Tuesday, September 22, 2020

First Day of Fall

 We have the first day of Fall today.  Fall obviously did not get the memo... Our weather is summer like with highs in the 70's...the sleepy skeeters, bees and tiny gnats are now real pests. 

The weather is crazy...much like the rest of our world.

I mowed for a few hours yesterday then Far Guy changed my lawn mower blades...I have brand new mulching blades to attack the leaves in our yard.  The mulching blades pulverize the leaves and they are returned to the lawn. 

The leaves are piling up in our yard.  I will be mulching leaves a good long time as weather conditions permit.  I will be done in a month.  

The leaves will be peak color this week. 

The Hummingbirds have departed and a few Goldfinches stopped by on their way South.  Our normal Chickadees, Nuthatches and Woodpeckers are year round residents.   The baby Pileated Woodpecker stops by everyday announcing his visit.  We talk to him...he is not  afraid of us. 

During my teenage years I had a birthday buddy and best friend... Cathie's birthday is today.  She usually reads the blog!  Happy Birthday Cathie!!

Far Side


  1. Fall colors are just starting around here. Temps will warm up today and tomorrow into the high seventies. Still mowing mostly grass. I still have one or two hummingbirds and lots of goldfinches hanging around. Happy First Day of Fall.

  2. Sounds like a very productive day. Good luck with the leaves.

    I think Autumn and Summer are having an argument about whether it's time for it to be Autumn weather here or not. It started off foggy and cold, and now it's as warm as a Summer's afternoon. I wish Autumn would win the argument... I much prefer the cooler weather. On the other hand, since we currently have no heating because of a pipe issue, perhaps it's a good thing.

  3. You have some nice fall colors in your yard. Here it is mostly yellow.

  4. I haven't seen a hummer here for four days. Although, I will keep on putting out fresh food. We still haven't froze. I'm ready for a freeze.

  5. Sure looks like fall has arrived. Happy birthday to your friend Cathie!

  6. I’ve noticed a few flocks of birds searching for bugs before disappearing into the smoky sky. Yesterday a Flicker was searching for food near a newly ground stump. The birds are on the move.

  7. Larry always mowed the leaves. I was thinking of that yesterday. This is another new job for me. I hope it’s easy. I remember he’d go over the area blowing them into a pile and then mow the ridge. When he was finished, it all looked great. Of course, he was good at so many of the chores that are difficult for me. But in the words of our President—it is what it is.

  8. Out in the valley have reached their peak (I've got a post coming tomorrow), but here in the city we've only got pockets of color. Soon though, I'm sure. As long as the cold and snow hold off for a long time yet, I'm okay.

    Take care and stay well!

  9. Happy birthday, Cathie!
    Hooray for fall!
    I love mulching, riding around on the tractor. Small things...

  10. I remember last year when it seemed you were mulching every day. And here we are once again, another trip around the sun. :-)

  11. You are starting to get some pretty colors in the trees! Ours have just barely started to turn but I'm hoping for more color soon. Our humming birds are still here too and I'm keeping their food up so they can tank up for their trip south. We sure enjoy them each summer. I'm still cutting the grass too and eventually I'll be cutting the leaves!

  12. Happy Autumn! It’s even feeling a bit like it here, but I heard a rumor that summer will be back next week...

  13. Happy First Day of Fall!! We're enjoying a sunny day but overnight things are due to change. High winds and anywhere from 2 to 6 inches of rain, depending which source you get your info from.

  14. Happy Birthday Cathie! I hope you have a great day!

  15. I can't believe that fall is here already. It seems that spring just arrived. I'm definitely not ready for winter but then, it won't wait until I'm ready so I guess it will come anyway.

  16. I think the hummers said goodbye to me today. It's the only time they come right up to the window and look in and they did it several times. I will miss them. Your colors are gorgeous. Ours are just starting very slowly and you have to really look close. I wish I had mulching blades. Your yard looks very nice. Happy Fall and Happy Birthday to Cathie!

  17. Some of our trees are instantly changing but for all the others. Your trees look great.

  18. Fall gives us a different kind of chore. I don't have many trees anymore so leaf raking is not a big deal.

  19. This post makes me smile. You really are transitioning into fall. It is not so obvious here. Say Hi to the little woodpecker for me.

  20. Lovely photos we are having another warm spring day

  21. Our leaves have just barely started changing.

  22. Yes our first day of fall is almost 80 degrees! Go figure. Tomorrow and Friday will be the same. Well, I guess it will get downright cold soon enough. Our leaves are getting beautiful too and very colorful this year. We still have a lot of trees yet to change into their Fall Finery! Take good care!

  23. Your leaves are lovely - ours are just really starting to show.

  24. Ah yes, all those gloriously coloured leaves fall off the trees! My father used to send us out to rake them up into piles, that were then picked up and barrowed to a back corner of the garden where they would slowly rot down into compost.

  25. I think we will peak this week too. I filled the bird feeders today and I could swear there was a lookout keeping watch! They came in swarms!

  26. I got my first ever sighting of a pileated woodpecker camping! It was awesome!
    Sherry in MT


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