Sunday, July 21, 2013


The critter I photographed the other day.


Is it an Llama or an Alpaca..I was not sure. I will guess it is a Llama.  It was being a turd while his owner was walking him/her in the crowd. Yes, he had a body and four legs.



He or she even got a hug from his owner. He/she had been recently sheared which was probably a good thing because of our heat wave last week.  The poor thing probably needs a blanket now as our weather is now unseasonably cool for July..but I am loving every minute of it:)

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  1. Morning, I like you are loving this cooler weather, yay!!!!! sweet face on the Llama, Francine.

  2. I have seen Alpaca's and I am not for sure what the difference is. I know that Alpaca's will be shorn for their fibers. Makes you want one, huh :)

  3. Cute! I am envious of your cooler temps!

  4. Funny picture (tricky) now in the first picture I can see that there is a lead rope... when you originally posted it it certainly looked like an alpaca "ON A STICK" - I think it is an Alpaca.

  5. It looks like an alpaca to me.

    Yea for cooler temps! Want to send them west?

  6. Ha ha I thought that poor thing had such a skinny neck and glad to find out it was a rope halter. Such a sweet lovable face. Shirley H.

  7. I'm thinking it is an alpaca because of its short stature. Yay for cooler temps.

  8. LOL - I am glad you clarified that. It really did look like a head on a stick.

  9. Beats me as to what this is. You're in the all park with your guess. The important thing is that he was showing some attitude and putting on a show of his poor behavior.

  10. I too, think it is an Alpaca. The Alpaca has pointy ears and a Llama has long "banana" like ears. :) Both of them are rascals!

  11. That really is a funny picture! I had to read it all before I realized it wasn't really a head on a stick! :-)

  12. Glad to see there was a body to go with that Alpaca head:)

  13. I love their really cute faces and their fur. I also enjoyed your photos...they say it all!


  14. They are just so oddly cute! :)


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