Friday, July 5, 2013

Dragonfly Buddies

Minnesotans love Dragonflies.  Why?  Because they eat mosquitoes. They can eat their weight in mosquitoes in 30 minutes.  Impressive hunters..welcome to Minnesota!

jen and a dragonfly hair ornament

They landed in some peoples hair looking like hair jewelry.gene and a Dragonfly

They even like bald landing strips. Andrew and a dragonfly

My what big eyes they have ..with thousands of lenses which allow them to see almost all the way around. All the better to hunt down mosquitoes! We love dragonflies! Adam and a Dragonfly

Sometimes a little boy makes a new friend, or becomes less afraid of flying bugs.

Most of the dragonflies we saw out on the lake were huge compared to other years.  That must be because they have a big job to do. They were also very friendly!  The mosquitoes are horrid…with all the rain we have had they are just awful. No one in their right mind can stand being out after dark unless they are covered in bug repellant:(

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  1. Nice photos. I love dragonflies and their bright colors. I especially like the story and symbolism of the dragonfly.

  2. Oh Ya, Manitobans love them too, lots to eat around these parts for them......Great pictures, Blessings Francine.

  3. Eat, those mosquitoes...that's probably why they are larger this sure to check out the natural mosquito repellants on facebook..

  4. Thunder bugs were the 'bait' of choice this spring, our dragonfly population is down from last year. Send some our way, the 'skeeters are mean!!!

  5. I surely welcome the dragonflies while I'm doing my bird surveys!

  6. When I worked up north, years ago, where there were lots of bugs, we called a guy that had a bald head, 'Mosquito Airport'. Love the dragonflies, although we don't see many. Just starting to notice the odd mosquito or two in the evening now.

  7. My goodness, these were very friendly dragonflies! It's the noise they make that I can't stand.

  8. We have a tremendous number of dragonflies too. we also have lots of mosquitoes. Nice shots of your dragonflies.

  9. I love dragonflies too! They must be very well fed this year as we have a bumper crop of mosquitoes this year!
    Love the Landing Strip!!!

  10. Great pictures - they sure are friendly :) Yes we love those dragonflies!

  11. I love dragonflies. Wish we had more of them around here to eat all the mosquitoes.

  12. Great photos and a great post! :-)

  13. Wow - they really are big! Thank goodness they eat the mosquitoes!

    Lovely shots.

  14. We do love our dragonflies!! I think they're bigger because of the wet, wet spring. Lots of mosquitoes to fatten them up--LOL! Great photo catches. :)

  15. I love them also! These are outstanding photos!



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