Saturday, September 19, 2020

Blue Sky

 Yesterday I had quite an encounter with a bark filled erosion tube.  (Erosion tubes are black knit material filled with bark about 6 inches around)  My lawn mower got wouldn't go forward and it wouldn't go backwards.   I weighed my options...leave the mower there and say someone stole it... get the other mower and pull /push it...but it was precariously near a drop off.  Should I just go inside my baby brothers house and have a nap?  I called Far Guy and said "I am in a pickle...can you help?"  ( I usually carry my phone when I am off mowing.)

I had some time to sit and think and admire the woods. 

 I sat on the steps and looked up.

I enjoyed the blue sky.   Sometimes when you are in a bit of a pickle you just need to take a minute or two to enjoy your surroundings...until the knight in shining armor shows up.

We eventually got the mower free from the dastardly erosion tube.  We tried several things...finally Far Guy rocked the mower sideways and I pulled on the tube as he was rocking it back and forth.  For the record I did not try and mow the tube...I just tried to go over the top of it...well I learned that lesson.  The tube is a tad worse for the wear...those things are heavy...I moved it back in place when I was done mowing.

That was my adventure for the day...when I got back home Far Guy said he was happy to see me!  

Far Side


  1. Beautiful photos!
    We have got the mower stuck a time or two ourselves. Now we have two mowers - one to pull the other one out if needed!
    Have a wonderful weekend!

  2. Oh my! Happy that things turned out well. I would have probably yelled at the mower and the tube and gave them a scolding. Then, I would have sat and looked at the sky and calmed down.
    That is quite the adventure.

  3. You probably needed a nap after wrestling with that thing! I don’t think I’ve ever heard of an erosion tube.

  4. Glad all turned out well! Have a nice weekend :)

  5. I had to have my Knight save me yesterday, also. Boomer and I were heading over to our daughter's house, when I stopped at the equipment area to feed my wild creatures when I ran out of fuel in the four-wheeler. Nothing to do but hoof it back to our house and Terry. It was a hot long walk for Boomer and I, but he even ran off and on, which I considered a very good thing. Finally, home, back to my ride; filled up with fuel Beaglie and I were good to go again. All to the thanks of a Knight in Shinny Armour!

  6. Oh wow! So glad you and FarGuy were able to unstick the mower...and what a beautiful spot to contemplate and rest a bit. :)

  7. It sure is pretty there and that blue sky is beautiful! Took me a while to remember what a bark filled erosion tube I know. Glad everything worked out and you got home. How sweet that Far Guy was happy to see you. :) Happy Birthday to Jen. I enjoyed the story of her birth, and I love the picture of Jen and her dad.

  8. My goodness that sounds like a good bit of work to get the mower free. Glad you and FG were able to get it free.

    Definitely a good time to relax and enjoy Mother Nature. Take care and stay well!

  9. It sounds like me when I got the bird netting caught up in my mower....what a mess! I've never heard of an erosion tube. I'll have to go look it up. Glad you had some time to enjoy that beautiful sky and weather! Any knight in shining armor that I call always require money! LOL!

  10. We haven't seen blue sky for a week now. No local fires, just the ones form the west coast of the US.
    I have been known to not be mowing something and shredding it....

  11. You wisely made good use of your time while you were waiting. They live in a beautiful spot and I love that brick wall. Isn't is nice to have a knight in shining armor rescue you!

  12. That sounds like a pickle with a happy ending. Finally our skies have cleared and we now have blue skies, too! :-)

  13. At least your surrounding were pleasant as you waited out your pickle situation. Our air is finally clean but our sky is not yet that blue. light clouds and moisture are keeping it sort of white. But the yellow is gone!

  14. Never had that problem with a mower maybe thath's because I have never used one

  15. Well, I'm not sure what this erosion tube is that you trashed?

  16. Lucky that your Knight in Shining Armor was able to rescue you!

  17. Glad you, with the help of far guy, got yourself out of that pickle! I don't have the foggiest what an erosion tube is either. But glad you're free of it!

  18. That was interesting. I learned what an erosion tube is made of. I'm so glad that your hero was able to come rescue you. And with teamwork you got out of the pickle that you were in. My hero always rescues me. I get myself into some strange jams sometimes. :-)

  19. So many times over the years I was a Damsel in Distress and had to get rescued by my Knight in Shining Armour. How wonderful it is to have them around :) xx

  20. The story reminds me of hanging on a stairs with a floor cleaning machine, filled with water. I was sub janitor. It happens so quickly. I saw the football coach and I can still see his silly smile when he came to push it back up off that edge.


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