Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Sweater and sock weather

 A chilly day here yesterday... it was windy our high was 51 F or 11 C  eh.

No picnics this year...no big end of summer celebrations... it will warm up by the end of the week...maybe.

 This baby Pileated Woodpecker comes into our yard, he squawks up a storm.  We talk to him and he quiets down and eats suet.  His Mother brought him into the yard when he was little...he squawked then too all the while she fed him suet. 

Far Guy worked on his new old car...he got the horn working.  I did some house work and watercolored some more Fall cards.  Such is life at our place.

Far Side


  1. Beautiful bird!
    Have a wonderful day!

  2. So chilly already!! Love the little woodpecker, the babies always crack me up flying around pecking an teeny branches thinking they are cool. Glad Far Guy got the horn working. Stay warm!

  3. I wish it was cold here! They said it was going to cool off but they lied about that and the rain. I refuse to mow when it's 88 and "feels like" 98. I do go out early and walk and water but it should cool down a bit by next week. I think fall weather is going to be early. I think some of the hummers have left already. We follow you eventually. Good to have a working horn!

  4. Such strange weather! I'm glad you didn't get the snow that hit Denver, though. :-)

  5. We had the same weather here yesterday. Today it is cold and raining. Love your baby woodpecker.

  6. Good to hear that Far Guy is keeping busy with his car getting it all spiffed up. It is great to be handy and to have a "handy" hubby! Enjoy your day!

  7. The woodpecker is so pretty! I haven't seen my Downy Woodpecker now in a few weeks.

  8. Chilly here too - though not as low as you - we're sitting at 16 C.
    Love the woodpecker! We used to get the tiny ones here all the time, but I haven't seen one since early spring. They must have found some better trees elsewhere.

  9. I love sock weather. We are still in the mosquitoes biting my ankles weather.

  10. Yep, such is life at our place too, Connie. I fried hamburgers on the stove yesterday and cut up a watermelon... and that was the extent of our Labor Day. But it's ok... we probably wouldn't have done much more anyway. Have a good "short" week. Love, Andrea xoxo

  11. It’s downright cold this morning @ 25°F with snow and wind. Supposed to warm up again by Saturday.

  12. Weather is terrible here. thick smoke, lots and lots of 55 m.p.h. wind and temp of 52*. Snow is forecast for tomorrow. SHISH!

  13. We had frost overnight with a low of -4C (25F), but it is supposed to warm up later today. I arrived home from my daughter's this morning but haven't checked the containers so I'm not sure what might have been lost.

    Take care and stay well!

  14. Glad he got the horn working!
    I think I have only heard woodpeckers pecking. Might have to google what they sound like.
    Have fun with your watercoloring! :)

  15. I love to watch woodpeckers. They can make a lot of noise. Maybe his mother brought him to you to quiet him down! No end of summer celebrations here either. We didn't leave the house yesterday. Burgers on the grill and that was it. Today is rainy and cool and I was able to cut the air off! It does look like Fall at last. Enjoy your water color!

  16. We used to have Piliated woodpeckers in a tree near out old duplex. They would make it sound like machine-gun fire every time they would knock on wood. Red, our orange cat back then, actually caught one of the small ones! He was having trouble flying, otherwise Red would have never had a chance. Luckily, I was able to save him before red did any damage to him. They are a fascinating bird!

  17. Love that cute baby Pileated Woodpecker. I very much doubt we'll get that kind at the suet ( when we get cool weather and actually put suet out) but I'm hoping we get some of the smaller varieties.
    Keep having fun colouring Fall cards!!

  18. It is a woodpecker that I have never seen in real life.
    We had our second rain this afternoon. More to come for a few days. It is weird weather. I remember that my Grandmother remarried and her step son had a pink Desota. I was so fascinated with the tail fins and the row of three lights.

  19. I hauled out the sweatshirts today.

  20. Love your baby pileated! Sounds like you've gotten to know him pretty well this summer. I wonder why he's so noisy? Maybe he just likes to talk to you! Or he's saying thank you for the yummy suet! Really cold here too.....I switched from air C. to heat today. We'll see if it comes on tonight! Brrrrr

  21. What a beautiful bird. I think he recognizes you and wants your attention! It's cold here today too...low 30's this morning but it's supposed to be 85 tomorrow and then in the 90's again for several days. The weather has been bizarre and we truthfully do NOT need more heat. We'll be praying for no wind after the 55 mph winds all day yesterday. The fires are out of control and all over.

  22. It all sounds good. love the baby pileated.
    We are burning up here on the west coast.

  23. I guess that little guy just has a lot to say.

  24. I spotted a woodpecker yesterday! I was so pleased.

  25. Sounds like life is very pleasant at your place right now.

  26. I lovelovelove the pileated woodpecker photo and story! They are a rarity where I live.💖


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