Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Wistful Wednesday: The Grain Bin

Back in 1998  the grain bin was put together piece by piece.  It was just like a big jigsaw puzzle.  It was a team effort one of us would be on the outside shoving the bolts inside where they got a nut, then they got tightened up whilst the person on the inside held the nut in place with a box end wrench.

During the winter 1998/1999 while wintering in Florida we ran onto a fishing net on a private beach.  We dug part of the net out one day, got too tired and hot and returned the next day to finish digging it out. We let it dry out and shook most of the sand from it, but it was still really heavy.  It was draped around the grain bin in the spring of 1999.

Like I said before we use the grain bin for storage.  Lord only knows what is really in there.

Grain Bin 2000

This photo was taken in 2000.  We edged the bin garden with little logs of Oak.

Grain Bin 2000 view two

This was the year we planted Morning Glory ‘Heavenly Blue’ around the whole thing.  Too bad I didn’t get a photo when they were in bloom.

Grain Bin 2001 

This was the other side of the grain bin the year I ordered too many Non Stop Begonias.  Someplace I have some photographs of the Honeysuckle Trumpet Vine that grew wonderfully a few years..then it got a bug and died.  I tried to grow fancy varieties of Clematis to climb up that homemade ladder several years with no luck.  My two old lumberjack saws have been retired to the garage.

Grain Bin July 26 2013


The old fishing net is still there.  The vine Clematis paniculata or Sweet Virgin’s Bower is growing well and is beginning to spread northward.

Virgins Bower

It is in full bloom now, it smells wonderful.   Originally I got this “start” of a plant from my good friend Faye.  The vine dies back to the ground every year, it sends up new shoots every spring which we try to help by tucking it into the old fishing net:)

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  1. I wish we had that grain bin in our yard :) I planted morning glories by my wagon wheel arbor and I think they are awesome, the husband says they are a pain, because they like to take over. I think that is fine with me!

  2. What an interesting structure. I really like the fish net around it - makes a great trellis.

  3. The morning glory grew over the whole thing! I am surprised they didn't do that every year, since I thought they are perennials and not annuals. Cool "grain" bin, Far Side! :-)

  4. Who knew that a grain bin could be so pretty. Very clever use for the fishnet. I love the idea of growing flower vines around it.

  5. Digging out the fishing net...that sounds like something I'd do:) I like that grain bin, one day you will have to give us a 'tour' of the inside.

  6. Wonderful I love it ! Would never of guessed of doing that to perk it up ! Great photos ! Thanks for sharing ! Have a good day !

  7. If you could tell me how to control a trumpet vine it would be wonderful. Been trying to get rid of it for 20 years and it won't die. It is taking over my side yard.

  8. Looks great!

    I remember cleaning out grain bins when I was younger - a messy and hot job. I never itched so much in my life as I did that summer.

  9. What a wonderful idea. I would love a grain bin.

  10. Love the fishing net and that flower is so sweet!

  11. We still have and use those things...they are hugely hot to work in!

  12. This is from beginning to end. You build the bin for storage. You feel sorry for the bin and find an old net to get flowers to grow up. It sounds like a great project to me.

  13. Not safe to look in? If you used it for storage, but don't remember, I take it you don't go in there, any more?
    That net was a great find.
    No clematis here, but Virginia creeper everywhere.
    Have a great evening!

  14. That clematis has made it onto my must have list. And I can well imagine the beauty of the morning glories...

    Hot here, it's 33 C right no to your question. Maybe in a few days.


  15. What a great series of photos - from fussy to not quite forgotten.

  16. That's the prettiest grain bin I've ever seen. Even now. ;)


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