Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Fall Color Begins

 We have a Burr Oak that is turning color. 

Not sure why it is stressed...

Boy there are very few acorns this year...a few but none can be heard plink plinking off the wood shed.  Some years the acorns are so heavy they roll under your feet ...and then I have to rake them up. 

There are no Hazel Nuts either...the ones that were there were eaten by deer or stolen by squirrels. 

The Hazel Brush is turning orange...the leaves have lots of holes. 

I made the Fall list...if nothing else it will be a reminder of things I have not done. 

Yesterday I sprayed for ants in several places, we recycled and went to the Post Office.  I took care of some Thistle in my other baby brothers lawn at his shop.   I worked on some cards while doing laundry and tackled two jobs that were overdue and didn't make the list.  Cleaning up the kitchen sink and the drain baskets...and the Whirlpool tub needed a good cleaning water and automatic dish soap and then a cold rinse. I managed to card some dog hair late in the more afternoon and it will all be ready to spin. 

Far Guy worked on his new old car.. he put the back seat together and scrubbed up the mats on the floor boards.  He ordered some special absorbent mats to put under the engine so my garage floor stays he drove the new old car out of the garage and then back in again.  We took photos for the insurance company.  

We had ribs and green beans for supper...and lemon lemon pie without the crust....cause basically I suck at making pie crusts!

Far Side


  1. So many of the trees around here are very stressed due to the lack of rain we had this summer. Leaves have been falling since July. We also have a lot of dead trees but don't know why. On my street the City took down about 5 trees due to Dutch Elm Disease. Looks so bare now.

  2. Sounds like you both had another very busy and productive day.

  3. Looks like fall is on the way! You two sure do stay busy. I don't do half as much most days lol. I suck at pie crust too, I use the refrigerated Pillsbury pie crust, it's really good :)

  4. It's happening around here, too. We are getting deeper into fall every day. Our trees are right on schedule. :-)

  5. I've been noticing a few trees making color changes too. There is one across the street (that one of my office windows frame) that has a lot of gold and orange showing at the ends of the branches.

  6. it looks like we will be having another banner year of acorns... wish the darn squirrels would eat them!! My husband decided we needed to park the car where the acorns won't dent it!! LOL

  7. It's getting colorful here too - it seems almost overnight. I appreciate the colors but it does mean that winter is coming...but not for awhile yet, thankfully!

    Take care and stay well!

  8. Rough year for the trees, too, I guess. Sounds like a really busy day with a lot that got done. :)

  9. The sudden frost last week doesn’t seem to have affected the trees. I was expecting the leaves to turn brown and drop, but they’re still green. Washed windows yesterday afternoon.

  10. Connie, did you and/or Far Guy cook the ribs? If so, what did you do?

    1. We put them in the crock pot for about three hours:)

  11. Our trees are starting to turn weeks earlier than usual. We had a very hot, dry summer and that could be why. It's been very mild and damp the last few weeks, though. We don't usually see much color in North Texas until October.

  12. Dennis got home about 2:30 and we spent the afternoon unpacking the truck and taking luggage, sleeping bag and air mattress to storage. Then I did laundry. He was exhausted and in bed by 8:30. I'm never in bed before 11:00 so I folded laundry and knitted.
    The smoke is still thick in the air so I'm trying to find inside things to do. I'm sure reading and knitting will be on the agenda this afternoon and evening.

  13. I guess the rain affects the number of acorns? I just went for a walk on a paved nature trail and there were so many acorns that they were rolling under my feet. We did have a lot of rain this summer so maybe that is why. Our leaves are not changing color yet but I am looking forward to it when they do. Your dinner of ribs and green beans sounds good!

  14. I have my list, but I can't seem to find the time to DO my list!

  15. Nice and warm days here, which havs me sweating from head to foot often having the seat dripping off me so lovely.................NOT

  16. On a video of one of my YouTube favorites, a man made an easy dessert by crumbling up a graham cracker in the bottom of a dish and then spooning some instant chocolate pudding on top, then topping it with a dab of Cool Whip. I bet that would be good with your lemon pudding too. Better in my book, actually. ~Andrea xoxo

  17. Whether we like it or not fall is upon us. However, people like the fall color of leaves.

  18. Does your oak keep it's leaves all winter? Ours does and finally drops them in spring just before getting new leaves. Drives me nuts. Glad you two are keeping so busy....must make the days fly by. Jim got home from the hospital today with two new stents. He's doing good, Thank God. Take good care you two.

  19. It sounds like a fairly productive day. Our garage flour is a mess because someone didn't think to buy protective mats.

  20. Some trees are starting to turn here too. Too soon for me, but as I recall hearing somewhere, you can't turn back time.
    We finished a project today so now I guess I'll have to come up with another one. Might have to make more tomato sauce again.Tom is harvesting tomatoes tomorrow.

  21. Sounds like you have had a very productive day.
    We had walnut trees that used to give great crops every second year and not much the other year - perhaps your hazels and acorns are similar. It never seemed to make much difference what sort of weather we had, it was just how the trees behaved.

  22. There are so many chores to be done!
    Our colours have been starting. I love the colours.

  23. We have few acorns this year too. I have one tree with teeny tiny acorns and another with those spiky round nuts so that must be a Burr Oak? Much of the leaves falling so far are because it was so dry but if I look close I can see a few leaves changing but overall everything here is still green.
    Those absorbent mats sound good but it's too late for my garage floor. I'd like to paint it as it is so stained and looks terrible.

  24. Our colors are getting wild around here.

  25. Fall colours are just starting here. No oak trees but we have a lot of willow and elderberry.
    I suck at making pie crusts too so I always buy the pre made ones.


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