Tuesday, April 2, 2013


Jen helped me do some shopping..I got what I needed..a few tops and some new over the shoulder boulder holders. 

Jen is good to shop with.   “Try that one Mom maybe you will like it”  “That one looks like you”  “That one is cute”  “Here try this”  She picked out a very soft hooded red sweater..pullover..with no pockets..but it felt so cozy and warm that I had to have it.  I explained to her that I really need pockets for my office keys..she said “Get a lanyard.”  Great idea..pocket problem solved.

I complained that I hadn’t had time to get a haircut..Jen said “Well we can fix that” and thirty minutes later we both had haircuts.  Bigger cities have places you can just drop in for a haircut, what a convenience.  The last time I got a haircut in Park Rapids it took three hours at the beauty school.  Far Guy didn’t even notice…so apparently it wasn’t much of a change. I am all grey now, all the blonde is gone. The beautician said “Call it silver..it sounds better.” It is what it is..and now it takes less time to blow it dry..so I am happy. I usually have my hair cut all one length..this time I have some layers..I can still get it into the “old lady bun.”

One by one things are being checked off my list.  I have just one month left before I go back to work:)

Lone Tree  A lone tree in a field in Minnesota.

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  1. It feels good to get things checked off the list! I love this photo.

  2. Morning, sounds like a great trip, get er done...... Love the picture of the lone tree, like to see a tree in middle of a field, Blessings Francine.

  3. I always bu pants with pockets I need pockets lol ! Glad your getting things checked off your list as they get done it is a great feeling to complete them isn't it ? Have a good day !

  4. Jen sounds like gem, a really good shopping companion. And now you have your hair cut! I have gotten in the habit of wearing cargo pants so I have plenty of pockets, all the time! :-)

  5. I also enjoy it when I can check things off my "to do" list. I also need pockets, can't live without them. Hope Far Guy noticed your new hair cut.

  6. Dumb me. Being male I don't shop a lot and had trouble with two adjectives strung together...:)

  7. I havd been using a lanyard for years and love it. I also have pockets but the lanyard really works better for my car keys.I have never lost them! I do have pockets in my slacks but they are mainly for Kleenex and such.

  8. Jen sounds like a good shopping companion, gets things done and gets them done quickly:)
    I hate it when neither my top or my bottoms have a pocket, and I think a lanyard would bother my neck before too long. Well maybe if there was only one or two keys on it, it would be okay.
    How about a shot of the new haircut...I'd settle for a shot from the back:)

  9. The boulder holders I've not heard in years! Made me laugh. It is so fun to shop with someone like Jen and I bet your new style is rockin!

  10. Sounds like you had a fun shopping trip! It always feel so good to get a haircut.

  11. I love to see mothers and daughters shopping together. It seems so effortless, like they have the same genes or something.

  12. Getting it all done is a real treat. And how wonderful of your daughter to take the stress of picking out the right outfits for you.

    Silver, is my favorite color...I bet it looks lovely.


  13. If that is what your Spring still looks like, "cozy and warm" is good--even without pockets!

    Beautiful photo!

  14. I'm grey now, also. I have always loved grey hair. I finally get to have it! I'll bet you look lovely!


  15. I need a personal shopping assistant too. Love the stark, lone tree.

  16. I wish I could get my hair in a bun. I've no idea how to do it. I settle for putting it up with a couple of hair clips; when I can find a couple big enough to hold it.
    You still have a lot of snow. Any spring flowers poking up?

  17. Laughing at the silver. I keep calling myself blonde, because what I see in the mirror sorta looks blonde, if I squint a bit. My brother burst my bubble by calling it gray. When I corrected him, he said, "No, it is gray"... oh well!
    Your lonely tree looks very cold.


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