Sunday, April 28, 2013

Looking for open water

We took Jen and Andy through Tamarac National Wildlife Refuge yesterday.  Jen had not been there in years, and it was Andy’s first time there.  We go over there quite often, there is always something to see, it is one of our favorite drives.

Hooded Merganser

These Hooded Mergansers found a small pocket of water to swim in.

Trumpeter Swans

The Trumpeter Swans were putting on quite a show, there were another pair on a pothole nearby and they kept talking to each other.

Deer watching the Swans

There was a deer watching the swans..can you see him?  This was along the Ottertail River.


Further over on Tamarac Lake, the fisherman were out whilst the Swans were waiting for the ice to melt.


It was a beautiful day, it showed 72 degrees on our thermometer.  Andy and Noah carried the patio furniture out of the garage.  It was a pleasure to sit outside and soak up some sun! 

The snow stick had a massive melt of six inches yesterday:)Snow stick 3 inches


  1. Sounds like spring is arriving at last. The mergansers and swans arrived in southwest Ohio in late March. The last month of winter does seem endless. Will the lake be open when the governor arrives?

  2. Morning, beautiful pictures, love those Swans.......Massive melt here yesterday too, finally Spring has arrived, YAY!!!! Blessings Francine.

  3. I'm actually thinking about washing and storing away winter jackets, etc. today. Hope I don't jinx anything! :)

  4. Oh my, Spring is really in sight now! Can't believe that ice is still strong enough to fish on, wow. Thought it might be getting sort of rotten by this point.

  5. Those swans on the ice are not as happy as the fishermen, I suspect. With 72 degrees, I'm not sure how much longer the fishermen will win out over the swans. That snow stick tells the tale.

  6. Are you as excited as we are? Spring seems to have finally arrived here, as well. I feel like dancing barefoot in the sun :))

  7. I am so glad it is warming up for you. It is raining here again which we don't need at all. Last year drought, this year flooding.

  8. Oh so happy you finally are getting spring ! WOOHOO ! Wonderful photos ! Looks like a lovely place . Thanks for sharing . Have a good day !

  9. Good eye on the deer! Now I'm going to whine a bit. I don't think it's fair where you have your snow stick! If you had it in another place I might have won! LOL Is there a prize for whining?

  10. I am so thrilled to hear that you are getting a snow's about time, and you deserve to see signs of spring like everyone else.


  11. Open water, melting snow, 70 degree days, and bird activity - all good signs that Spring is coming.

  12. So glad spring is finally arriving in the North land! All of our snow has melted now except the dirty piles they made when they plowed the streets.

  13. Good for you, going off on a search for signs of spring. You see the best stuff that way.

  14. Fisherman sitting on buckets the old fashioned way. Neat! And trumpeters waiting for ice out. Also neat...:)

  15. What a radical change! Let's hope it's a keeper.

    I was wondering about the Governor and the Big To-Do, too...

  16. We haven't seen 70 degrees yet, but we rarely do until late in May. We didn't get any snow this winter, which is a bit unusual. It all stayed in the mountains where it belongs. :-)

  17. Been a lot of geese passing overhead here. It won't be long and the snow will be gone and the water will be open. The birds know. What a beautiful area! Of course, it IS Minnesota. ;)


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