Monday, July 1, 2013

July 1

I will be glad when the 4th of July is over.  Here in Minnesota people seem to hurry from here to there trying to cram as much summer in as they can before the 4th.  The traffic is horrid… even way back in the boonies.  After the 4th it seems to slow down every week until we get back to normal in August when school starts in other States.

I won’t miss the weekenders who let their dogs run loose. The idiot out on the lake who roars around in his speed boat has returned.  I heard the Loons between speed boat sounds…or maybe they were protesting the speed boats.  The windows are open at night..and I am awakened by the pop pop BOOM of firecrackers and Chance hides in the bathroom.  He needs a Thunder shirt..heck..I need a Thunder shirt too!

Far Guy says we have entered the “Grumpy Old Fart” stage.  Maybe we have.

Far Guy took out his kayak yesterday.



A gaggle of Canada Geese were on the lake.

Later we went out for supper and a ride. Chance had to stay home it was too hot to leave him in the car.

Coyote in the bean field

Saw a coyote heading out into the bean field across from our driveway.

We went to check the White Lady Slipper.. it was sad.

White Slipper June 23

White Slipper beheaded

One week from a bud to chomped off by a browsing tick machine.  We have watched this same Lady Slipper get mowed off the past several years.  We always hope it will escape the deer.  We will still keep our eyes open for the White Lady’s Slippers…they usually bloom just after the Showy Lady’s Slippers.  There is hope that we will see one of them bloom this year but we are not holding our breath:(

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  1. We are in that stage, too! Firecrackers have been going off here and traffic seems especially crazy the past week. We stay close to home most holidays. Sad about the Lady Slipper.

    Very pretty photos from the lake.

  2. That would be very frustrating dealing with the tourists and vacationers each summer. I wouldn't like having my peace and quiet disturbed and I would be a grumpy old fart too.

  3. Yup, I hate the crowds that seem to show up around this time of year and making it hard to get from point A to point B!

  4. Morning, ya, at the lake too, my quietness is gone......So sad for the Lady Slipper....Far Guy looks like he is having fun...... Blessings Francine.

  5. The firecrackers started last night. It's so hot here that I can't sleep all that well. Windows open means I get the full force of the sounds. And it will not be over here until the weekend after the 4th is past. I'm grumpy too! Love that picture of Far Guy having fun. :-)

  6. Seems like we are in the same stage here also. People seem to go nuts around this time of year. Crowds everywhere. What a shame about the Lady Slipper - such a pretty flower.

  7. Those browsing tick machines really like flowers. They destroyed my mother's flower bed a week or so ago. Hours of effort - all gone.

  8. I always vowed I would never be a grumpy old fart, but it isn't my fault that people get more juvenile and obnoxious every year and fireworks keep getting louder.

  9. I liked how you contrasted the annoying 4th crowds with the peacefulness of nature,
    especially the gaggle of geese and the sounds of the Loons. Very poetic. We live near the ocean and the crowds jam the freeways to get to the beaches for the 4th of July. We stay home and enjoy the peace and quiet. Hope you find another Lady Slipper!

  10. I entered that "stage" a while back.

  11. Very nice shot of the coyote!

  12. Well, I don't know if it's my age or not but yes everybody seems to zoom faster and fast with louder and louder toys. Some of the toys on the lake should be banned. Only kayaks and canoes should be on the lakes.

  13. Haven't heard any firecrackers yet. I guess the early birds are people who are headed to a lake. We'll hear them in town from about Wednesday through Sunday, I'm guessing. But what's with the birds? They started chirping at 3:57 a.m. today!

  14. Lovely photos ! Today July 1st here in Canada we celebrate Canada Day ! Lots of fireworks and celebrations going on all over ! Thanks for sharing . Have a good day !

  15. We have been experiencing similar annoyances; fireworks... dirt bikes... kids who make our dogs bark...
    It is hot. I think that lends to the grumpiness.
    Happy 4th and a quieter aftermath!

  16. Too bad. I'm assuming they are quite rare even in the North Country. I'd only seen a white lady slipper once in my life at Hayden prairie in Iowa some ten years ago and ever year check back with no luck...:)

  17. Oh I hear you sista!!! We have the same thing going on here this week. My pet peeve is parents who give their kids atv's to let them tear around from sun up to sun down. Gets quite annoying after a while!!! Labor day is coming. We were throwing around the idea of the Monday after Labor day to set up a cookout in the church parking lot for the permanent residence of our area and wave goodbye to the summer folks as they head back south. Want to join us?

  18. July 1, Canada Day here. There will be fireworks let off tonight at designated celebrations, but none going off at random times and places, thank goodness.
    Hot here too, and that certainly does add to the grumpiness.
    Maybe next year you could make a wire cage to slip over that Lady Slipper to foil the tick machines and so that you could see it bloom?:)

  19. We have lots of Come Visit Minnesota ads on the TV here now. They do make your state I would love to see!


  20. LOL@Grumpy Old Fart stage!! And the browsing tick machines!! Won't be long and all the noise from the 4th will be over with. Then you will just have the noisy boat zoomer to annoy you. I think I am less able to ignore unnecessary noise than I used to be--so I think I am joining you. ;)

  21. You have such beautiful country where you live, the fauna and flora are spectacular!
    Too bad you can't restrict gas motors on your water, they are so loud and disturbing.


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