Saturday, July 6, 2013

White Tails

I had some fun photographing a couple of White Tail Deer one evening.

Sunset and Deer in the grain field

It was a beautiful sunset.

two Deer

These two males crossed the road in front of us and headed into the grain field.

One deer in the air

I was pleased to get this shot of all four feet in the air.  Now you know why they are called white tails!

Yesterday something strange happened with Blogger, my Forgotten Old Photos Blog disappeared along with my photo blog, I hope Blogger gets it all sorted out soon. Has anyone else had a problem? :(

Blog Signature


  1. great photos, how nice to have moments to enjoy nature on the loose

  2. Wonderful photos. I had so many problems with blogger and ended up making the complete switch to wordpress, but I feel like I lost all my old friends. Not sure if it was worth the switch. Hope Blogger fixes itself soon for you.

  3. I sure wish we had those in our back field!

  4. That is so strange! I've had a couple weird things happen with Blogger, but not lately (fingers crossed). Love that picture! :-)

  5. They definitely live up to their name! No problems with Blogger here, but then I haven't done anything with it lately anyway.

  6. Those are fantastic photos. So far blogger hasn't stolen anything from me, but my blog roll isn't updating. I have to scroll through all the blogs I follow to see if they have new posts.

  7. Great photos of the White Tails -- only a few around here. Our deer population is mostly Mule Deer, which have huge ears.

    I haven't noticed any problems with Blogger.

  8. Fantastic photos ! Oh I cant say I have had blogger do that to me in the three and half years I have been blogging . I do hope they get it sorted out and you get it all back ! Thanks for sharing ! Have a good day !

  9. Great shots of those white tails and all four feet in the air!

  10. Fantastic shot!
    I had my blog disappear a few years ago. Then, it magically reappeared. I hope your's come back.
    I think I may have sent a message to Blogger via some 'contact us' link - not sure, though

  11. Love the shot of the four feet in the air and the white tail showing. Have a good day.

  12. Those are great shots, deer are so cute when they are not eating all of the plants. We saw one far across the fields flicking it's tail as it munched the compost heap. At first I thought it was a dog, and then realized it was a very happy deer.

    No blogger problems here yet....I really don't like it when it starts all over again, it always seems to hit everyone.


  13. Those are a couple of great "The End" shots! :)

  14. Wow!!!! Those are very beautiful pictures you captured of the Whitetails Connie....Love all the hooves in the air, fantastic....I do love me some deer.....Nothing happened yet on blogger, fingers crossed, Francine.

  15. Oh, no! How horrible to lose that blog--of all things! You really are building up an archive there. It would be a shame if something that valuable and significant couldn't be located.

    While I presume Google is intending to take over the world, at this point, though both are owned by Google, I'm on Blogspot while you are on Blogger. I haven't had any problem with Blogspot...yet.

    However, as you've probably already noticed, my Internet service went out two nights in a row, requiring hours of repair work to restore online service. My husband had wondered if there was some sort of cyberattack, rather than just the isolated problem with Comcast, but we haven't seen any such news anywhere to that effect.

    Of course, there are always sunspots to blame...

    1. Wait! I just Googled Forgotten Old Photos blog and it came up on Google. Your site is there, but the most recent post is Friday's, not today's.

      Glad to see it back.

      Phew! That was close!

    2. Both blogs came back up this afternoon, I have no idea what happened to them..but they are back and I breathed a sigh of relief about the Forgottens. Both blogs went missing for about 24 hours:)

  16. Gorgeous shots you got of the deer! That's what I miss....the planted fields and being able to see the sun set. Google should be able to get it back as they back up everything. You've had warmer temps than we have down here....what's up with that? But we're getting warmer now and humid but it was sure nice while it lasted!

  17. These are fascinating animals and you caught them in a super pose.
    Someone else talked about losing their blog and came back the next day and everything was there.

  18. Great photos, Connie. Glad to hear your photos came back, too!

  19. The photos are beautiful! You got some great shots.

  20. Great shot!! We call them Flagtails here on occasion too.

  21. Wonderful shot! We have white-tailed deer here also!


  22. They are just stunning when you see that shock of white in the woods or fields like this. Great captures.

    I've been losing my reading list regularly for over a month now--for days it will say I don't follow any blogs? But I haven't lost either of my blogs...yet! Blogger must be making some changes again or something. I hope you get your blogs back!!


Thanks for stopping by! I appreciate your comments! If you have a question I will try to answer it here. I no longer accept anonymous comments. All comments will be approved before posting...due to spammers...may the fleas of a thousand camels infest every hair on his body. Connie