Sunday, September 6, 2020

Saturday Drive

 I drove the new old car back and forth in the yard.  Far Guy took me for a ride just to see what she could do...yes we have decided that the car is a she.   Well she made it up to 55 or 60 when we both said "good enough."   It seemed like we were going much faster than that!  We did not go far from home!  She starts easy and runs like a champ! 

Here is a view from the passenger seat.

When we got back home I carded dog fur outside whilst Far Guy tinkered with his new old car. 

Our weather was just perfect...

Far Guy needs to take it a bit slower...and rest more often... he had to agree that he isn't 17 any more. 

The new old car brings up lots of memories for both of us.  The remember whens and laughter are wonderful! 

Far Side


  1. So much fun! Enjoy making all these new memories :)

  2. Ahhh! What a wonderful day! The look on FG's face is priceless. These days we look for those moments of pure bliss and happiness anywhere we can find them and hold them close to our hearts.

  3. I'm so glad you and Far Guy are enjoying the new ride. Does she get a name?

  4. I am very glad you got the "new" car! You both seem so happy about it, and that is great to see. My only vehicle is a 1967 Chevy truck, so I know a thing or two about "new" vehicles! Don't you just love the thin steering wheel instead of those fat ones that modern cars have? My favorite feature in my truck is the absence of the check engine light!!!

  5. This is a memory day! Doesn't the weather make you feel wonderful too? And the moments in the car bring back all the good times. You and your Far Guy remain in my prayers. I know we are all quietly hopeful for the call. (hugs)

  6. What fun! Old cars feel and smell so different. Enjoy! :)

  7. We like riding in our new old car also. It's a wee break in everydayness of Covid-19

  8. What fun! I love the side vent windows - manual air conditioning at its best.

  9. I actually though the color was pink. ( Like a Pink Cadillac.) Does he plan on painting it green? Or keeping the original paint. I find as I get older, driving cars really really fast is no longer something I want to do. Young people are always in such a hurry these days. Cheryl gets mad because I won't drive 75 on the highway along with all of the other speed demons! But Subie is no a spring chicken... and I want to enjoy the ride as long as possible. If I have to drive 5 miles slower than everyone else to do it, I don't see the problem.

  10. Happy memories are a good thing. I'm so glad your new old car is bringing both of you so much joy. Love, Andrea xoxo

  11. I thought I had left a comment yesterday but my computer has been acting up and I don't see it so I'll try again.
    Good for Far Guy getting himself an old car to restore ( although it doesn't look like it needs anythings done to it. Looks great).

  12. Sure sounds like fun to me. I'm so glad this new/old car has come into your lives. :-)

  13. I bet that car made you both feel like you were 17 again! You do have perfect weather....still hot here but next week....70's or so they say. Does the radio work in the old car? It would be nice if radios played tunes from when the radio was made. Those old cars were big! Look at that steering wheel! Glad you are having fun!

  14. How fun to take the "new" old car out for a spin. I"m so glad you were able to find her. Far Guy looks thrilled with it. You aer both in my prayers daily.

  15. How much fun you will both be having with the new/old car! I love seeing pictures of it and remembering how BIG the cars used to be on the inside! I can see where the car could take Far Guy back to his teenage years but we all have to admit we are a bit past that physically at least now. I hope he gets some rest and enjoys some easy tinkering with the car.

    I'm looking forward to seeing how the dog fur project comes along!

  16. What a fun time driving and riding in the new old car! Good for you. Do you have a building to store HER in?

    1. Oh garage! We have two garages his and hers...mine is much cleaner! It is being transformed more everyday into an auto repair shop!

  17. Definitely worth purchasing already - you will have fun with that car. It was hot and windy here today but we played golf. And then her played 18 more holes with both sons-in-law. Rain and 50s expected the next couple of days.

  18. How fun to get a car which is also a conversation starter--and laughter prompter! It sounds like you two are getting much joy out of this find. How wonderful.

    It's been so long since I've stopped by that I had to go back and read up to discover what you meant by "carded dog fur." Sounds like a lot of work! But I can understand why it is called chiengora. Chien is "dog" in French. Makes it sound very high-fashion!

  19. Cheers to you both - fun times!

  20. Glad she runs well, and is bringing back some wonderful memories for the two of you.

  21. An outstanding purchase. Definitely will not see another on the road! Tell FG I am jealous!


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