
    I love the photo of the pussy willows.

  5. You will soon have bare ground - how exciting!

  6. Yay for spring. It's a beautiful day here in my part of Michigan!

  7. So glad Spring is finally coming your way, it has been such a long winter!

  8. HOORAY!! I am glad the snow is melting for you!

  9. What a relief it must have been to finally see that first robin! And what a radical change to go from freezing temps to 53 and suddenly 70! Before you know it, it will be summertime!

  10. You really deserve the nice weather after the long winter you have had.

  11. You've earned your 70 degrees, I sure hope you got it!
    We are back to rain, and about 50F today:(

  12. Sand hill of my favorite birds.
    Things will change very fast this year. Grass will turn green and leaves will pop out before we know it. The think that will hold things up this year will be soil temperature.

  13. Just stopping by to say hello. Happy spring finally. We had a beautiful day in Michigan today. Finally remembered how to log into my account. Hmmmm maybe I'll even write something this weekend.

  14. I put away all our winter barn coats and declared it spring today. It was 77* yesterday but the forecast is for snow again on Monday.....I'm NOT going to accept that;)

  15. I see grass, at last! Spring can't be far behind, right? Lovely shots.

  16. Robins and cranes, bet they are as happy to see bare ground as you are!

  17. We hit 71 in Fargo Saturday! Just a couple days ago we were anxious to make it to 40. The snow should be gone your way soon--even in the deep woods. ;) You'll have to tell us who won the robin sighting.

  18. I could never be tired of robins no matter that they are always here (or nearly so). Their warble in the spring makes the mud and constant drizzle tolerable.


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