Monday, July 8, 2013

Sunday Drive

We went for a Sunday Drive.  

57 Chevy

We saw a Classic Car a 1957 Chevy.  It was perfect.

57 Chevy two

Far Guy says “Look at that paint color on the roof…It is Willow Green just like my old Desoto!”

Yes, that is a hay bale in the ditch.  Up here in Minnesota many farmers take advantage of roadside grass.

Near Staples Minnesota I saw this field.

Flax Field by Staples

I think this is a Flax field…not in bloom yet..but soon.  If you have been reading my blog for a long time you know that I have wanted to photograph a Flax field for a long time…it has been on my photographic bucket list.  Well I got the photo but without the flowers.  I was tempted to stop at one of the farm houses down the road from this field and ask them if they would call me when it blooms..but they probably would have thought I was nuts.

I could be..nuts that is.  What is on my photo bucket list?  A baby buffalo, lightening and a Flax field in bloom.

It was another warm day 90 F or 32 C  and 85% humidity.  The humidity just hangs in the air.  If you ask me the heat is making lots of people a tad cranky.  Oh, it was warm in the museum on Saturday…the building has finally caught whatever the outside temperature is..well that is the inside temperature too.  I am thankful that we have air conditioning at home:)

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  1. Must of been a day for drives. We went up into the mountains a little bit. Where the lakes are and was thinking about how nice it would be to have a camp on the lake someday. We love the old cars and trucks.

  2. Good luck with that bucket list. Lightening should be a real challenge.

  3. I love to hear what is one someones "bucket list". Good luck with the lightning one. You should have stopped and asked - so he thinks you are nuts. He wouldn't ever see you again - until the flax blooms. hehehe

  4. That's a cool shot of the field, and I would have asked the farmer. You can always go back a time or two. That old car does look to be in perfect shape. I remember when we had a car that looked like that. :-)

  5. I'm with Linda M... let him think your nuts... :)

  6. Ahhh, as kids we would always take a Sunday drive, wonderful family memories.......Love the old Chevy, Blessings Francine.

  7. We like to take Sunday drives too. I like to roll the windows down, but it has been too hot to enjoy the rides. The old car is neat.

  8. Is it possible to get one of those ductless ac's for the museum? Maybe a grant for such? Just thinking that it could be a long, hot summer without!

  9. You should have stopped and asked the farmer: I know you would have received the call when the field was in bloom.

  10. nice photos ! Sounds like a good photo bucket list to me ! It has been hot and humid here as well on and off but today at least there is a cool wind blowing ! Thanks for sharing . Have a good day !

  11. My first car was a 57 Chevy. As to baby buffalos these a public road thru Ted Turners ranch at Spanish Creek south of Bozeman. Hundred of them in the spring...:)

  12. If the flax in that field looks anything like the flax I have when it is in bloom - it would be stunning to behold.

  13. I meant to add that we had a baby buffalo down the hill from our house last year. We have only seen one buffalo this year, so we are not sure if the farmer still has mama. So... when/if farmer's buffalo has a baby, you can come visit and get that photo!

  14. My Dad had a 57 Chevy. It was coral and ivory. You brought back many memories.
    Flax...a beautiful crop.

  15. There's got to be a way to network through one of all those social media toys and trinkets! Either that, or go take another Sunday drive and hope for the best :D

  16. You find such interesting things on a Sunday Drive. Hot here too, saying the humidity will be gone here by Wednesday.

  17. I was born in 57 and have always dreamed of a car like this! I wish you could see the flax in bloom!

  18. A flax field in bloom would be on my list! I hope you get to see it, and photograph it for me!

  19. Oh, I think you should have stopped and asked about the flax field. Who cares if the farmer thinks you're nuts. The picture would have been amazing. Maybe you should take a drive past there next Sunday.

  20. Love the car! The field is fraught with potential, I hope you get back just in time! Cranky - heat? Rebecca just had the air conditioner man out to fix hers. Of course in the winter he fixes furnaces. He said it is a totally different world. In the winter he can show up later than expected and people are so nice, huddled under blankets, grateful that he has come, thanking him profusely, offering a hot mug of something. In the summer he can show up exactly on time, work very quickly, have the air going quick as a wink and people are grousy and wonder what took him so long, not even wishing him a good day.

  21. Now you have me wanting to see a flax field in bloom, too. ;)
    Bummer! I worried that this heat and humidity would make its way into the museum. :( Stay cool, my friend. I do like your bucket list, BTW. :)

  22. I hope you get to have a photo of the field in bloom, I would LOVE to see it myself! As for a photo bucket list...I would delight in a lightening shot!



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